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thought. So far today, every word out ofher mouth was a lie. Then, I asked myself, was there any differencebetween today and the entire time I knew her? The answer, sadly,was no.

“Ms. Munson, would youplease read this email to the court, dated November 22, 2007,approximately two months after your marriage to Mr. Goldman?”Audrey cleared her throat and began again:

How about calling me when you can finally surrenderand admit that you love me, can kiss me passionately, andappreciate our relationship. This is what I deserve from you. Untilthen, I’m going to try and let my heart and head rest.

Love you ‘til death do us part.’ Audrey.

“Ms. Munson, did you write thisemail?”

“No.” And with another email andanother denial, I looked over at Audrey’s lawyer, wondering how hecould possibly overcome all of this. Peter Walton didn’t even seemto be listening as he closely regarded his fingernails.

“Ms. Munson, would you please readthis email to the court, dated February 4, 2008, entitled ‘MySchedule’?”

How can you question my schedule when all you haveever offered me was 'dong dips' at your leisure? Unconditionallyyour heart & soul, Audrey.

“Ms. Munson, do you recognize thisemail?” Adam asked, as if she might offer a response other than“no.”

“It seems like an ‘insertion’ ofan email.”


“It looks like an ‘insertion’ ofan email.”

“Ms. Munson, this is your emailaddress, Lady underscore Audrey at mail.com, is it not? And this isRoyce’s email address. Ms. Munson, did you write thisemail?”


“Ms. Munson, what is a ‘dongdip?’”

“I don’t know.”

“Okay. Ms. Munson, would youplease read this email to the court, dated August 18, 2008, writtenby Royce Rocco to you, and written during the time you werereconciled with Mr. Goldman after your maritalcounseling?”

Go back to your plastic surgeon and have a breastexam. I think you have encapsulation with your implants and theyshould be checked.

“Ms. Munson, do you have breastimplants?”

“Yes.” This seemed to be obviousproof that Audrey and Royce had sex while we were married. I lookedover at the judge to see if he made the connection, but again, hisexpression revealed nothing. Adam continued, moving on to questionsregarding the trip Audrey made with Royce to Georgia barely threeweeks after our wedding.

“Ms. Munson, let me now read toyou a portion of Royce Rocco’s sworn deposition of August 20,2009:

Question – Where have you traveled with her? Answer– Savannah, Georgia, the hurricane with the kids. Question – Howlong? Answer – It was probably a five day thing. Question – Wheredid you stay? Answer – A nice motel in downtown Savannah.

Adam finished reading the interview and stared atAudrey, allowing her to realize Royce’s slip-up. He then continued,“Now, Ms. Munson, did you take a trip with Mr. Rocco to Savannah,Georgia in late October, 2007, barely three weeks after marryingMr. Goldman?”


“Okay, Ms. Munson, let’s take alook at your bank debit charges for that time period. I see acharge at the Circle K for $2.10 on October 25, 2007 in TalahiIsland, Georgia, a charge at Wal-Mart for $13.78 on October 25,2007 in Savannah, Georgia. Ms. Munson, did you make thesecharges?”


“Okay, Ms. Munson, now let’s takea look at your cell phone bill for October 2007, and there is acall to Howard Johnson’s Motel in Savannah, Georgia on October 23,2007. Ms. Munson, did you make this call?”


“I don’t understand, Ms. Munson,what do you mean? These are your bank debit charges, this is yourcell phone number, correct?”

“Well, other people have access tomy cell phone and my debit card.”

“Other people? Like whom?” Adamtilted his head in innocent curiosity, showing two could play atthis game.

“Like my parents, or mychildren.”

“Ms. Munson, are you saying thatit was your parents or your children who took this trip to Georgiawith Royce?” Audrey responded with only a blankexpression.

I wanted to scream, “Make her answer!” but Iremembered my promise to Adam to trust him, and kept quiet. So,Adam finished his questioning with the phone calls Audrey made toRoyce on the day of our wedding and on our wedding night.

“Ms. Munson, please take a look atthese phone logs, records of phone calls made from your cell phonewhich we obtained during the discovery period. Now, Ms. Munson, Irefer you to three calls made to Royce Rocco on September 18, 2007,during the day of your marriage to Mr. Goldman, and three callsmade to Royce Rocco on your honeymoon night, one at 11:30, one at11:45, and one at 12:14 a.m. Ms. Munson, did you make thesecalls?”


“I don’t understand, Ms. Munson.This is your cell phone log. This is your cell phone number, is itnot?”

“Well, other people have access tomy cell phone.”

“Other people? Likewhom?”

“Like my parents, or mychildren.”

By this time, it seemed that Audrey’s pattern ofdenial was clear, not only to me, but to everyone in the courtroom.She was selling, but nobody was buying. Adam ended his questioningthere, choosing not to confront her with the prostitution charge asI would have plenty to testify to that. Audrey was dismissed,slowly made her way down from the witness stand, and returned toher table, seemingly unmoved by the entire proceeding.

I realized that Audrey was a complete sociopath. Shehad no soul. No wonder she could play me like a violin, and have noremorse. She tore my life apart, pretended to be my loving wife.Pretended to be a loving mother to Johnny. I thought back to allher deceptive stories she told me about her life, simply liesrehearsed with dozens of boyfriends over the years. I rememberedthe way she made love, a choreography, perfected with literallythousands of men, performed completely without feeling.

I did my best to clear my mind and calm down, so Icould present the truth in a non-emotional and convincing way. Atruth that I'd been dying to tell the world for so long.

It was, finally, my turn to testify.


My Testimony

April 5, 2010

I took the stand, andraised my right hand to swear that my testimony was truthful,thinking, this will be a stark contrast to the performance that hadjust concluded. Though I had been a bundle of nerves leading up tothis moment, I felt an amazing sense of clarity come over me. Imade a quick survey of the people in the courtroom. I could seethey were eager to hear “the rest of the

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