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the Death of a Mad Dog.


A night-cap deck'd his brows instead of bay,—

A cap by night, a stocking all the day.[401:1]

Description of an Author's Bed-chamber.

  This same philosophy is a good horse in the stable, but an arrant jade on a journey.[401:2]

The Good-Natured Man. Act i.

  All his faults are such that one loves him still the better for them.

The Good-Natured Man. Act i.

  Silence gives consent.[401:3]

The Good-Natured Man. Act ii.

  Measures, not men, have always been my mark.[401:4]

The Good-Natured Man. Act ii.

  I love everything that 's old: old friends, old times, old manners, old books, old wine.[401:5]

She Stoops to Conquer. Act i.

  The very pink of perfection.

She Stoops to Conquer. Act i.

  The genteel thing is the genteel thing any time, if as be that a gentleman bees in a concatenation accordingly.

She Stoops to Conquer. Act i.

  I 'll be with you in the squeezing of a lemon.

She Stoops to Conquer. Act i.

  Ask me no questions, and I 'll tell you no fibs.

She Stoops to Conquer. Act iii.

  We sometimes had those little rubs which Providence sends to enhance the value of its favours.

Vicar of Wakefield. Chap. i.

  Handsome is that handsome does.[401:6]

Vicar of Wakefield. Chap. i.

  The premises being thus settled, I proceed to observe that the concatenation of self-existence, proceeding in a reciprocal duplicate ratio, naturally produces a problematical dialogism, which in some measure proves that the [402]essence of spirituality may be referred to the second predicable.

Vicar of Wakefield. Chap. vii.

  I find you want me to furnish you with argument and intellect too.

Vicar of Wakefield. Chap. vii.

Turn, gentle Hermit of the Dale,

And guide my lonely way

To where yon taper cheers the vale

With hospitable ray.

The Hermit. Chap. viii. Stanza 1.

Taught by that Power that pities me,

I learn to pity them.[402:1]

The Hermit. Chap. viii. Stanza 6.

Man wants but little here below,

Nor wants that little long.[402:2]

The Hermit. Chap. viii. Stanza 8.

And what is friendship but a name,

A charm that lulls to sleep,

A shade that follows wealth or fame,

And leaves the wretch to weep?

The Hermit. Chap. viii. Stanza 19.

The sigh that rends thy constant heart

Shall break thy Edwin's too.

The Hermit. Chap. viii. Stanza 33.

  By the living jingo, she was all of a muck of sweat.

The Hermit. Chap. ix.

  They would talk of nothing but high life, and high-lived company, with other fashionable topics, such as pictures, taste, Shakespeare, and the musical glasses.

The Hermit. Chap. ix.

  It has been a thousand times observed, and I must observe it once more, that the hours we pass with happy prospects in view are more pleasing than those crowned with fruition.[402:3]

The Hermit. Chap. x.

  To what happy accident[402:4] is it that we owe so unexpected a visit?

The Hermit. Chap. xix.


When lovely woman stoops to folly,

And finds too late that men betray,

What charm can soothe her melancholy?

What art can wash her guilt away?

The Hermit. On Woman. Chap. xxiv.

The only art her guilt to cover,

To hide her shame from every eye,

To give repentance to her lover,

And wring his bosom, is—to die.

The Hermit. On Woman. Chap. xxiv.

  To what fortuitous occurrence do we not owe every pleasure and convenience of our lives.

The Hermit. On Woman. Chap. xxi.

For he who fights and runs away

May live to fight another day;

But he who is in battle slain

Can never rise and fight again.[403:1]

The Art of Poetry on a New Plan (1761). Vol. ii. p. 147.

  One writer, for instance, excels at a plan or a title-page, another works away the body of the book, and a third is a dab at an index.[403:2]

The Bee. No. 1, Oct. 6, 1759.

  The true use of speech is not so much to express our wants as to conceal them.[403:3]

The Bee. No. iii. Oct. 20, 1759.


[394:1] See Garth, page 295.

Crabbe: Tales of the Hall, book iii. Graves: The Epicure.

[394:2] See Pope, page 329.

[395:1] The character of the French.

[395:2] See Dryden, page 277.

[395:3] When Davies asked for an explanation of "Luke's iron crown," Goldsmith referred him to a book called "Géographie Curieuse," and added that by "Damien's bed of steel" he meant the rack.—Granger: Letters, (1805), p. 52.

[396:1] See Pope, page 329.

C'est un verre qui luit,

Qu'un souffle peut détruire, et qu'un souffle a produit

(It is a shining glass, which a breath may destroy, and which a breath has produced).—De Caux (comparing the world to his hour-glass).

[397:1] See Dryden, page 269.

[397:2] A cap by night, a stocking all the day—Goldsmith: A Description of an Author's Bed-Chamber.

[398:1] The twelve good rules were ascribed to King Charles I.: 1. Urge no healths. 2. Profane no divine ordinances. 3. Touch no state matters. 4. Reveal no secrets. 5. Pick no quarrels. 6. Make no comparisons. 7. Maintain no ill opinions. 8. Keep no bad company. 9. Encourage no vice. 10. Make no long meals. 11. Repeat no grievances. 12. Lay no wagers.

[398:2] See Tom Brown, page 286.

[398:3] See Bacon, page 165.


The wretch condemn'd with life to part

Still, still on hope relies;

And every pang that rends the heart

Bid expectation rise.

Original MS.


Hope, like the taper's gleamy light,

Adorns the wretch's way.

Original MS.

[400:1] See Rochester, page 279.

[400:2] Written in imitation of "Chanson sur le fameux La Palisse," which is attributed to Bernard de la Monnoye:—

On dit que dans ses amours

Il fut caressé des belles,

Qui le suivirent toujours,

Tant qu'il marcha devant elles

(They say that in his love affairs he was petted by beauties, who always followed him as long as he walked before them).


While Fell was reposing himself in the hay,

A reptile concealed bit his leg as he lay;

But, all venom himself, of the wound he made light,

And got well, while the scorpion died of the bite.

Lessing: Paraphrase of a Greek Epigram by Demodocus.

[401:1] See page 397.

[401:2] Philosophy triumphs easily over past evils and future evils, but present evils triumph over it.—Rochefoucauld: Maxim 22.

[401:3] Ray: Proverbs. Fuller: Wise Sentences. Αύτὸ δὲ τὸ σιγᾶν ὁμολογοῦντος ἐστί σου.—Euripides: Iph. Aul., 1142.

[401:4] Measures, not men.—Chesterfield: Letter, Mar. 6, 1742. Not men, but measures.—Burke: Present Discontents.

[401:5] See Bacon, page 171.

[401:6] See Chaucer, page 4.

[402:1] See Burton, page 185.

[402:2] See Young, page 308.

[402:3] An object in possession seldom retains the same charm that it had in pursuit.—Pliny the Younger: Letters, book ii. letter xv. 1.

[402:4] See Middleton, page 174.

[403:1] See Butler, pages 215, 216.

[403:2] There are two things which I am confident I can do very well: one is an introduction to any literary work, stating what it is to contain, and how it should be executed in the most perfect manner.

Boswell: Life of Johnson, An. 1775.

[403:3] See Young, page 310.

THOMAS WARTON.  1728-1790.

All human race, from China to Peru,[403:4]

Pleasure, howe'er disguis'd by art, pursue.

Universal Love of Pleasure.

Nor rough, nor barren, are the winding ways

Of hoar antiquity, but strewn with flowers.

Written on a Blank Leaf of Dugdale's Monasticon.


[403:4] See Johnson, page 365.


THOMAS PERCY.  1728-1811.

Every white will have its blacke,

And every sweet its soure.

Reliques of Ancient Poetry. Sir Cauline.

Late, late yestreen I saw the new moone,

Wi' the auld moon in hir arme.[404:1]

Sir Patrick Spens.

He that had neyther been kith nor kin

Might have seen a full fayre sight.

Guy of Gisborne.

Have you not heard these many years ago

Jeptha was judge of Israel?

He had one only daughter and no mo,

The which he loved passing well;

And as by lott,

God wot,

It so came to pass,

As God's will was.[404:2]

Jepthah, Judge of Israel.

A Robyn,

Jolly Robyn,

Tell me how thy leman does.[404:3]

A Robyn, Jolly Robyn.

Where gripinge grefes the hart wounde,

And dolefulle dumps the mynde oppresse,

There music with her silver sound[404:4]

With spede is wont to send redresse.

A Song to the Lute in Musicke.


The blinded boy that shootes so trim,

From heaven downe did hie.[405:1]

King Cophetua and the Beggar-maid.

"What is thy name, faire maid?" quoth he.

"Penelophon, O King!" quoth she.[405:2]

King Cophetua and the Beggar-maid.

And how should I know your true love

From many another one?

Oh, by his cockle hat and staff,

And by his sandal shoone.

The Friar of Orders Gray.

O Lady, he is dead and gone!

Lady, he 's dead and gone!

And at his head a green grass turfe,

And at his heels a stone.[405:3]

The Friar of Orders Gray.

Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more!

Men were deceivers ever;

One foot in sea and one on shore,

To one thing constant never.[405:4]

The Friar of Orders Gray.

Weep no more, lady, weep no more,

Thy sorrowe is in vaine;

For violets pluckt, the sweetest showers

Will ne'er make grow againe.[405:5]

The Friar of Orders Gray.

He that would not when he might,

He shall not when he wolda.[405:6]

The Friar of Orders Gray.


We 'll shine in more substantial honours,

And to be noble we 'll be good.

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