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Book online «Orion Colony Complete Series Boxed Set J.N. Chaney (books for new readers .txt) 📖». Author J.N. Chaney

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room seemed to be in agreement. We were about to go our separate ways to prepare for our journeys when Iris called us back to the hologram.

“One other thing I wasn’t going to bring up because I’m not sure if it is an anomaly or something wrong with the system, but I feel like I should tell you just in case,” Iris said, enhancing the portion of the jungle area to the north of us. “There’s something large in the jungle, maybe more than one that keeps popping in and out of my scanners.”

“Wonderful,” I said. “I think we were running away from your mystery creature when we left the jungle. Whatever’s in there, it’s massive.”

“It would have to be to appear on my scanners at all,” Iris agreed. “Stay away from the jungle at all costs. Follow the coast when you go.”

“We will,” I said, looking at Elon. “Let’s go test out that new leg of yours.”


A call for volunteers was sent out amongst the survivors. To my surprise, more people were willing to come than I initially thought. I guess they were getting bored of tent life and working on the wall.

My group consisted of Elon, Stacy, Lou, Boss Creed, and three other survivors I didn’t yet know. Ricky was jonesing to join us, but as soon as Arun asked him to stay back because she needed a capable mechanic to help aboard the Orion, he couldn’t pull his name out of the running soon enough.

We were set to be off as soon as possible. I found myself waiting for the others in the cafeteria tent. We were supposed to meet there then depart after the noonday meal.

The food was simple but did the job of fueling our bodies. I was grateful to have any food at all. I didn’t know how the cooks or whoever it was getting the food was managing to work in a kitchen that was on its side in the Orion.

Part of me wanted to go back into the Orion and look to see how they had managed to right the equipment they needed. Instead, I focused on my chicken, vegetables, and roll.

I chose a seat close enough to the tent entrance to be able to see the others when they walked in. Lou was the first to arrive from our party. The bald man saw me and greeted me with a grin.

“Dean, it’s so good to see you,” he said, extending a hand.

I wasn’t sure why he was so happy to see me. We’d only spoken once and seen each other twice. Regardless, I gave the man a handshake.

“How’s it going, Lou?” I asked more out of politeness than really wondering how he was doing.

“Every day is a gift, my friend,” he said with a sigh as if he were actually thinking about all the things he had to be grateful for. “This place, this planet is full of energy and wonder.”

“It’s full of something all right,” I said around a mouthful of chicken.

“Oh, you must feel it,” Lou said, taking a seat next to me. “You must feel the magic that lives in this place. I don’t mean magic like witchcraft or sorcery, but you have to feel something. Wonder? Awe? A sense that we were always meant to be here? That something great is about to happen?”

“I feel like you should probably get some food in you,” I said, motioning with my head to the line of tables with the steaming midday meal. “We have a long hike to the first escape ship.”

“Oh, ye of little faith.” Lou still had that happy grin spread across his lips. His eyes twinkled with excitement. “I don’t know why we’re here yet, but there’s a purpose. You’ll see that in time. I know you will. This planet has great things in store for you.”

I was trying to figure out how to get out of the conversation when Stacy and the rest of our crew showed up. There had been a last-minute addition to our team. Doctor Allbright was going to be coming with us. If anyone in the escape ship we were headed to was injured, it would be helpful to have someone with us who knew what she was doing.

Boss Creed and the others brought backpacks full of supplies with them. He tossed one to me.

Soon we were all eating our meal together. The three other survivors I didn’t know introduced themselves as Mark and Hannah, a husband and wife team who wanted to do their part to help, and a middle-aged man named Tom with a ready smile and bulging belly.

They seemed kind enough and had their heads on right. Stacy selected them from the many volunteers who offered to join us. I trusted her judgment.

We sat in nine circled chairs, eating and getting to know one another. Stacy leaned forward with a data pad in her hands. Iris sent the information her long-range scanners picked up to us as well as the other team Captain Harold led. A short communication distance wouldn’t allow us to speak with the Orion, but we’d have the map pulled from the scanners.

“The trip to the escape ship should take two days if we push hard,” Stacy was explaining to the rest of the team. “We’ll need to cover fifteen kilometers a day, so if you don’t think you can do that, it’s better you bow out now.”

We all looked at one another. None of us moved.

“Good,” Stacy said, looking over to Tom. “Tom will be a great asset for us, as well as Mark and Hannah. Tom taught wilderness survival for over a decade. Mark and Hannah were both in the military before they retired to run their own business. We have a great group with us. We’ll move quickly, find the survivors, and be back in four days. Questions?”

I didn’t have any questions, but I did notice Stacy omitted the part where we were going to be traveling past

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