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words, hatefulglances, sniping and snarling—all of it is the best conversation Ican hope for right now from her.”

“You…you love her?” Falconwhimpers, her lip quivering as she begins to cry. “But I thought….”Falcon’s words falter. “I thought you and I were—”

“We’re nothing, Falcon. Iplay a part downstairs with the rest of the House, but when we’realone, you mean nothing to me. I told you that from the verybeginning, didn’t I?” He does not continue speaking until Falconnods her head. “I mean it just as much now as I did when we firstplanned to overtake the House. I told you that I would use you tokill Hawk, but that there would never be anything romantic betweenus. You’re a fool if you’ve allowed yourself to hope.”

“I hate her!” Falconshouts, her whip flicking around her feet. She doesn’t even noticewhen it bites into her own flesh. “I hate that littlebit—”

“Don’t ever let me hearyou slander her!” A resounding pop echoes through the night air asCyrus slaps Falcon hard on her mask. Even though the blow did notdirectly touch her skin, the force of the strike jams the edges ofthe mask hard against her bones. “Mynah is worth ten thousand ofyou! I will do whatever I must to keep her safe, even if that meansplaying the monstrous leader of this gods forsaken House! Buteverything I do is for her, always! I would cross the Devil’s Spineor swim the River Sangre if she asked it. Because to me, she willalways be the only good thing I’ve ever known in my life. And you—Iwouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire. You are nothing more thana means to an end! Now, go downstairs and sleep,” Cyrus growls,unswayed by the hurt choking Falcon as she runs away.

Next, I see the day when Ibrought Creeper’s mask home in pieces. Iwas a mess, I note grimly as my furiouseyes and bloody hands catch my eye. After learning of my actions,Cyrus scurries up to his roof hiding place, his own mask clatteringto the rooftop. He screams and throws the shards of Creeper’s maskin all directions. “I never wanted this!” He wails to the stars,his breathing becoming shallow and labored as he paces. Panic makeshis eyes widen as he spills his secrets to the moon. “I neverwanted to harm her, but that’s all I have managed to do since Ifound her. My brother was right—I should have died all those yearsago! It was worthless to dream and hope in this gods-forsakenplace. If I was gone, she’d be happier. I didn’t know Creeper wassuch a monster! Nor did I see that Falcon was using him. How can Imake her see that? Oh, Child of the Moon, I am sorry.” He repeatsthe last words again and again, his head thumping softly againstthe railing as he slumps.

“He has made mistakes too,Iris,” the Carreglas whispers beside me, yet I am unable to lookher in the eye for the weight of my feelings. “He must atone forhis failings, but everyone has motives for their actions. Evenpeople like Cyrus.”

Broken. We are all brokenmesses. I am a glued together porcelaindoll with cracks and scars exposed on my skin. All of us areshattered glass. Cyrus has just as manypains to bear as me. He blames himself for things that were neverhis fault, and I…I’m guilty of that too, aren’tI? It is a bitter realization, as I recallall the hateful things I’ve said and thought about him.Mynah is worth ten thousand of you,he had said. How can hestill believe this?

“He loves you, Iris. Inhis heart, he will always see you as that little girl by herwindow.”

“Anything else I need toknow? How about the future? Can you tell me that?” My voice islifeless to my ears, this new knowledge deadening mynerves.

“I can see only where yourpath will lead you,” answers the Carreglas, and I feel my eyebrowsraise in surprise. I had not expected a legitimate response.“Unless your current decisions vastly impact your future, you andthe Ddraigs are doomed to destruction.”

“I can understand why theDéchets king wants you,” I grumble under my breath. With a fountainof information, including the ability to predict the future at hisfingertips, Cassé would never stand a chance against him. “I willdo what I can to protect you.”

“Then you’ve seen what youneeded. Our business is done. Trust Cyrus, Suryc, and Siri.” Theimage of Warbler reappears in the milky light and demands, eyesgrowing alarmed as it begins to dissipate into a cloud of opaqueblue and purple smoke. “Only them, Iris.”

When I finally emerge fromthe lair of the Carreglas, I feel my entire body quaking inshock. How can I look Cane in the eyesnow, knowing he tried to kill his brother? Everyone has warned me againsthim. Is it because of this incident, or is that still more that Ido not know? Whatabout Cyrus—how am I going to deal with him? The very idea of putting faith inCyrus goes against every fiber of my being. Despite the wedge ofempathy driven into my mind, I cannot yet acknowledge for himanything more than pity and a healthy amount ofdistrust.

“Siri, you knew all ofthis already,” I both question and accuse my Ddraig. “Did theCarreglas show you everything about my life before it revealed itssecrets to me? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I learned everything thatI knew about Cyrus from Suryc, and I can review any of yourmemories at my leisure. I am sorry that you are distressed by whatyou learned,” Siri answers, smoke billowing around me as shesnorts. “I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t disturbed myself.Windwalker.”

Blood drains from my faceas I recall Siri’s impression of Antero. “You hate Windwalkers,don’t you?” Siri eyes me carefully, as if she is sizing me up asher next meal. So much for your fine,tender words about our bond.

“Windwalkers areunpredictable, but I already knew you were trouble,” Siri cracks, asmall smile lifting her mouth at its corners. “Perhaps I can makean exception. After all, you are a child of this land, not filledwith Déchets’ cruelty.” Siri nuzzles my chin gently as shecontinues. “Besides, I am bonded to you,

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