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Book online «The Crafter's Defense: A Dungeon Core Novel (Dungeon Crafting Book 2) Jonathan Brooks (large ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Jonathan Brooks

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raced out of the tunnel that emerged in the Bearlings’ old lair and out into the wastelands.

“You better not let anything happen to her,” Violet said, trying but failing to sound menacing when she was now quite exhausted.  Sandra thought that she was more drained from just the expenditure of Spirit elemental energy; the healing must’ve had at least a temporary effect on her overall health.  That made sense – the Repair Drones could only repair what was there, and it was more than likely that something had been consumed in the process.  She didn’t think it was permanent, however – though it might also explain why those that were horribly injured during the bonding process tended to stay unconscious for a while, giving their bodies a chance to recover fully.

* Don’t worry, I’m not planning on it; she’ll be back here as soon as I can manage it and then you all can go home. I promise. *

Violet nodded, apparently satisfied with her response.  Now all Sandra had to do was keep that promise.

Chapter 33

Sandra watched the Mechanical Wolf holding Junipar the entire way to the Elven village.  It was only a few hours after sunrise and most of the Dungeon Monster hunters that she had seen frequently leaving the village had already gone out for the day, all except for the male Elf that had ended up finding Echo’s bow outside of Sandra’s Dungeon.  She hadn’t been able to hear whatever conversation he had with the leader of the village when he returned the day before – as her Shears couldn’t get close enough – but there were grim expressions on everyone’s faces all throughout that day.

From what little she observed that morning, the grim atmosphere hadn’t changed much.  And luck would have it, the same Elf that had discovered Echo’s disappearance just happened to be the first that encountered Junipar on her Mechanical Wolf.

Afterward, Sandra regretted not thinking the entire operation through; the appearance of one of her constructs – despite it having a Gnome on its back – sent the male Elf into a rage.  Junipar tried to call out a greeting, but as she spoke Gnomish, it likely sounded like gibberish to the other race.  Instead, the Elf screamed insults directed toward her Wolf and basically ignored the small form on its back – and she found out why moments later.

“…not only did you kill my friend, but somehow you’re now working with goblins, those filthy monsters!  I can’t wait until the Elites get here to wipe out your entire dungeon…too bad you won’t be there to see it!” he said, before swiftly nocking an arrow, casting some sort of spell using Earth elemental energy, and then sending it hurtling towards Junipar.

Sandra reacted entirely too slow, as everything happened way too fast for her to comprehend, and since the arrow wasn’t aimed at her construct, it didn’t think to move; she jerked it to the side at the very last moment, which allowed the Gnome to avoid an arrow straight through her eye.  Instead, it impacted her shoulder and slid deep inside her body, the tremendous force behind the arrow tearing through flesh, muscle, and bone like it was nothing.  She cried out in pain after the shock of the injury wore off, before the blood in her pierced lung cut it off.

Sandra immediately stopped her Wolf and turned it around, heading straight back to her dungeon running full speed.  The Elf tried to fire again as it retreated, but Sandra was ready for the arrow and was able to completely dodge it as it came screaming by.  By the time he could fire again, they were already out of range, which was a good thing – because Junipar lost consciousness and tumbled to the ground as she lost her grip.

She had her construct lift her gently up in its jaws and run back with her impaled and bleeding body hanging limply to either side of its mouth.  The sharp teeth of the Wolf probably didn’t help matters, but by that time the additional wounds it inflicted were inconsequential – if she didn’t get help soon, she was going to die.

Sandra had dispatched a literal army of constructs out of her first room as soon as she was injured, fortunately, which included four Repair Drones that were being transported faster than they could normally travel.  Within minutes of frantic racing in approaching directions, they met up and her Repair Drones were able to get to work.  She was still bleeding profusely, so she was thankfully still alive – but just barely.

How come everyone in or near my dungeon keeps ending up horribly injured and unconscious?

“You’re just lucky, I guess,” Winxa said as the Dungeon Fairy broke into her thoughts as she responded to Sandra’s internal comment.  It was only after silence from the before-talkative bunch in her Assembly and Storage Room that the Dungeon Core realized she had broadcasted those thoughts to everyone who was bonded to her.

“What happened?” Lankas demanded.

* The Elves weren’t quite as…receptive as I had hoped.  Junipar was injured pretty badly, but my Repair Drones are healing her right now.  Soon enough she’ll be back and good as new. *

“What?!  You said that you’d make sure nothing happened to her!” Lankas continued, righteous anger in his voice.  Sandra had to admit he had a point, she had promised that nothing would happen to her, but she in no way was prepared for what had happened.

* I apologize profusely.  I didn’t think they would mistake her for a goblin, so I wasn’t able to protect her the way I promised.  However, she’s alive and headed back right now, in fact. *

Sandra’s four Repair Drones had worked miracles on the nearly dead body of Junipar; as one, they pumped Holy elemental energy into her that amazingly sped up her recovery faster than the

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