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Book online «Girl with Secrets: a coming of age war story and family saga full of romance, mystery and danger in Carol Rivers (readnow .txt) 📖». Author Carol Rivers

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open Matt’s letter. ’The date is December 4th 1940. And remarkably, there seems to be very little deleted.’ She paused, catching her breath. “Dear family, how long is it since we’ve seen one another? Too long. I hope you received my letters before Christmas. Daisy, I took care to send yours to the hospital and hope you are well and fighting fit by now. Mother, thank you for your letter confirming you’re staying with Aunt Betty. Pops, no word as yet from you, but my guess is that your circumstances, whatever they may be, might prevent it. I’ll be brief with my own news. Amelia and I enjoyed a special pass just before Christmas. Wales is beautiful in winter, but cold! We spent two days in Pwllheli. Here, we married by special licence. Please, please, be happy for us. Of course we should have waited - but how could we? Mother and Pops, you are to be grandparents. So you see, we are simply ecstatic. It’s safe to say I have wings on my feet! Rejoice for us. Celebrate! Stay safe in these dangerous times. Write quickly. I love and treasure you all. Matt. P.S. Sadly my leave has been cancelled. I can’t say more about this. Don’t be unhappy for there is so much to look forward to.”

Mother looked up, her pink cheeks damp. ‘Oh, Matt,’ she murmured, ‘my darling Matt and Amelia. What welcome news!’

‘Goodness!’ exclaimed Aunt Betty. ‘You’re to be a grandmother, Flo.’

‘I can hardly believe it.’

‘The fortune cards!’ exclaimed Aunt Betty. ‘Pat was right after all. Your card was a lily, Flo. The symbol of innocence and purity. It meant a grandchild!’

Mother and Aunt Betty hugged one another, but Daisy was disappointed. She wouldn’t be a bridesmaid after all.


‘I WAS GOING TO BE A BRIDESMAID,’ complained Daisy as they stood on the path outside the old toilet door. ‘I thought Matt and Amelia would have a big wedding.’

‘Mother told you it was highly unlikely. What with the blitz and all.’

‘They could have waited until the blitz was over.’

Bobby heaved an exasperated sigh. ‘That could be years ahead. And anyway, there’s a baby on the way. Now, come on, let’s pull the crate out.’

By sheer brute force, the crate and wheels were unearthed from the rest of the junk and Bobby critically studied the proposed cart. ‘I’ll need to screw the wheels onto the crate, or else it’ll come apart. But I haven’t got any tools.’

‘Uncle Ed keeps his tools indoors. I saw them under the stairs,’

Bobby’s face brightened. ’I’ll ask Aunt Betty if I can use them.’ Her brother made a swift exit.

Daisy gave the cart a little push with her toe. It wobbled forward unevenly. Would she really be able to sit in it? Even if she could, how would Bobby pull it along? Suddenly she recalled a length of rope she had seen at the rear of the storage room. Minutes later, Daisy was skipping on the path.

One skip … two skips … the newly discovered rope turned effortlessly! Round and round it went until the action slowed and she began to trip. On closer inspection she discovered the rope had begun to fray.

Her attention was focused on resolving this when the man appeared. His face was hidden under the brim of a dark hat as he moved slowly from the street towards her.

Then she recognized the mackintosh.

‘Hello,’ he said in a voice that Daisy remembered from Aunt Betty’s office at the factory. ‘You’re Daisy.’ He gave a false smile. ‘Do you know who I am?’

Daisy stumbled back, dropping the rope. ‘M … Mr Calder.’

The smile vanished. ‘So your aunt has told you about me? I’m glad to hear it.’ He moved towards her.

Her head told her to run, but her legs were rooted to the spot. She was about to turn when, with lightning movement, he reached out and grabbed her.

‘Q uiet!’ he growled as he cupped his hand over her mouth and pinned her against the wall of the house. ‘Listen carefully.’

He was strong and Daisy knew resisting was useless.

‘I hoped you would be reasonable, but now you’ve made things very difficult.’

Daisy‘s thoughts whirled. How could she raise the alarm?

‘Bring your aunt out here. Tell her she has a visitor.’

Wide-eyed, Daisy stared into his gaze. He wasn’t at all like the smart, well-dressed man she remembered. His eyes darkened menacingly. There was stubble on his chin and his cheeks were hollowed.

‘I’ll be waiting,’ he threatened. ‘If you don’t do as I say, I’ll come after you. If you scream or make any noise, you won’t see your family again.’

Daisy froze. Would he really dare to harm her?

She tried to think calmly. What was she to do? More importantly, what was Mr Calder going to do?

‘I’ve waited for this moment for a long, long time,’ he rasped in a husky voice. ‘I’ve been patient, made plans for your aunt and me. I’ve bought train tickets to take us out of this damned city. We’ll be far away from London by this evening. Tomorrow we’ll start our new life.’ His voice dipped low. ‘Tell Betty she must come to me, or it will be the worse for you all.’

Daisy gulped down her fright. Mr Calder was quite mad. She was certain of it. She had to warn Aunt Betty and Mother.

But all her resolve disappeared when he drew the gun from his pocket.

Little lights flickered over her vision. Her ears roared with noise, then dulled to a whisper. She couldn’t breathe. Daisy knew she must compose herself, just as Nurse Gwen had taught her.

‘Do you understand?’ He pressed the muzzle of the gun into her chest.

Daisy fought against the faint. She nodded.

‘I have your full cooperation?’

Once again, Daisy nodded.

‘Turn very slowly. I am just behind you. I shall pull the trigger without hesitation if I become suspicious.’ He slowly let go of her.

Daisy blinked, trying to clear her vision. Her forehead throbbed and her legs felt

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