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Level: 19

Class Rank: Initiate

Cultivation Stage: 40

Cultivation Rank: Acolyte

Deaths: 3

Deity: Goddess Uru

Experience: 189,165/190,000

Inventory: 82/1,000

Realm Count: 2

Wealth: 1g 10s 50c


Black Pyramid

Bamboo Viper Clan

Dungeon Master (Shattered Sun)

Marks’ Details

Bamboo Level: 84

Bamboo Rank: Adept

Viper Level: 84

Viper Rank: Adept

Black Pyramid Level: 1

Black Pyramid Rank: Novice

Black Pyramid Cipher Level: 1

Black Pyramid Dungeon Level (Completed): 6

Black Pyramid Librarian Rank: Ink Warden

Black Pyramid Tokens: 26

Shattered Sun Dungeon Tier: 38

Shattered Sun Dungeon State: Fair

Shattered Sun Keeper Fractal State: Very Good

Available Points

Unassigned Ability: 16

Unassigned Spell: 38

Refunded Ability: 6

Refunded Spell: 5

Attribute Redistribution: 36


Health: 548/548

Mana: 375/375

Energy: 928/928

Spirit: 31,296,528,470


Strength: 33

Stamina: 47

Dexterity: 46

Intelligence: 34

Wisdom: 22

Charisma: 20


Knowledge: 48

Armor Class: 404

Max Encumbrance: 743 lbs.

Critical Chance: 90%

Power Strike: 7%

Haste: 93%

Dodge: 143%

Persuasion: 15%

Resilience: 34%

Endurance: 8%

Cleverness: 52%

Perception: 58%


Elemental Resistance: 36%

Poison Resistance: 36%

Acid Resistance: 36%

Mind Resistance: 75%

Order Resistance: 36%

Chaos Resistance: 32%

Disease Resistance: 36%

Light Resistance: 36%

Dark Resistance: 32%


Health Regeneration per second: 2.22

Mana Regeneration per second: 2.05

Energy Regeneration per second: 37.39

Everything had taken a small decrease from the twelve lost attribute points, but Ruwen’s Dodge and Persuasion had both dropped twenty percent, the result of losing his Observer abilities Evade and Persuade. Hopefully, whatever Class he assigned to Root would have ways to recover some of his lost stats.

Ruwen felt sad at the lost Observer abilities and skills, but reminded himself he could get them back if he figured out the essence recipe to recreate the effect. Maybe not tomorrow, but someday, he would benefit from those abilities again.

But that didn’t help Ruwen now. He needed to fight a war, and while Rami had taught him strategy and tactics when not teaching him Bamboo and Viper Steps in the Spirit Realm, it wouldn’t be enough.

And if you were going to fight a war, one Class made sense to check out first. One Ruwen had never even contemplated before his Ascendancy, even though both his parents had chosen it.

Rami? Do you have any books on the Fighter Class?

I just got some. Lir transferred the entire library to me. And crack my shell, his collection is incredible.

Ruwen smiled at the obvious happiness in Rami’s voice, and something occurred to him he’d never considered. When you say library, do you mean the city’s library?

Yes, Lir kept a copy of every book so they could reproduce it in case of, well, whatever happened here.

This shocked Ruwen, but he realized it was no different from what Rami did. Rami had vast amounts of books in her memory, too. Does Lir have abilities like you?

Nobody’s like me, Rami teased.

Ruwen laughed. That’s true.

No, Lir just thinks ahead. Librarians bring every new book to the temple and Lir store’s an image of every page. It’s much slower than my method, but it preserves the knowledge.

Can I see these books too?

You mean without entering one of my mental constructs?

Yes. Like could you put them all in my memory?

I could, but you’d never be able to find anything, and it might destroy your brain.

Ruwen forced down his disappointment and thought of something else. Could you add something to my interface that would let me ask questions even when you’re busy? Maybe it could use your indexes and then let me see the books?

Hmmm, that’s an interesting idea, like a personal librarian. Rami remained quiet for a few minutes, and Ruwen continued his march around the temple.

The person cutout that allowed Ruwen to access his Inventory in the bottom right of his vision pulsed yellow. A book had appeared in the cutout’s hand, and Ruwen focused on it.

Two empty bookshelves appeared. The first one had ten shelves and looked like one from the library in Blapy. The second bookshelf was much shorter and only had three shelves. It looked like the bookshelf he stored his favorite books on, in his room at the library in Deepwell.

Rami finally spoke. Because this needs to work without my attention, it is very basic. So, when you ask for something, only use the most relevant words. Use language like “and” and “or” to help reduce the number of books that match your search.

What are the two bookshelves for?

The tall one keeps your last ten searches, a shelf for each one. You can remove books you like and place them on your personal bookshelf. Those will stay there until you put them back on the big bookshelf.

Wow, this is… Ruwen had run out of words to describe Rami.

I know. Rami said. Sometimes I even surprise myself.

Ruwen focused on the top shelf of the tall bookcase and made his first request. Fighter Class.

The shelf immediately filled, and a number hovered on the right side: 59,258.

What does the number mean? Ruwen asked Rami.

That’s how many books matched your request.

Ruwen grabbed a book from the shelf and read the title, Interior Design for the Clueless Crafter. He focused on Rami again. This doesn’t even have my keywords.

Sorry, that’s my fault. You can specify the title, description, author, or text. If you don’t, it looks in all of them. So your words must be in the text somewhere.

That is really powerful. But I see how you can get lost in all this. How do I clear this request?

Just move your hand from right to left across the shelf, and they’ll disappear. You can also focus on a filled shelf and give it more keywords to narrow your request.

Ruwen cleared the shelf and focused on it again. Description. Fighter Class. Over a thousand books came back. Ruwen stared at the filled shelf and gave it another keyword. Description. Uru. This narrowed it down to under three hundred books. Description. Spells or abilities. The count dropped to ninety-eight. Description. Build or Path. Seventeen books remained, and Ruwen smiled.

Pulling out a book, Ruwen read the title, Preparing for Glory, a Point-by-Point Path for Greatness. That seemed more promising than interior design.

Thank you again, Rami. Maybe with this, I won’t need to bug you all the time.

That never crossed my mind. Rami said and laughed.

Ruwen smiled. It was hard not to bother Rami, as the Bookwyrm always had answers to his questions. He looked through each of the books and transferred five to his personal bookshelf.

Opening the

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