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Book online «I am Dragon (Dragon Fires Rising Book 2) Marc Secchia (most read books .TXT) 📖». Author Marc Secchia

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this Dragon will have to come through me! It …really is you, Dragon? You’ve changed.

Quite a bit, I guess – uh, you haven’t? I mean … He flicked her back with his wingtip. You look as dazzling as ever, but we’ve a small problem –

The hundred Dragonesses lining up to tear us limb from limb? “Princess Azania!” Reaching out a paw, Aria touched the girl’s shoulder, and then drew her firmly back to her side. “Welcome to the Isles. Good flight?”

“The best.”

To his surprise, the talon dagger sprouted from her right hand. Ready for action.

This was all the greeting they had time for. The copper Dragoness stalked toward them with sinuous menace, backed by two hundred steely-eyed predators. The males just stood around looking bemused. Was intelligent thought even part of the deal around here? On the contrary, the Dragonesses looked more than prepared to kill, which was expected. What he had not expected, was how a large Dragon could feel exactly as if he were a choice portion of meat about to be reduced to kebab-sized portions and grilled in the twinkling of an eye.

Why did you come? Aria hissed from the corner of her mouth.

Long story, but I am here for you, Aria.

For me?

Confident in her superiority now, Charielle Seaspray purred, I see how it is, now. This foreign Dragon has distracted you from your true purpose, daughter, and twisted your hearts away from your sworn word. What promises has he made to turn your wilful head? Riches? Power? Honour? None of these matter. At the end of this day, your honour, loyalty and service belong to your Clan by blood-right and birth. You shall obey –

This is honour? Azania queried.

Human child, you know nothing of our ways, nor of this Dragoness’ history of headstrong, anti-draconic behaviour, the copper female responded.

I know no other crossed the ocean to save a King and Queen.

In flagrant disobedience to the direct orders of her elders! She is reckless, impulsive and unbiddable. No. The time has come for my daughter to stand by her betrothal promise and be bound to a good, steady male –

Unlike me?

I don’t even know what you are, let alone who, she spat back.

I am the Dragon standing between your daughter and the dishonour of this unwanted, joyless, loveless match. I am here, because I want to give Ariamyrielle Seaspray the chance to choose her own future.

Thanks to the Princess.

In most of the Dragonesses facing him, he read only ire – but many, perhaps fifty or more, stood a little aside from this main body. They were younger Dragonesses, perhaps around Aria’s age and a little older, and they wavered between the chains of tradition, obedience and elder-honour, and the desire to stand beside Aria. Her thoughts or inclinations, he could not read at all. He baulked, shutting down his senses, even though they trembled on the cusp of touching her chaotic feelings.

Please, please, please let her understand!

Choose? We will rend you limb from limb, foreigner, and she can choose your spineless carcass!

He raised his muzzle. Stand tall. For once in his life, he would stand tall and proud, and not yield. You have no idea what I am capable of.

Dragon, please … Aria begged.

How many of you are prepared to die? he snarled.

Dragon, I – I would stand with you, but I could not … if you were to perish … I …

That warrior demeanour cracked like a dropped vase. Aria gave a grieving sob, a lamentation, that tore his hearts. She feared for him. By coming here, he had placed her in an invidious situation, where she would choose that other male only for the reason that it would ensure his survival.

I must do this for you, Aria.

Dragon, no! she cried.

The Princess called, Is it not strange, Charielle Seaspray, that troubles beset King Azerim at precisely the same time as all Isles Dragons and Dragonesses are present at this event, eighty-odd miles away? We passed a late contingent of Dragonesses inbound from Zunityne on the way. What were they up to, over there?

What? Aria gasped.

Coup, Dragon said tersely. Red feathers on their helms –

Lord Gazaram?

No idea. City full of soldiers, King and Queen not available, Azerim vanished …

Charielle smiled thinly. Human problems are no concern of the Dragonkind, apart from some few of our ranks who take pity upon the poor creatures. Now, Dragon and your … Rider, I will give you but one chance at mercy. Extraordinary mercy, which is not often exercised beneath my iron paw, as my own daughter will tell you. Fly on. Fly home and take this little leech with you.

“Dragon,” the T’nagrun Princess said firmly. “A word?”

He was unwilling to be separated from Aria, but she led him only as far as the small pond. Standing on her tiptoes to reach his ear, she said in her mind, Drink. You’re far too dry for what you’re planning.

I am? Bending his neck, he took a nice, long drink. Horrible water, mind.

He had not even noticed the absence of his fires, but now, that still unfamiliar bubbling and rumbling ignited in his belly. Dehydration after the ultra-long sprint. What would he do without this girl?

You are amazing, do you know that?

If you insist, she smiled uncertainly. What now? Fly and escape?

No, that will not solve anything. I think I need to shame Aria’s dam without killing her. Shame her into giving Aria a choice.

Alright. Do you think that’ll work?

It’s the only idea I have. It’ll go one of two ways. She’ll agree to a bargain, or she’ll refuse and try to kill me anyway. Can’t imagine they’ll just let us go. Talon in the back and all that.

Chapter 26: What Aria Sang


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