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Book online «Mountain Secrets Elizabeth Goddard (life changing books to read .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Goddard

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sounded almost whiny. “It can be like old times. You and me.”

She took in a breath, willing her heart to slow down. The only way off this mountain without blowing her cover was to play along. She’d make Nick think she was interested in getting back with him. Acid rose up from her stomach at the thought of having to pretend to like him.

She stepped out, prepared to call to Nick, when a hand went over her mouth.


For the second time since they’d met, Jason had to subdue Isabel into silence by putting a hand over her mouth. This time, she must have sensed it was him because she stopped struggling right away.

“I’ve got the car down the road,” Jason whispered.

Nick cried out. “Isabel. Blondie.” He shone the flashlight in her direction. Both of them got caught in the light just as they turned to run.

Isabel scrambled down the snowy hill, slowed by her dress. When she looked over her shoulder, the flashlight was moving away from them. Nick was probably going to get his truck so he could chase them.

Jason jumped into the car and revved the engine. She swung the passenger-side door open and scooted in beside him, snapping her seat belt on.

“How did you find me?”

“I saw the smoke from the chimney.” He pressed the accelerator and burst forward on the snow-covered road. “When I lost you, I called our friends at the Bureau. Couple agents are out looking for you.” Affection and relief collided inside him. “I’m glad I’m the one who found you.”

“Me too.” Nuances of affection permeated her words. Isabel brushed a stray strand of hair off her face. When he thought he’d lost her at the party, he’d felt a chasm inside him he didn’t understand.

“Nice outfit.” Even after all she’d been through, she looked beautiful.

She stared down at the sweatshirt. “It’s what all the divas are wearing these days.”

He caught the levity in her voice, grateful that she could have a sense of humor even while they were still in danger. The guy who had taken her was bound to come after them.

“What’s that guy’s game, anyway? Why didn’t he just take the bookmark?”

“Let’s just say he’s someone I would rather not associate with.”

“But he knows you?”

“He’s the reason I have a record.” Her voice dropped half an octave and she turned slightly away from him.

Jason knew from what the Bureau had told him that Isabel’s old boyfriend was named Nick Solomon. “The past is in the past.” He hoped his words communicated that he still believed in her.

Headlights loomed behind them.

Jason stared in the rearview mirror. “Didn’t take him long to catch up.”

Nick closed the distance between the two vehicles.

Jason pressed the accelerator, feeling a surge of excitement in his veins. Danger did that for him. But he had Isabel to think of now. He needed to get her to a safe place.

Both vehicles slipped on the icy road.

Isabel braced an arm on the dashboard.

Jason righted the car and watched the speedometer nudge toward forty, a dangerous speed in these conditions. Nick was right on his bumper.

They entered a section of the road that was switchback curves. Jason stayed close to the inside as he maneuvered the car around the tight turns.

Nick tapped their bumper. Their car lurched. Jason gripped the wheel, bringing the car back under control.

Headlights filled the rearview mirror. “Hold on.” Jason pressed the accelerator to the floor.

Nick’s headlights got smaller.

“I think we’re going too fast,” Isabel said breathlessly as her hand clasped the armrest.

“We just need to put a little distance between us,” Jason said.

Visibility was reduced in the darkness. A curve came up without warning. The car slid sideways. Jason turned the wheel in the direction of the skid, hoping to straighten the car.

They continued to slide. The car came to a stop. The engine had quit. Jason turned the key in the ignition.

Nick’s truck barreled toward them, ramming them in the side by the back door. The whole car shook.

Jason tried to start the car again and the motor revved to life. Nick backed up, preparing to ram them again. Illumination from Nick’s headlights filled the car, making it hard to see.

“He’s trying to push us in the ditch.” Isabel’s voice filled with terror.

“Not if I can help it.” Jason pressed the gas. The back wheels spun.

Nick’s truck loomed toward them a second time. He rammed them hard enough that the car slid down the hillside and then tilted on its side. Metal creaked and groaned.

The driver’s side of the car was closest to the ground. “Crawl out,” Jason said as he unbuckled his seat belt.

He heard Isabel struggling in the darkness. “I can’t get the door open. It’s too heavy.”

“Out the back, then.” Nick was probably waiting for them. “Let me go first.” He crawled through the car and pushed open the back hatch. His feet touched the snowy ground, and he reached a hand out for Isabel.

About fifteen feet above them, Nick’s headlights glared down at them. He didn’t see Nick anywhere.

Isabel wasn’t dressed for running in the snow, but it was the only choice they had. If they could escape Nick’s clutches, Jason could call for help. The other agents out looking for Isabel were in the area.

They took off running as gunshots exploded close to their feet.

Jason ran blindly, unable to make out what was in front of them. Isabel stumbled. He helped her to her feet. He heard footsteps behind them but saw no light.

They came to a cluster of evergreens. Jason and Isabel wove through them while Nick’s footfalls seemed to surround them. If Jason could just get to a hiding place... Isabel’s dress made swishing noises as they ran that could give them away.

He came to a spot where the trees were clustered close together and pulled her behind a tree with a thick trunk. Isabel’s back was pressed against the tree and he stood facing her. Their breathing seemed augmented by the darkness and the silence.


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