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Book online «The Billionaire’s Valentine Vixen Wyatt, Dani (red white royal blue TXT) 📖». Author Wyatt, Dani

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I took on guardianship of Linnie, and the stranger thing is, since Alice walked in that door less than ten minutes ago, something else inside me feels like it’s changing and it’s not just that my hibernating dick has decided to wake up and roar.

“Roan?” The sound of my name coming from Alice cloaks me with a warmth I can’t remember feeling before now. Even with Linnie.

She stands there with her arms crossed over her chest, her skin calling for my mark as I stare at lips that were born to be kissed. A second later, Linnie is there by her side, a sparkle in her usually woeful brown eyes making my heart skip a beat.


“Anything else you’d like to tell me before I take Linnie upstairs? She’s going to show me her room and I’m going to give her a bath.”

There’s so much I want to tell you. So much I want to show you…

“You can take the room next to Linnie’s. It’s a full suite with your own bath, a sitting area, television and a small kitchenette. Linnie will show you around our wing. There’s an envelope with some cash and a prepaid Visa in the main kitchen, next to the black binder by the security panel, just in case. You can do some online shopping with Linnie if she wants, get yourself something as well. The binder will tell you more about the house and the monitoring system. You can call or text me anytime with questions. I’ll answer any time of the day or night.”

“He works all the time,” Linnie chides, twisting her lips. “Except when he’s with me.”

“Well, all work and no play make Roan a very dull boy.” Alice winks down at Linnie and I’m in fucking love.

How can I be in love? That’s ridiculous.

I look to see the hint of Alice’s perky tits under the enormous shirt and the distinct shape of hard nipples calling my name.

“Okay, you two. Take care of each other. I’ll be thinking of you both.” I pause for a moment. “Oh, wait. I should have your number, message me.”

“Sure,” she answers, reaching into her pocket and pulling out her phone. “What’s your number…”

I recite the digits and she taps them into her phone, and it feels like I’m giving her a part of me. A second later, my phone dings.

Alice: Hi there. :)

Her simple message makes me feel like I’m about to tip over, the weight suddenly all in my dick.

Linnie pulls Alice’s arm until they’re hand-in-hand and drags her back through the kitchen to another staircase that leads to the wing closest to our bedrooms.

“I’ll keep in touch,” I call behind them. “I should be home by five o’clock tomorrow. Be good.” Alice turns her head, her hair flying around her face and the throb in my cock is nearly unbearable as I watch her walk away.

“You too,” she replies, giving me a wink, and already I feel like my heart has forgotten how to beat without her.

3 Alice

How do two people live in a place this big?

Everything is gleaming and shining. Marble and polished wood, granite and gold leaf. How many people must it take to maintain this place? Twenty? Fifty?

But for all the opulence and Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous vibe, it’s cold. I feel chilled as I walk from room to room even though the thermostats read seventy-three degrees.

The chill is offset by the pulsing heat between my legs. From the moment the front door opened and I saw Roan standing there, there’s been this clenching, gut-twisting desire inside me. I’ve done everything possible to distract myself from the throbbing but now that I’m sitting cross-legged on the floor next to Linnie’s four-poster bed, listening to her soft breathing, it’s becoming impossible.

I re-read every text message he’s sent probably twenty times, and it only makes the situation more desperate. It’s not helping that Roan’s been texting almost non-stop. Checking first on Linnie, asking me to send him a picture of her, then of us together.

Linnie asked for my phone at one point and snapped pictures of me in silly poses as she directed. I thought it was just fun but after about ten pics, she giggled and admitted she was taking them and sending them to Roan.

I couldn’t be angry. She has this intrinsic soft kindness. She’s precocious and wicked smart, so I didn’t want to chastise her even though knowing she was forwarding the pictures to Roan has embarrassment washing through me.

It’s an unusual sensation because embarrassment is something I rarely feel.

After the photo session, he called again, asked me to put Linnie on the phone, which I did, but she wouldn’t speak. I apologized and took the phone back, she crawled into my lap, grabbed the phone and put us on a video chat.

From there, I translated her sign language to Roan as he sat on his private plane being crazy sweet and I hated myself for thinking how oblivious he must be to what it is like for the other ninety-nine percent of people that aren’t born with a truckload of sterling silver spoons in every orifice.

The bitterness I felt as I smiled back into the camera felt selfish. He’s a beast of a man who turns into a giant marshmallow for Linnie and that should be what matters.

Now, it’s pushing midnight and I’ve finally gotten her down to sleep after two games of chess, both of which I lost in less than ten moves.

From there, I decided it was time for me to show her some of my own talents. On her dresser, next to her bed, sit four origami animals: a llama, a bird, a tiger and something that resembles an elephant with a beak.

That last one we created together with her giggling and folding the blue square of paper and I

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