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Book online «Red Rum: A Rosie Casket Mystery R.M. Wild (inspirational books .txt) 📖». Author R.M. Wild

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he’d buy my whole blasted property instead.”

“And what did you say?”

Luther’s voice quavered. “I told him to go lick himself. I growed up in this house and I wasn’t gonna give it to no one for nothin, especially a fancy freak like him.”

“And then what?”

“The man took out a contract, calmly put it on my counter, and made me sign it right then and there. He said if I didn’t sign it, he’d burn my house down.”

Luther’s hands were shaking at the recollection and I swallowed hard.

“So you don’t own this property anymore?” I asked.

Luther looked out the screen door as if he was worried someone was listening to our conversation. “Nope, not no more. The man said he’d come back and claim the house when the time was right. I ain’t seen him since. In the meantime, that pretty boy lawyer you showed me came to pick up the furniture.”

“Can you give us a description of this buyer?” Mettle said.

Luther shook his head. “Don’t need to.”

“Why not?” I said.

“Cuz, all you gotta do is read the Bible,” Luther said. “It was the son of Satan hisself, little girl. The devil’s dressed in white and clicking his heels three times between every step. If he gets his way, he’ll buy up all the land in Dark Haven.”

Dear Readers

Thank you so much for giving my books a chance! As an independent publisher, I wear all the hats, socks, and boots in this enterprise. That means I do all the writing, the formatting, the cover design, and the marketing.

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Also by R.M. Wild

Lacey Casket Mysteries (1950s)

A Grave Display

A Grave, Twice Cold

A Grave Conviction

A Graven Image (coming soon)

A Grave Maker (coming soon)

Amber Casket Mysteries (1980s)

The Lost Casket (coming soon)

The Plastic Casket (coming soon)

Rosie Casket Mysteries (Modern Day)

Red Hairing

Red Mourning

Red Rum

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