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going to be tomorrow. I have a few jackets still in the car and told Vinnie not to bother bringing them up unless it’s going to be chilly.”

“One of the local news websites is pretty accurate on their weather forecasts. I’ll check it out for you.” Carlita guided Violet toward the bathroom. “You better get washed up. Mercedes can help you.”

Violet skipped ahead and Carlita grabbed her daughter’s arm. “You hear anything else from Tony?”

“No,” Mercedes shook her head. “On the way here, Violet told me her daddy was coming to visit and that she saw him at the daycare the other day.”

“Oh no.” Carlita knew little about Violet’s father, Shelby’s ex. What she did know was Shelby had been living in a women’s shelter before Carlita leased her the apartment across the hall.

She hated to pry, figuring she had enough to worry about. The most important thing was that Shelby loved her daughter and was a good mother.  “I wonder if this has something to do with the police questioning Shelby.”

Violet skipped back into the living room. “I can’t reach the soap.”

“I’m coming.” Mercedes followed her into the bathroom.

Carlita settled in at her computer and clicked on the local news channel’s website.

Savannah’s winter weather could be unpredictable, depending on which way the wind was blowing.  Despite the unpredictable weather, Carlita was enjoying her first winter in the south and the downright balmy temperatures in the 60s.

“It’s gonna be a little chilly tomorrow, but warming up nicely for the weekend,” Carlita told Brittney. She started to click out of the site when a breaking news report flashed across the screen and the image of a man appeared.

Mercedes followed Violet into the living room.  “Where did you put the alphabet magnets?”

“In my backpack.” Violet dropped to her knees and began unzipping her bag.

Carlita turned the volume up as a picture of an unsmiling man popped onto the screen. The banner stated the man’s body had been found in the riverfront district early that morning.

Violet let out a small shriek and pointed at the picture of the man on the computer screen.  “That’s my daddy.”

Chapter 4

Carlita quickly clicked out of the screen while Mercedes pressed her hands to Violet’s eyes and guided her into the kitchen.  “That was my daddy,” Violet insisted.

“How about some chocolate ice cream?” Mercedes asked. “I’ll even let you scoop it into the bowl.”

Violet forgot about the picture of her father as Mercedes picked her up, and they peered into the freezer. “I think Nana has some sprinkles around here somewhere.”

Carlita craned her neck to make sure Violet and Mercedes were out of sight of the computer screen before clicking on it. She popped her earphones in her ears and hit the play button.

“…the city’s newest homicide and the details surrounding the man’s death. The local authorities are questioning several persons of interest. They are also interviewing the staff at the Journey’s End, the last known place where the victim was staying. We’ll give you an update later this evening during the eleven o’clock news.”

The reporter moved to another story and Carlita exited the screen, her mind whirling.  Shelby’s ex-husband was dead!

“That was Shelby’s ex?” Vinnie leaned forward and whispered in his mother’s ear.

Brittney stood next to her husband, a somber expression on her face.  “Poor thing.  I hope Tony is able to help Shelby sort this out.”

Carlita held a finger to her lips.  “We mustn’t let on to Violet or even Shelby what we saw. I’m sure we’ll hear from Tony soon enough.”

The minutes crawled and Carlita finally gave up waiting for Tony to return with Shelby and decided it was time to eat dinner.

The meal was a solemn event, except for occasional chatter from Violet as she told them about her school, her friends and how her class was going to start working on Valentine’s cards.

“Valentine’s Day is right around the corner,” Carlita said.

“I’m making a special valentine for my mom, my daddy and even you.” Violet pointed to Carlita. “Nanas get special cards.”

“I can’t wait to see it,” Carlita said.

Vinnie reached for the pasta.  “This pasta is delicious, Ma.  What’s in it?”

Carlita rattled off the ingredients. “Chicken breasts, elbow macaroni, light cream, garlic, some other spices and, of course, my special blend of herbs.”

“It’s delicious, Ma,” Brittney murmured. “I’m stuffed.”

“You sure?” Carlita eyed her daughter-in-law’s half-eaten plate of food.

“Brittney doesn’t eat much. We’ll wrap it up and take it over to the apartment for later,” Vinnie said.

Dinner ended and after clearing the table, Vinnie told his mother that he and Brittney were going to attempt to hook up their television. They planned to stop back later to tell everyone goodnight.

Carlita followed them into the hallway.  “I hope your brother shows up soon.” She eyed Shelby’s apartment door.  “This is terrible.”

“It’ll be all right.” Vinnie gave his mother a hug.  “Thanks for dinner, Ma. We’ll stop by in a little while.”

She waited until the couple disappeared into their apartment before slowly making her way into hers.

Mother and daughter worked together to wash the dinner dishes. To keep Violet occupied, they pulled a chair to the kitchen sink and put her in charge of rinsing.

When they finished, Carlita hooked Rambo’s leash to his collar. “Let’s take Rambo for a walk.”

“Can I hold his leash?” Violet asked.

“Why don’t we do it together?” Carlita suggested. “If not, Rambo will be walking you, not the other way around.”

They circled the block and then decided to venture to the next block, past Shades of Ink, Steve Winters’ tattoo shop, to the corner, past Elvira’s businesses, EC Investigative Services and EC Security Services.

She glanced in the front window and spotted Elvira seated behind the desk. Carlita gave a small wave, but didn’t slow her pace.

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