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Book online «Mountain Secrets Elizabeth Goddard (life changing books to read .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Goddard

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She had to be at least in her seventies. “What can I get you two?”

They both ordered burgers and milkshakes.

A car pulled into the parking lot. A moment later, a tall man got out and stepped inside. He held a computer. Jason rose to his feet. “I need to talk to Michael alone.”

More secrets.

A weariness settled into Isabel’s muscles. She needed sleep. The two men took a booth at the other end of the room with Michael facing her. The older man flipped open his computer and started typing while Jason spoke to him. Jason pulled out the bookmark wrapped in cardboard and handed it over to Michael. The conversation went on for several minutes with Jason doing most of the talking. Though she couldn’t hear what they were saying, she could read lips enough to know that Michael had said, “Sun and Ski Property Management.” He glanced in Isabel’s direction and then proceeded to type on his keypad.

Jason turned his head to look at her. Though she believed Jason could be trusted, suspicion and fear niggled at the corners of her mind. She’d trusted Nick Solomon too. She hadn’t dated since Nick, fearing that she might only be able to attract another bad boy. Jason and Michael caused that doubt to come back into her head. Not that she saw him as dating material, but what if she was wrong about Jason? Why was he insisting that she stay close and not letting her go home? What if he was up to no good?

While Michael pulled up files pertinent to the investigation, Jason tried to push past the tension knotting the muscles in his neck. Would the Bureau be open to the idea of his going undercover or would he be out of a job after tonight’s fiasco?

After a moment, Michael spoke while still staring at the computer screen. “I thought the name Sun and Ski Property Management sounded familiar. It seems they manage a lot of the properties where the thefts have taken place.” He glanced toward Isabel. “Are you sure your new friend can be trusted?”

He’d spent a harrowing night with her, both of them fighting for each other’s lives. “I believe so, yes.”

“Maybe she’s clean, but that doesn’t mean Sun and Ski isn’t somehow involved.” Michael scratched his chin. “They would certainly know when houses were vacant and have security codes.”

“If we could just get her some protection. She saw the thieves more clearly than I did, and they can probably identify her.”

“You said that the thieves think the two of you are partners.”

“Yes, but it’s too dangerous to ask her to become involved in the investigation,” Jason said.

“Look, find out what her last name is. We’ll run a check on her. Meanwhile hang close to her and see what you can find out about Sun and Ski. That will give her some protection. The couriers are pretty low-level thugs. Chances are their desire for revenge will blow over in twenty-four hours.”

“I’m not so sure. They were pretty determined. And now they think we’ve horned in on their profit margin and can identify them,” said Jason.

“Take her to the city police station and see if she can identify the two men she saw at the house. Maybe we can get them picked up for something else.”

“Isabel deserves an explanation. All she knows is that I’m a PI.”

“For now, we need to keep her in the dark,” Michael said.

The waitress moved across the floor, holding two plates, but hesitated when she saw Jason at a different table.

“Why don’t you go eat?” Michael closed his computer. “I’ll make arrangements for a ride.” He tossed a set of keys on the table. “You take her down to the police station.”

Jason motioned for the waitress to take the plates over to where Isabel waited. He grabbed the keys and returned to where Isabel was already slathering ketchup on her burger.

He sat opposite her. The aroma of the burger made his mouth water and his stomach rumble.

“Is that guy a policeman?” She took a bite, closing her eyes while she chewed, savoring the taste.

There was something endearing about the way she enjoyed her food.

Jason shifted in his chair. “I still can’t explain everything to you.”

“Secrets make me nervous.”

“It’s for your protection. Please take my word for that.”

She picked up a fry and popped it into her mouth while her gaze rested on him. She didn’t speak until she finished chewing the fry. “Your word has been good so far.”

He relaxed a little. At least she’d chosen to trust him. “We need to go down to the police station to identify the two guys you saw at the house. You got a better look at them than I did.” He didn’t want to worry her that she might still be a target.

“Fine, but I need to swing by work and talk to my boss first. She gets into the office bright and early. Plus, I’ve got to find a way to get my car back into town.”

“Okay, we can do that.” Driving her around gave him the excuse he needed to stay close until he was sure the thieves wouldn’t come after her.

They finished their meal and got into the car Michael had loaned him. The sun was low on the horizon as they drove through Silver Strike, which featured lots of boutique-type shops. Isabel gave Jason directions that led them to the Sun and Ski headquarters, a Victorian house that had been converted to offices. The sign said that a real-estate company also had an office in the building.

As they pulled into the lot, she turned to face him. “I live upstairs. Mary, my boss, was nice enough to rent the one bedroom to me at a low rate.” Despite her blond hair being a little disheveled, Isabel still had the demeanor of someone who had come from money. He wondered what her story was. Why she was so hard to get a clear read on.

“You like your job and

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