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get a solid lead, there’s little else for us to do. We don’t want these fruit loops stumbling upon us, so tomorrow, Nate, Alicia and myself are going to stock up the Humvee with food like MRE’s, sleeping bags we took from the surplus store, small propane stoves to cook canned shit on, and extra ammo. After getting used to the food Norah masterfully prepares, I’m not looking forward to those little silver packets as they look about as appetising as a tramp’s toenail fungus.

Also, this will be a chance to see more of the area around us. We’ve stayed very localised because it’s sensible, but I’m intrigued – and nervous – to see what kind of state the rest of our fair county is like further out. There are areas more rural than where we are, so I’m genuinely hoping we might stumble across some other survivor communities. That would be amazing. Even better if they don’t shoot at us.

We’re going on a looney hunt, so it might be a while before I write again. I’m not taking this laptop with me as it would be too distracting. It’s game face time.

Apocalypse road trip!

Shhh, be vewy vewy quiet. We’re hunting cwazies.

NOVEMBER 17th, 2010


We’ve come back to the lodge after three days out and about, and still haven’t heard anything on the comms as yet from the looney asylum. We’ve circled out north and west so far, towards the county’s largest population centres of Warrington, Runcorn, and Chester, all on back roads.

The closer you get to either, the more difficult the roads become. Rush hour traffic going in and out totally boned all the entry roads it seems, even on some smaller roads we took. People obviously had the idea of trying alternate routes when they saw a traffic jam, and all they succeeded in doing was fucking up those roads as well.

If these lunatics were so prepared and sensible about it, they have to be east or south after what we saw these past few days. It just doesn’t make any sense that they’d set up their end of the world community close to the largest populations. They have to be out in the more rural areas, but we needed to rule this area out at least.

We stayed out for three days and two nights, returning to the lodge tonight for some rest in warmth and comfort. Nights are getting cold now and sleeping in the Humvee – even in arctic quality sleeping bags – is not comfortable. We tried one night in an isolated house we cleared as well. Man, am I glad we have power and heating. I fear for those who might have made it this far with winter creeping ever closer. I’ve a feeling that December and January are going to be so cold that it might freeze the piss in your bladder if you’re stuck out there somewhere.

We’re having one night here to rest and resupply, then we’ll go and check in at the school tomorrow on our way out and make sure everything’s peachy.

We did see signs of other survivors, usually marked by piles of garbage and human waste dumped outside houses that suggested people had been hanging on. When we checked those abodes however, we found them empty, or inhabited by the undead versions of those survivors. It scares me how many people have died so far, even out here in the sticks. Once more, I’m truly thankful I wasn’t stuck in a big city when everything collapsed. If it’s this bad so far away from the cities, imagine what it’s like in them. The thought of the undead numbers in the likes of Chester, Warrington, Liverpool, and Manchester makes my butthole snap tighter than a bull’s when the flies are out. All of these places are only between twenty and thirty miles from us, and if I think too long about the undead infestation somehow being drawn to us here en masse… well, I don’t think I’ll ever sleep again, quite frankly.

Don’t be bound by those things you can’t change, eh Norah?

Brief rest, sleep in comfort for tonight, then tomorrow we resupply from here, pop over to Crenshaw to check on the family, then we’re back out.

I don’t know why, but I’ve got this really ominous feeling. When we do eventually find them – and we will, of that I’m sure – I have this knot in my guts that we won’t like what we find.

I’m going to luxuriate in a warm, soft bed. I’m absolutely shattered and just need a good night’s sleep, I think.

Nighty night.

NOVEMBER 20th, 2010


We haven’t found the Resurrectionist home base, but we did find evidence of their idea of humanity’s restoration and a solid lead.

“Join us or die,” seems to be their method of recruitment.

We pushed east to south-east, heading over towards Holmes Chapel, Macclesfield, and Congleton. Out east you’ll get the big money areas of Alderley Edge, Wilmslow, and Prestbury, often dubbed the Golden Triangle of Cheshire. There are – or were - billions in that area and property values were in the clouds. Not that those mansions and wealth are doing them any good now.

Zombie apocalypse; the universe’s method of dealing with the one percent. Bet capitalism never saw this shit coming, huh?

There are vast rural areas in east Cheshire, as you head towards the Peak District National Park. We know it’s a long shot trying to find this group, because this is a big county with loads of little villages and towns clustered all over the place, separated by vast stretches of greenery. The three of us chugging along in a Humvee hoping to hear the radio crackle to life was always going to be a Hail Mary, but with no other point of reference to start from, it’s all we could do.

It’s doubtful we’ll have to go too far because it wouldn’t make sense for one Humvee to range massively beyond their radio

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