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Book online «Rise: Populations Crumble, Book 2 Gandy, A. (my miracle luna book free read TXT) 📖». Author Gandy, A.

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morning everyone, and thank you so much for rising early on this beautiful day to meet with me! My name is Melissa, and I’m the medical director for this location. I just wanted to go over some specifics with you all to get you started off on the right foot. For those of you who have been here for a while, there won’t be any new information, but we always like to give our resident couples a chance to meet.” She gestures to the two couples across the table from us, and they all nod or wave in acknowledgement.

“Well then, the very first thing I want to say is that I know this is new to you, but we hope you will see that we here at the Mairmont Honeymoon Resort endeavor to make what could be uncomfortable topics for you as normal and painless as possible. We are all here for the same reason—we want to help you start your families!” She fixes us with her best maternal expression. “So please, know that everything we do is to support you so we can work together towards that end. We foster openness and communication between the couples and staff, with the hopes of getting you a baby sooner. Before I get into the nitty gritty, are there any questions?”

When nobody interjects, she launches into her presentation.


An hour later, Melissa leaves us all to mingle. I glance over at Patrick, and he looks as shell-shocked as I feel. Teddy, however, is the first to break the silence.

“Well that was . . . specific,” he says bluntly.

One of the men across the table snorts. “You get used to it after the first couple months. They really are matter-of-fact about the whole process, and after a while you will be, too.”

“That’s good to hear, I guess.” He still sounds unsettled, but switches gears to stand and offer his hand. “My name’s Teddy Taylor.”

“Hey, Teddy. I’m Emmett Alexander.” He stands and shakes Teddy’s proffered hand. He’s short and stocky, with dark chocolate skin. He gestures to his wife, a petite blonde with bright blue eyes. “This is Carolina.”

She gives us all a friendly wave. “Nice to meet you all. We’re thrilled to have more company.”

“This is Faith, my wife; Sadie, my sister; and Patrick, my new brother-in-law.” Teddy points at each of us, and we wave in turn.

“Whoa, brother and sister in the same batch? That’s unusual.” The taller man across the table chimes in. “I’m Dominic Heath, and this is Odette.” He is scruffy, and his relaxed linen clothing looks like he’s taken to the beach lifestyle here.

The smile Odette gives us is wan, and I get the distinct impression she doesn’t want to be here. She is tall and angular, with flowing black hair. Next to the tiny Carolina, she could be a swan, or a ballerina.

“So, how are you all liking the amenities so far?” Dominic asks.

“It’s beautiful here! I went out for a run this morning, and the views are exceptional. I get the feeling that we’re pretty secluded here, too,” Patrick answers.

“The resort grounds are pretty large, so we’ve got plenty of privacy, for sure. I asked one of the activity guides and he said there are nearly five hundred acres dedicated to this center, with several thousand surrounding acres of forest,” Carolina enthuses.

My mind reels at that number, but I see an opening to dig up more dirt on Josephine. “Oh, I wonder if it’s so large due to the pregnancy center being here, also. We heard this was a great honeymoon spot since both are in the same place.” I place a hand casually on Patrick’s arm.

Carolina nods. “Yep, there’s a state-of-the-art medical facility on the grounds. You would have driven past it on your way in. It’s the square building with all the windows.”

At least we won’t have to go far to see Josephine.

“We didn’t get in until late, so we probably just missed it,” Faith suggests with a friendly smile.

“I wonder if we could get a tour? You know, see where they’ll be taking care of us?” I suggest, eager to find Josephine and find out what happened to her after they sedated her and dragged her away. The image of her hanging limp between two guards has been branded into my brain ever since that day.

“Ahh, eager newlyweds I see. Hoping to visit the baby center sooner rather than later.” Emmett ribs us with a grin.

Carolina elbows him in the ribs. “Oh, hush. We all started out hopeful that it wouldn’t take long. Don’t burst their bubbles the first day here! Let them enjoy the possibilities.”

The look he gives her speaks of genuine affection, and he slides his arm around her shoulders. “That’s my girl, always thinking of others,” he says with pride.

Odette snorts delicately and looks out the window, clearly not impressed with the direction of the conversation. Dominic gives her a sideways glance but doesn’t try to engage her further.

“Have you four been here awhile?” Faith asks in a delicate tone.

“We’ve been here about eight months, and we were in the resort at Rico Republica for three months before we transferred here. It was gorgeous down there, but we wanted some cooler weather,” Carolina says, nonplussed by the fact that it’s been a while.

“Oh, it’s almost your anniversary, then! Are you doing anything special to celebrate?” Faith sounds excited by the prospect.

Carolina shrugs. “Probably nothing much. The staff does a really nice dinner whenever someone has an anniversary, so that will be good.”

Our attention shifts to Odette and Dominic. When she lets the silence linger beyond comfort, Dominic steps up once again to carry the conversation. “We’ve been here four months, so not long at all. Are you all just married?” He eyes Faith speculatively, clearly having noted that she’s older than the rest of the women here.

Teddy fields that question, “Yes, we’re all just in from Georada, but this isn’t Faith’s first match. It’ll be her last match, though.” He

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