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Mac, don’t be judging,’ said Doc, ‘we all have shit at home we don’t bring to work. When we speak to him, we’ll find out what’s been going on. ’Til then, anything else is just gossip and hearsay, and you know how I feel about that. And Marlo, if Connor had wanted you to know, he’d have told you. Now, what say we crack on with this search? The sooner we get it done, the quicker we’ll get to the hospital.’ Doc’s words were wise, and both Marlo and Mac nodded their agreement before focussing on gathering the kit they needed.

Sunderland City Police HQ – 17 November

Ali walked into the Major Incident Team office and momentarily thought he’d wandered into the wrong one. Every seat was taken, the bustle already loud, and Alex stood at a large whiteboard in the middle of the room.

‘What’s going on, bro?’ Ali asked, looking at the paperwork pinned up already.

‘You know Connor, the lad off the dive team? He’s in critical condition in theatre – he was stabbed. It was like a bloody massacre site, Ali. His dad’s dead – hung himself from the looks of it. Connor was next to another male, believed to be his uncle, Fred Rockingham. Fred had been clocked upside the head with a mallet. He’s in ICU. It’s touch-and-go for both of them. We’re still trying to piece together what the heck happened.’

‘Bloody hell, you’ll have to keep me updated, and give me a shout if I can do anything. Has Marlo been…I mean, does the dive team know?’ Ali had the grace to blush – his thoughts heading straight for Marlo rather than the team as a whole.

‘It’s OK, Mum’s already brought me up to speed on the whole you and Marlo thing. It’s about time. She seems canny. And yes, the team knows. Their sergeant, Sharp I think it is, has said they’ll still be working your murder scene. They’ll be heading out about now, I think. I spoke to him like forty minutes ago. Charlie was in a bit ago: she’s moving your case boards into the side office. Seven murders, huh? I’m not the only one with my work cut out. Shout up if you need anything.’

‘Will do. They’re all kids, Alex, wee bairns can’t be more than maybe seventeen or eighteen. Whoever did this is one sick fucker.’

‘Sure it’s the same guy?’

‘Aye pretty sure, same MO for each. The PMs are today and tomorrow though, so they should help confirm.’

Alex nodded, then turned his attention back to his own team.

Crankle Reservoir, South of Sunderland – 17 November

The temperature had risen slightly, and ominous looking white clouds floated in from the south, threatening snow. The whole region was on a yellow weather alert warning from the met office; severe winter storms and ice due any moment. The fresh scent of snow hung in the air, and even the birds were quiet. It was never good when the birds hunkered down.

Days like this were tough at the best of times, let alone when they were worried about one of their own.

Sharpie had used a map to section off the reservoir, and the team was using the sonar to scan each section individually. So far they hadn’t picked anything up that was of similar size and structure to that of the bodies recovered.

The radio burst to life in the bow of the RIB and Marlo picked it up and depressed the speech button, ‘This is Buck, go ahead, over.’

‘Marlo? It’s Ali. Can you speak?’

‘Yeah sure, Ali, what’s up?’ Her stomach had flipped over at the sound of his voice, and she smiled widely much to the amusement of Doc and Mac who happened to be sitting next to her.

‘Just an update on Connor, love. He’s out of surgery, still on a ventilator in intensive care, but doing as well as he can be. Alex said they’re keeping him in a medically induced coma until at least tomorrow. His sister’s on her way back up from university.’

‘OK, thanks, Ali. Erm, I know his mum wasn’t too good. Is she OK?’

‘Yeah, Alex has taken care of it. She’s in a respite home for the time being. We’ll see what her daughter wants to do when she gets here, though it’ll be primarily down to social services, I think. Alex said she’s pretty far gone, doesn’t have a clue what’s going on.’

‘I guess that’s a good thing,’ said Marlo, sadness tingeing her voice.

‘Aye. I’ll see you when you get back to shore.’

‘OK, Buck out.’

She turned to see all eyes on her, and it didn’t surprise her to see them as confused as she felt. What on earth had Connor been into?

‘You guys heard that?’ She raised her eyebrows in question.

‘Yeah, we heard – that and more.’ Mac winked slyly at Doc. ‘Marlo and the DI seem pretty pally there, like, what do you reckon?’

‘Sure do, Mac. I’d almost bet my wages they were getting more than pally.’ Doc smiled at Marlo and winked back at Mac.

‘Come on guys, stop ribbing Marlo,’ said Sharpie. ‘The DI’s all right, he is, and whether there’s anything going on or not, it’s no one’s business but theirs.’

‘We’re only teasing, Marlo knows that don’t you, hon?’ said Mac, elbowing Marlo gently in the arm. ‘You tell him from me though, that if he hurts you, we all know how to bury people underwater so they don’t pop back up, and we know the best places to do such a thing.’ His tone was light, but Marlo knew he meant it. The team couldn’t have been closer if they actually were family. Mac and Doc were the big, overprotective brothers she’d never had, and if she was brutally honest, she loved that they looked out for her. Not that she’d ever tell them that.

In truth,

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