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the younger magi grow. Our deepest wish is that one day, the magi of today, will help change the world.”

Gregory blinked at her for a second, then bowed his head. “That is a lofty goal, but one I do find myself hoping for, as well.” Yukiko and Jenn nodded along with his words.

“Yes, I had thought you three might. I wish you a good day,” Sarinia said, moving past them with silent steps.

“Good day, Chief,” Gregory replied, bowing his head to her back.

They stayed quiet until they got to their table. Once they were seated and working on their expanded Magi Squares, Yukiko whispered, “She knows we’re helping the others.”

“She’s helped us in the past,” Gregory replied just as quietly. “I don’t think she’s against us.”

“We should still be careful,” Jenn said. “A friend today doesn’t mean a friend tomorrow.”

“Yeah, Nick’s helped prove that,” Gregory sighed, “but unlike him, I don’t sense her wearing a false face.”

“Agreed,” Yukiko nodded. “Her words have been true to us, and I can’t detect any lie to them.”

“Something to keep an eye on, regardless,” Jenn said.

“Yes, but unless she proves otherwise, I’d like to treat her as friendly,” Gregory said.

The other two agreed, and they lapsed into silence as they focused on their Magi Squares.

Eyes watched them for a moment longer from the darkness of a nearby alcove before they faded from view.


Arriving at tactics class, Gregory, Yukiko, and Jenn were smiling as they waited for the others. They didn’t have long to wait before Clover and Ling arrived.

“Did you enjoy your week off?” Clover asked as soon as she saw them. “We studied so much. It was amazing.”

“We had a lot of training, ourselves,” Yukiko replied, “but we did make time to leave the academy for a bit, too.”

“We were in the archive every day,” Ling said. “It was time well spent. I’m looking forward to today, though.”

“Because you finally get to play against me?” Jenn asked with a grin.

“I get to test my knowledge against you,” Ling replied.

“She’s been going over a lot of strategies,” Clover said. “She’s very intent on winning today.”

Ling looked away, her cheeks pinking. “As anyone should be.”

“Good. I want a challenge,” Jenn said amiably.

“But the other thing we want is to help you,” Yukiko said. “We picked up a few things you might enjoy, if you don’t mind a gift from a friend?”

Both Clover and Ling looked at her with surprise. Clover was the first to reply, which wasn’t a surprise to anyone in the room, “We’d love to be friends, but you don’t need to give us gifts for that.”

“Clover’s right,” Ling said with a small smile. “It is flattering, though, that you want to give us gifts.”

“These are gifts to help you learn,” Yukiko said, pulling four books from her obi and setting them on the desk. “If you want them, that is.”

Clover was there a half-step before Ling. Neither of them touched the books, but they were clearly eager to. “‘Lighthand’s Strategies’ and ‘Commander Stratagems’?” Clover nearly squealed as she stared at the books. “Oh, these will help my mind path and help me learn the game better!”

“Two each,” Ling said softly. “These are not cheap...” She glanced up at Yukiko. “You would give us these with nothing asked in return?”

“No strings attached,” Yukiko said sincerely. “I would like to be friends and not merely classmates, but you can spurn that and still keep the books.”

“Spurn you? No!” Clover said as she lurched over the table to give Yukiko a brief hug. “Momma always said a real friend asks for nothing, but will always try to make your life better. I’ll do my best to be a friend.”

Ling stood there for a long moment, clearly uncertain, before she bowed formally to Yukiko. “I accept the gifts, and will also try to be a friend.” Swallowing, she looked away. “Not that I’ll ever be able to do much to show that in return...”

“It’s fine,” Yukiko said, placing a hand on Ling’s arm briefly. “I’ll be looking forward to how you do today.”

“We all are,” Gregory said. “I still think Jenn will win, but I think you’ll do better than you fear.”

Ling nodded. “I will give my very best effort.”

“Shouldn’t we always?” The question was curious, without subtext.

“Good morning, Farin,” Gregory greeted the newest member of the group. “How was your week off?”

“Disappointing,” Farin replied. “I wish my magic hadn’t been split, but that is not what Aether decreed.”

“You have twin magic?” Jenn asked, surprised.

“Earth and water,” Farin replied. “Both are weaker than even those currently in the novice class. It’s why no clan will take me.”

“Everyone can find their place, in time,” Paul said, entering the room. “Have you improved in your martial skills at all?”

“No, sir,” Farin said. “I can’t find a teacher who will take me. I asked the keeper if the academy could help, but none of the other clanless have asked for extra instruction, so the council doesn’t want to hire someone to train just me.”

Paul stared at Farin for a long moment, then nodded. “I will find you an instructor, but if you fail to give them everything you have, they will stop teaching you. Understood?”

“Yes, sir!” Farin replied quickly, happiness filling his voice as he bowed formally. “Thank you, sir.”

“Enough,” Paul said. “Today, we have a game in earnest with Jenn against Ling. You can choose any empire commander. The field will be neutral ground, with a river breaking it in half. Gregory, Yukiko, Clover, set the board. Farin, you haven’t been with us long, so you will take notes. Gregory, when the game begins, you will answer any questions Farin has. Yukiko and Clover will bring any pieces that need to be brought into

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