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the positives of Witchcraft (and there are lots of them).

When to Stand On Your Rights

Usually there is no need at all to discuss the Craft, or religion of any kind, with people outside the Craft. You may choose to do so if you are already out of the broom closet and someone seems open-minded and really curious. Just don’t get all evangelical and try to persuade them that they should be a Witch too. We have a long tradition in the Craft of not witnessing or proselytizing, much less recruiting muggles door-to-door. We do not have a monopoly on truth, every spiritual path is right for someone, and it is arrogant and disrespectful to try to change someone’s religious convictions—unless those convictions including burning heretics, of course.

Yet the time may come when someone with different ideas is pushing you hard, and you or those you love are at risk. What do you do?

First, stop and think. No blurting or yelling. Ground and center, and just watch your opponent while you pull your thoughts together. Then act with strength and certainty.

Example One

County clerk: “This is a registry for regular clergy members, ministers in recognized churches. I’m sorry, but that Wicca thing is just Witchcraft, a cult.”

You: “I am a member of the clergy, and I have shown you my credentials from (COG, ATC, whatever). Wicca is recognized as a religion by the United States government, including the Departments of Defense and the Treasury. Now please put me in that registry, or I can speak to your supervisor and my attorney about your violation of the laws regarding equal protection for all faiths.”

Example Two

Judge of family court: “We have to do what’s best for the child, and I’m not persuaded that being exposed to Witchcraft is in the child’s best interests. Why should I not grant custody to the ex-husband?”

Your lawyer: “With respect, Your Honor, Mr. X’s attorney is attempting to push your buttons with the word Witchcraft, which frightens many people. Please forget the B-movie depictions of spooky rituals and such, and consider the real practices of Wicca we have documented. Loving nature and celebrating seasonal festivals is not going to damage my client’s daughter—it certainly hasn’t so far. Besides, the other attorney is asking you to do something that the law forbids: he is asking you in effect to declare that one specific religion is bad for children, whereas others are not. How does that square with equal protection?”

Example Three

School principal: “Your son was suspended because he wore a pentagram pendant to school, and the dress code specifically says that students may not wear gang-related or occult items here.”

You: “Fine, except that the pentagram is not gang-related or occult—occult simply means ‘hidden.’ It’s a religious medallion and is a protected symbol just like a Catholic crucifix or a Star of David. If you were to ban all religious jewelry, at least you would be consistent. But you may not pick out our religious symbol to ban, or I guarantee you and the school board will face some very expensive litigation. Now will you allow the pentagram, or do you plan to disallow all religious jewelry?”

Example Four

Huge, scruffy drunk in bar: “I heard you was a Witch, and we don’t like no f----g Satan worshipers comin’ around here. I’m gonna punch out your lights!”

You: “Who told you I was a Witch? Was it Sam? Was it? I’m gonna find him and punch out his lights!” (Never mind that you don’t know any “Sam.” Leave the bar, go directly home, and avoid that bar in the future.)

A wise general always picks his or her battles; never fight except at a time and place of your choosing. According to the laws of the United States and most Western nations, you may not be harassed or persecuted because of your religion. But that is no help in an emergency where there is no police officer around, local officials are ignorant and prejudiced, or some thug with a broken bottle is glaring at you.

In cases like these, do what it takes now to keep yourself and your family safe, then discuss the situation with friends, elders, and legal counsel before you choose your next step. Use your divination and your magick. Do not take on a whole town, school system, or mob unless wisdom and honor demand it. If there is no other choice and you must confront injustice, then do it intelligently and find all the allies you can. The Craft has had enough martyrs.

Becoming a Witch isn’t a game. It’s about your whole life and how you will live for all the years ahead. It’s about your heart and mind and spirit, and even about your safety and survival. But it’s not just about you. It’s about the well-being of the people you love, and the community where you live, and the ancestors who lived and died so that you could be here and make these choices.

Choose wisely. In fact, we would ask a favor of you. If you decide you are a Witch and that you will be open about it, don’t tell the world for a year and a day. Learn everything you can about the Craft so that you may speak from knowledge. Cultivate your serenity and inner strength. Judge your words and actions before you speak or act, and then act and speak from love and kindness. Learn to see the magick all around you, so that curiosity and wonder are alive within you. Remember that you are holy and all people around you are sacred, and light the world with the radiance of the Goddess and God within you.

After that, if it seems wise, let the world know that you are a Witch. Then you will do honor to the Craft, the ancestors, and yourself.


The Path from This Place

Ever Learning, Ever Changing

Many seek, a few may find,

Touching magick, wielding power,

That Witchcraft feeds the heart and mind,

I am a Witch at every hour.

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