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'T is nothing when you are used to it.—Swift: Polite Conversation, iii.

[441:2] See Churchill, page 413.

[442:1] See Fielding, page 364.


He who grown aged in this world of woe,

In deeds, not years, piercing the depths of life,

So that no wonder waits him.

Byron: Childe Harold, canto iii. stanza 5.

We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not breaths.—Bailey: Festus. A Country Town.

Who well lives, long lives; for this age of ours

Should not be numbered by years, daies, and hours.

Du Bartas: Days and Weekes. Fourth Day. Book ii.

[443:2] On peut dire que son esprit brille aux dépens de sa mémoire (One may say that his wit shines by the help of his memory).—Le Sage: Gil Blas, livre iii. chap. xi.

PHILIP FRENEAU.  1752-1832.

The hunter and the deer a shade.[443:3]

The Indian Burying-Ground.

Then rushed to meet the insulting foe;

They took the spear, but left the shield.[443:4]

To the Memory of the Americans who fell at Eutaw.


[443:3] This line was appropriated by Campbell in "O'Connor's Child."


When Prussia hurried to the field,

And snatched the spear, but left the shield.

Scott: Marmion, Introduction to canto iii.

GEORGE CRABBE.  1754-1832.

Oh, rather give me commentators plain,

Who with no deep researches vex the brain;

Who from the dark and doubtful love to run,

And hold their glimmering tapers to the sun.[443:5]

The Parish Register. Part i. Introduction.


Her air, her manners, all who saw admir'd;

Courteous though coy, and gentle though retir'd;

The joy of youth and health her eyes display'd,

And ease of heart her every look convey'd.

The Parish Register. Part ii. Marriages.

In this fool's paradise he drank delight.[444:1]

The Borough. Letter xii. Players.

Books cannot always please, however good;

Minds are not ever craving for their food.

The Borough. Letter xxiv. Schools.

In idle wishes fools supinely stay;

Be there a will, and wisdom finds a way.

The Birth of Flattery.

Cut and come again.

Tales. Tale vii. The Widow's Tale.

Better to love amiss than nothing to have loved.[444:2]

Tales. Tale xiv. The Struggles of Conscience.

But 't was a maxim he had often tried,

That right was right, and there he would abide.[444:3]

Tales. Tale xv. The Squire and the Priest.

'T was good advice, and meant, my son, Be good.

Tales. Tale xxi. The Learned Boy.

He tried the luxury of doing good.[444:4]

Tales of the Hall. Book iii. Boys at School.

To sigh, yet not recede; to grieve, yet not repent.[444:5]

Tales of the Hall. Book iii. Boys at School.

And took for truth the test of ridicule.[444:6]

Tales of the Hall. Book viii. The Sisters.


Time has touched me gently in his race,

And left no odious furrows in my face.[445:1]

Tales of the Hall. Book xvii. The Widow.


[443:5] See Young, page 311.

[444:1] See Appendix, page 858.


'T is better to have loved and lost,

Than never to have loved at all.

Tennyson: In Memoriam, xxvii.

[444:3] For right is right, since God is God.—Faber: The Right must win.

[444:4] See Goldsmith, page 394.

[444:5] To sigh, yet feel no pain.—Moore: The Blue Stocking.

[444:6] See Appendix, page 394.

[445:1] Touch us gently, Time.—B. W. Procter: Touch us gently, Time.

Time has laid his hand

Upon my heart, gently.

Longfellow: The Golden Legend, iv.


True patriots all; for be it understood

We left our country for our country's good.[445:2]

Prologue written for the Opening of the Play-house at New South Wales, Jan. 16, 1796.


[445:2] See Farquhar, page 305.

HENRY LEE.  1756-1816.

  To the memory of the Man, first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen.

Memoirs of Lee. Eulogy on Washington, Dec. 26, 1799.[445:3]


[445:3] To the memory of the Man, first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his fellow-citizens.—Resolutions presented to the United States' House of Representatives, on the Death of Washington, December, 1799.

The eulogy was delivered a week later. Marshall, in his "Life of Washington," vol. v. p. 767, says in a note that these resolutions were prepared by Colonel Henry Lee, who was then not in his place to read them. General Robert E. Lee, in the Life of his father (1869), prefixed to the Report of his father's "Memoirs of the War of the Revolution," gives (p. 5) the expression "fellow-citizens;" but on p. 52 he says: "But there is a line, a single line, in the Works of Lee which would hand him over to immortality, though he had never written another: 'First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen' will last while language lasts."

J. P. KEMBLE.  1757-1823.

Perhaps it was right to dissemble your love,

But—why did you kick me down stairs?[445:4]

The Panel. Act i. Sc. 1.


[445:4] Altered from Bickerstaff's "'T is Well 't is no Worse." The lines are also found in Debrett's "Asylum for Fugitive Pieces," vol. i. p. 15.


HORATIO NELSON.  1758-1805.

  In the battle off Cape St. Vincent, Nelson gave orders for boarding the "San Josef," exclaiming "Westminster Abbey, or victory!"

Life of Nelson (Southey). Vol. i. p. 93.

  England expects every man to do his duty.[446:1]

Life of Nelson (Southey). Vol. ii. p. 131.


[446:1] This famous sentence is thus first reported: "Say to the fleet, England confides that every man will do his duty." Captain Pasco, Nelson's flag-lieutenant, suggested to substitute "expects" for "confides," which was adopted. Captain Blackwood, who commanded the "Euryalis," says that the correction suggested was from "Nelson expects" to "England expects."

ROBERT BURNS.  1759-1796.

Auld Nature swears the lovely dears

Her noblest work she classes, O;

Her 'prentice han' she tried on man,

And then she made the lasses, O![446:2]

Green grow the Rashes.

Some books are lies frae end to end.

Death and Dr. Hornbook.

Some wee short hours ayont the twal.

Death and Dr. Hornbook.

The best laid schemes o' mice and men

Gang aft a-gley;

And leave us naught but grief and pain

For promised joy.

To a Mouse.

When chill November's surly blast

Made fields and forests bare.

Man was made to Mourn.

Man's inhumanity to man

Makes countless thousands mourn.

Man was made to Mourn.


Gars auld claes look amaist as weel 's the new.

The Cotter's Saturday Night.

Beneath the milk-white thorn that scents the evening gale.

The Cotter's Saturday Night.

He wales a portion with judicious care;

And "Let us worship God," he says with solemn air.

The Cotter's Saturday Night.

Perhaps Dundee's wild-warbling measures rise,

Or plaintive Martyrs, worthy of the name.

The Cotter's Saturday Night.

From scenes like these old Scotia's grandeur springs,

That makes her loved at home, revered abroad:

Princes and lords are but the breath of kings,

"An honest man 's the noblest work of God."[447:1]

The Cotter's Saturday Night.

For a' that, and a' that,

And twice as muckle 's a' that.

The Jolly Beggars.

O Life! how pleasant is thy morning,

Young Fancy's rays the hills adorning!

Cold-pausing Caution's lesson scorning,

We frisk away,

Like schoolboys at th' expected warning,

To joy and play.

Epistle to James Smith.

Misled by fancy's meteor ray,

By passion driven;

But yet the light that led astray

Was light from heaven.

The Vision.

And like a passing thought, she fled

In light away.

The Vision.

Affliction's sons are brothers in distress;

A brother to relieve,—how exquisite the bliss!

A Winter Night.

His locked, lettered, braw brass collar

Showed him the gentleman and scholar.

The Twa Dogs.


And there began a lang digression

About the lords o' the creation.

The Twa Dogs.

Oh wad some power the giftie gie us

To see oursel's as others see us!

It wad frae monie a blunder free us,

And foolish notion.

To a Louse.

Then gently scan your brother man,

Still gentler sister woman;

Though they may gang a kennin' wrang,

To step aside is human.[448:1]

Address to the Unco Guid.

What 's done we partly may compute,

But know not what 's resisted.

Address to the Unco Guid.

Stern Ruin's ploughshare drives elate

Full on thy bloom.[448:2]

To a Mountain Daisy.

O life! thou art a galling load,

Along a rough, a weary road,

To wretches such as I!


Perhaps it may turn out a sang,

Perhaps turn out a sermon.

Epistle to a Young Friend.

I waive the quantum o' the sin,

The hazard of concealing;

But, och! it hardens a' within,

And petrifies the feeling!

Epistle to a Young Friend.

The fear o' hell 's a hangman's whip

To haud the wretch in order;[448:3]

But where ye feel your honour grip,

Let that aye be your border.

Epistle to a Young Friend.

An atheist's laugh 's a poor exchange

For Deity offended!

Epistle to a Young Friend.

And may you better reck the rede,[448:4]

Than ever did the adviser!

Epistle to a Young Friend.


Flow gently, sweet Afton, among thy green braes;

Flow gently, I 'll sing thee a song in thy praise.

Flow gently, sweet Afton.

Oh whistle, and I 'll come to ye, my lad.[449:1]

Whistle, and I 'll come to ye.

If naebody care for me,

I 'll care for naebody.[449:2]

I hae a Wife o' my Ain.

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

And never brought to mind?

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

And days o' lang syne?

Auld Lang Syne.

We twa hae run about the braes,

And pu'd the gowans fine.

Auld Lang Syne.

Dweller in yon dungeon dark,

Hangman of creation, mark!

Who in widow weeds appears,

Laden with unhonoured years,

Noosing with care a bursting purse,

Baited with many a deadly curse?

Ode on Mrs. Oswald.

To make a happy fireside clime

To weans and wife,—

That 's the true pathos and sublime

Of human life.

Epistle to Dr. Blacklock.

If there 's a hole in a' your coats,

I rede ye tent it;

A chiel 's amang ye takin' notes,


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