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Book online «Unexpected Sting Viola Grace (smart ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Viola Grace

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into him in arush, and then,it trickled to a halt.

She tried to leanback, and he cupped her head. “More.”

She kissed him, and the rush of energy from the last of thewedding night nearby rushed through her. She gave it tohim, and her body was blissfullystill.

She leaned away.


“There’s no morepower; I am good.”

He smiled. “Good. More.”

Stinger blinked. “Oh.” Shelooked at him in surprise and kissed him again. Her legs werelocked around his waist, and she wassurprised that her hips were moving against him. Lust was stillthere, but it wasn’t something she was transferring; this was from the inside out.

She was surprised. The lust shewas feeling was her own, not filtered from all the men and womenaround her. She tried to burrow against him and then realized thathe probably got that a lot. She slowed the kiss, and she was panting when they stopped making outon the dance floor.

Stinger unlocked her legs andslid them down his body. She was still hanging a few inches fromthe ground. She kicked her feet a little. “Can you put me down,please?”

He nodded. “Yes. I can. I don’twant to, but I can.”


He sighed and set her on herfeet. She swayed but steadied. “Thank you.”

“You might want to wash yourface. There is blood all over it.”

Oh. “My eyes werebleeding?”


“Ah. I will go take care of thatright away. Thank you for giving me a place to put the extrapower.” She touched her cheek, and theblood was still evident.

“You are welcome.” Hechuckled.

She nodded, bobbed acurtsy, and headed out to the restrooms.She looked at her face and knew why he had flinched. She had togive him credit; he had kissed a horror movie freak withenthusiasm.

Her mother came in and said,“The party is breaking up. How long are you going to hide inhere?”

“Is he still out there?”

“Yup. Wait, mine or yours?”Leetha smiled.

“Mine. Yours is your ownbusiness. Are you going to take him home?”

“I had toyed with the idea.”

“Play away. I am going to crashand then head to Nana Baker’s. She has a list of chores a milelong.”

“Where are you going to spendthe rest of the night, sweetie?”

“Up a tree.” She laughed. Kallieand Cian had offered her the treehouse for her napping needs.

“Why don’t you go to a nicehotel?”

“I just dumped the lust of twohundred people and five supernaturally horny people. I am not goingto head into a hotel where everyone who isn’t asleep is havingsex.”

Her mom winced. “Right. That.Kallie and Cian are going to be doing it,too.”

“I know, but they arefamily, so they are easier to tuneout.”

“I have that room above thegarage...”

“No, Mom. I don’t want to seehow you two go at it, and I really don’twant to imagine how Maus is going to handle it.”

“He’s a cat, Stiila.”

“No, Mom. He isn’t. He’s ashifter at the very least. I know he has been in the house for tenyears, but try bringing Abrax home and see what happens.”

“Your father and I are not goingto have sex.”

Stinger patted her mom’s hand.“You think that if it gives you comfort. I am going to take a pagefrom Nessa’s book and try to sneak past him.”

“Do you have enough power tohold invisibility?” Leetha was genuinely concerned.

“I am about to find out.” Shegrinned and pulled the invisibility spell around her. “How does itlook?”

“Like nothing. Well done,sweetie.”

She muttered quietly, “Wish me luck.”

She walked out of the ladies’room as quietly as she could. Arthur and Abrax were talking quietlyagain, but they were between her and theroute she had been planning to take to the open meadow where shecould transport to Auntie Kallie’s.

Abrax looked right ather, and he chuckled.

Arthur followed his gaze. “Whatare you seeing that I am not?”

She stepped sideways to avoidthem, and Abrax said, “You wish to have atalk with my daughter?”

Don’t you dare, don’t youfucking dare, youEgyptian cockroach. She nearly cleared them when Arthur said,“If you keep moving that way, you aregoing to step on the support wire, Stinger.”

She winced, turned towardhim, and saw that his eyes were pointedat her, but there was little discernment.She stepped over the guy-wire, andthen, she bolted into the meadow.

The stone pillar that shot outin front of her made her stop in her tracks. The ones behind herand to either side made sure she stayed put. She heard a scrape ofleather on stone and looked up.

“Hello, Stinger. You were goingto leave without saying goodbye?”

She looked up at him with theweak light of dawn backlighting him. “Oh, hey, Arthur. I justthought you were busy chatting with my father and thought I wouldleave you two alone.”

“You think your father and Ijust hang out outside ladies’ rooms?”

“I just met youtonight, and I haven’t really methim, so I don’t judge. You do you.”

He snorted. “Back to beingclever and less sneaky. I need your help.”

She paused and faded back intonormal visual range. “What would you need?”

He rubbed the back of his neckand said, “I have taken in a lot of magic and lusttonight, and while I can hold it in for awhile, it is going to need to be released, and I would like to do that with you.”

She turned scarlet.“Muh-muh-me?”

“Hasn’t anyone simply asked youbefore?” He tilted his head.

“No, they usually just startgrabbing. For lovers, I usually make the first move.”

He smiled. “I await yourmove.”

“Uh, this is awkward. I dobetter with contact.”

“Of course, you do; you power upfrom contact and then release the energy into your partner for themoment.”

She rubbed the back of her neckin embarrassment. “Fine, will you put your body at my mercy so Ican relieve some of what I implanted?”

He chuckled, and the stone receded back into the smooth lawn.“I will indeed.”

He bent and lifted her handbefore he kissed her knuckles. His tongue slipped between herfingers, and she flinched as the flickcaused a small pulse of interest. Of course, he would know how to play her. He probably hadwomen throw themselves at him on a daily basis, and he was capableof catching them.

“Now, your place or mine?”

“I am staying at my aunt’splace.”

He grinned. “Mine then.”

He wrapped an arm around her andpulled her against him. A portal rose up from the ground, and when it finished

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