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Book online Ā«Mr. Standfast John Buchan (e book reading free txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author John Buchan

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noospaper that there was a natural affinity between Americans and the men of the British Dominions. Take it from me, there isnā€™tā ā€”at least not with this American. I donā€™t understand them one little bit. When I see your lean, tall Australians with the sun at the back of their eyes, Iā€™m looking at men from another planet. Outside you and Peter, I never got to fathom a South African. The Canadians live over the fence from us, but you mix up a Canuck with a Yank in your remarks and youā€™ll get a bat in the eyeā ā€Šā ā€¦ But most of us Americans have gotten a grip on your Old Country. Youā€™ll find us mighty respectful to other parts of your Empire, but we say anything we damn well please about England. You see, we know her that well and like her that well, we can be free with her.

ā€œItā€™s like,ā€ he concluded as we reached the hotel, ā€œitā€™s like a lot of boys that are getting on in the world and are a bit jealous and standoffish with each other. But theyā€™re all at home with the old man who used to warm them up with a hickory cane, even though sometimes in their haste they call him a stand-patter.ā€

That night at dinner we talked solid businessā ā€”Blenkiron and I and a young French Colonel from the for IIIĆØme Section at G.Q.G. Blenkiron, I remember, got very hurt about being called a business man by the Frenchman, who thought he was paying him a compliment.

ā€œCut it out,ā€ he said. ā€œIt is a word thatā€™s gone bad with me. Thereā€™s just two kind of men, those whoā€™ve gotten sense and those who havenā€™t. A big percentage of us Americans make our living by trading, but we donā€™t think because a manā€™s in business or even because heā€™s made big money that heā€™s any natural good at every job. Weā€™ve made a college professor our President, and do what he tells us like little boys, though he donā€™t earn more than some of us pay our worksā€™ manager. You English have gotten business on the brain, and think a fellowā€™s a dandy at handling your Government if he happens to have made a pile by some flat-catching ramp on your Stock Exchange. It makes me tired. Youā€™re about the best business nation on earth, but for Godā€™s sake donā€™t begin to talk about it or youā€™ll lose your power. And donā€™t go confusing real business with the ordinary gift of raking in the dollars. Any man with sense could make money if he wanted to, but he maynā€™t want. He may prefer the fun of the job and let other people do the looting. I reckon the biggest business on the globe today is the work behind your lines and the way you feed and supply and transport your army. It beats the Steel Corporation and the Standard Oil to a frazzle. But the man at the head of it all donā€™t earn more than a thousand dollars a monthā ā€Šā ā€¦ Your nationā€™s getting to worship Mammon, Dick. Cut it out. Thereā€™s just the one difference in humanityā ā€”sense or no sense, and most likely you wonā€™t find any more sense in the man that makes a billion selling bonds than in his brother Tim that lives in a shack and sells corncobs. Iā€™m not speaking out of sinful jealousy, for there was a day when I was reckoned a railroad king, and I quit with a bigger pile than kings usually retire on. But I havenā€™t the sense of old Peter, who never even had a bank accountā ā€Šā ā€¦ And itā€™s sense that wins in this war.ā€

The Colonel, who spoke good English, asked a question about a speech which some politician had made.

ā€œThere isnā€™t all the sense Iā€™d like to see at the top,ā€ said Blenkiron. ā€œTheyā€™re fine at smooth words. That wouldnā€™t matter, but theyā€™re thinking smooth thoughts. What dā€™you make of the situation, Dick?ā€

ā€œI think itā€™s the worst since First Ypres,ā€ I said. ā€œEverybodyā€™s cock-a-whoop, but God knows why.ā€

ā€œGod knows why,ā€ Blenkiron repeated. ā€œI reckon itā€™s a simple calculation, and you canā€™t deny it any more than a mathematical law. Russia is counted out. The Boche wonā€™t get food from her for a good many months, but he can get more men, and heā€™s got them. Heā€™s fighting only on one foot, and heā€™s been able to bring troops and guns west so heā€™s as strong as the Allies now on paper. And heā€™s stronger in reality. Heā€™s got better railways behind him, and heā€™s fighting on inside lines and can concentrate fast against any bit of our front. Iā€™m no soldier, but thatā€™s so, Dick?ā€

The Frenchman smiled and shook his head. ā€œAll the same they will not pass. They could not when they were two to one in 1914, and they will not now. If we Allies could not break through in the last year when we had many more men, how will the Germans succeed now with only equal numbers?ā€

Blenkiron did not look convinced. ā€œThatā€™s what they all say. I talked to a general last week about the coming offensive, and he said he was praying for it to hurry up, for he reckoned Fritz would get the fright of his life. Itā€™s a good spirit, maybe, but I donā€™t think itā€™s sound on the facts. Weā€™ve got two mighty great armies of fine fighting-men, but, because weā€™ve two commands, weā€™re bound to move ragged like a peal of bells. The Hunā€™s got one army and forty years of stiff tradition, and, whatā€™s more, heā€™s going all out this time. Heā€™s going to smash our front before America lines up, or perish in the attemptā ā€Šā ā€¦ Why do you suppose all the peace racket in Germany has died down, and the very men that were talking democracy in the summer are now hot for fighting to a finish? Iā€™ll tell you. Itā€™s because old Ludendorff has promised

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