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top job.”

Brona did not appear surprised to my eyes, which meant she’d likely already spoken with Lady Kardian about just this topic.

“And Berkette would have seen an opportunity to seed the new king’s council with their own spy, one who might ultimately act on the idea of another republic,” Lord Sampson suggested.

“Thus reinforcing one of the first lessons my father taught me,” Brona said.  “The countries allied with Montshire do so out of their self-interest, not ours. But all of this is conjecture at this point.  We will need to question our new castle guest here, as well as find and remove any remaining double agents.  Captain DelaCrotia.” She turned to me.

“Yes, Your Majesty?”

“You will see Dr. Eltienne about your wound and if he pronounces you okay, you will clean up, eat something, and then return to my side.  The Shadows will lead the efforts to clear our house and as usual, you will lead them.  Clear?”

“Crystal, Your Majesty,” I said, bowing to my queen.  When I stood upright and turned to leave, I caught Rose’s eye and while she kept her expression blank, she did give me a little nod.

Chapter 40

We buried Drew’s ashes in Haven’s military cemetery, giving him full honors.  In recent years, funerals of Shadows killed on duty had been lightly attended, mostly just Shadows and some Ranged Recon folks, family, and the staff of the Knife and Needle.  Brona always attended, every single time, just as she did now.

But before she had been Princess Brona. Now she was attending as Queen Brona, and that meant that the entire royal council was there, as was the full RRS contingent and many of the higher-ranking infantry and cavalry officers.  My mother, my sister, her husband Jonathon, Sissa Newberry, Welton, and Brent were all seated among the Shadows as we took our turns speaking, remembering, and grieving. Drew’s mother and sister, Tina, were his only family and were seated next to the queen.

Soshi and Cort both told funny stories that showed Drew in his best light.  Hemppe, who rarely spoke at all, read through Drew’s list of military accomplishments and decorations during his active duty with the RRS. Trell sang a song he had written just for Drew, somehow combining respect and sorrow with flashes of humor.  At these things, I always speak last, following Brona’s final words, again as usual.  Her speech this time was anything but usual.

“I’ve known Drew Holden for a very long time,” she started.  “For those of you perhaps unaware, my interest in the Ranged Reconnaissance Squadron began when a childhood friend of mine expressed his interest in serving the kingdom with these special operators.”  She waved at the Squadron before she glanced my way with an arch expression, earning a laugh from many of those present.

“Drew graduated Despair with my friend and served on his team all throughout the Seventy Day War. His service to the crown and kingdom has been without reservation, without blemish, and without complaint… at least to me.  His teammates might have differing opinions,” she said, getting another chuckle.

“To me, he always exemplified a modern kingdom warrior.  Diligent, highly skilled in every aspect of his chosen career, ruthless in defense of his country, yet compassionate and honorable in his conduct toward those he protected.  He once reported to me on the results of a classified mission.  His team split apart for solo egress from the area of operations and during his own exfiltration, he chanced upon a mud-stuck wagon, loaded with root vegetables, headed for market, driven by a woman and her very young daughter.  He stopped and helped them free their cart before proceeding upon his way.  They weren’t even citizens of this country.  I asked him what on earth he was thinking, to risk himself, a valuable asset of Montshire, to risk his capture, on two people he didn’t know and would likely never see again.

“He said, Your Highness, my oath specifically says to protect and serve to the best of my ability.  Those ladies were trying to get their final harvest to market, to earn the money they would need to see them through the winter.  I had the ability to serve them, thereby protecting theirsurvival. My oath leaves it up to me for deciding the best way to honor it.  My mission was complete and I was just a few t-spans from the border. I only endangered myself.  I pressed him further.  Drew, I said, you didn’t even know them.

“Princess, they were somebody’s mother and maybe somebody’s sister. Just because I am a soldier of a foreign land doesn’t mean I shouldn’t extend aid to innocent civilians. I have been extensively trained, conditioned, and empowered to make decisions and take risks in the execution of my oaths.  Until such time as I am relieved from my position of responsibility, I will do so as best I know how.” She looked directly at Drew’s mother and sister and held their tear-filled gazes for a moment.  “And then he stood before me and before his commanding officer, ready for criticism, ready to accept whatever the consequence of his actions, his honor complete and reconciled within himself. That was Drew Holden, the very personification of what a Montshire soldier should aspire to.  Many of you are also soldiers; some of you seek to follow his path.  Pay attention to his example because his is the example that I pay attention to.”

Every soldier and most of the men and women in the audience were sitting up straighter when she finished, almost at attention.

She carefully lifted the hem of her black dress and gracefully reclaimed her seat, reaching out to hold Drew’s mother’s hand. Now it was my turn.

“I have to ask myself why I ever thought it was a good idea to follow Her Majesty’s speech,” I said ruefully, crumpling up my notes and stuffing them in a pocket.  The whole crowd laughed, breaking the excellent tension Brona had built.  “What our queen didn’t include in

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