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Book online «Christmas to Come: a heartbreaking coming of age saga set in London's East End Carol Rivers (best sales books of all time .txt) 📖». Author Carol Rivers

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and as she opened the door Lenny and Gina looked round. They were sitting in front of the big open fire.

'Where's Micky?' Gina asked.

'He had to go back to the garage.' It was a lie but the only one she could think of.

'At this time of night?'

'He forgot to lock it.'

Lenny got up and came towards her. He looked smart in his dark suit and waistcoat, his black wiry hair glistening with brilliantine. 'Is there anything the matter, love?'

'No, nothing.'

Gina got up and pulled her towards the fire. 'Sit down and tell us all about your night. I'll make us a cuppa.'

'I could do with that. How's Michael?'

'He's went to sleep all right despite Lenny telling him a story about a giant.'

Bella smiled. 'Oh, he would have loved that.'

Lenny urged her to the chair. 'Warm up, you look frozen.' He took her coat and hung it up, returning to join her at the fireside.

'Thank you for babysitting,' Bella said as Gina returned with a tray of tea. Gina had put on the standard lamp and a cosy glow enveloped them, spilling light over Michael's toys and his books on the table.

'Well, give us the low down,' Lenny chuckled.

'We just went for a drink that's all.'

'But you was all dressed up!' Gina exclaimed.

Bella decided not to say anything about the Fortune Club and just sipped her tea as she listened to Lenny telling her about Michael. She knew he loved children and Gina wasn't keen to have any which was one reason why she wouldn't consider a ring on her finger, or so she said.

'He's such a bright little spark, knows words in books already, don't he Gina?'

Gina nodded, widening her black eyes. 'Now who is this Teresa he keeps on about? All evening we had Teresa this and Teresa that.'

'What did he say?'

'That she's his best friend and you walked her home as her mummy didn't come for her. Then we heard that, for some reason, Teresa's mummy was cross when she opened the door. And then the poor little kid weed herself where she stood. Is this all true?'

Bella nodded. 'You'll never guess who Teresa's mother turned out to be.'

'No, but she sounds a mouthy cow.'

'It was Mum.'

'Your Mum?' Gina almost dropped her cup. 'No, I don't believe it.'

'Nor did I at first. This little girl Teresa is the spitting image of Michael. But the likeness didn't register at all. Why should it? It was the last thing I expected. When Mum opened the door you could have knocked me down with a feather. She said they got re-housed by the council in this dingy old prefab in Collier Street as they've demolished Bow Street.' She paused. 'And by all accounts, Jack is dead.'

'Dead? Are you sure?'

Bella nodded again.

Gina's smile was genuine. 'Well, that's one bit of good news, anyway. Has she shacked up with anyone else?'

'I don't think so. She's very bitter though and blames me and Micky for everything.'

'That's ridiculous!' Gina exploded. 'Jack Router was a bastard and she knows it.'

'I don't think she does. She's re-written history.'

'Well, give me five minutes with her and I'll soon put her straight. And I mean that an' all. I don't know the woman, but I do know what she did to her kids. Don't forget, I was the one who picked up the pieces and put them together again.'

'Is Teresa really his daughter?' Lenny asked, getting a word in for the first time.

'Yes, but she is a lovely little girl.'

'Does young Michael know who she is?'

'He doesn't really understand. He's only five yet.'

'Course he is, poor little mite.'

'What's this little girl like, then?' Gina asked curiously.

'As I said, she looks just like Michael. But she isn't cared for, washed or fed properly.' Bella looked down at her lovely blue cocktail dress that seemed even more inappropriate now than it felt at the club. 'All her finery', Mary had flung at her. The words lay heavy on her conscience.

'Did you give them money?' Gina guessed disapprovingly.

'A bit. She says she has to go out scrubbing floors. I felt so sorry for Teresa.'

'You know you're not responsible for her, don't you?' Lenny said kindly.

Bella sipped her tea, knowing that whatever anyone said, she did feel responsible. Teresa was her own blood, a little half-sister, and auntie to Michael.

'Are you going round there again?'

Bella shrugged. 'I might.'

Gina sighed, pushing back the elegant wave of black hair that fell across her face. 'I suppose you know what you're doing.'

Bella looked at them both. 'I wish you had seen the state of that little girl. It was heartbreaking.'

'She will use that kid to manipulate you,' Gina warned.

'I know. But I'm not a complete fool.'

Lenny smiled gently. 'You're far from that, love. Now, we should let you go to bed and be on our way home. Is it worth us waiting for Micky?'

'No, it's late, you go.' She didn't want to tell them what had happened at the Fortune as Gina would throw a fit. It would be one too many outbursts to take in one day. She needed to be quiet now, kiss her son goodnight and then she would sit down and think.

Decide on what to do next.

At school the next day, Bella was dismayed to see Teresa dressed in the same old clothes and with a bruise on her cheek. 'How did you get that?' she asked.

'I fell over.'

'Are you walking home alone?'

'Yes.' Teresa smiled. 'You can come with me if you like.'

'Can we, Mum?' Michael asked.

Bella nodded and the two children joined hands as they made their way back to Collier Street.

When the door opened, Mary was holding on to the wall. Her face was dirty and scratched and her eyes looked as though they had fallen to the back of her head.

'Are you all right?' Bella asked.

'What's it to you if I'm not?'

'I was only asking.'

'I'm frozen and I've got a rotten chest.' She coughed loudly. 'There's no heat in the house and the money you gave me I spent

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