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with each hit.


Slots: 1 (empty)


Requirements: elf. Admiration with Im Enoi.


“Well, not all is lost. Reputation with the elves can be farmed,” Olaf said. “And then, the quest should have a good reward.”

According to the Watchers, the raid was extremely successful so far. A Lightning Stone, a Rikhar’s Heart, a Moonguard, two epic items from the succubi, the legendary scourge and the crown, plus, lots of epic and rare ingredients and other loot. I couldn’t estimate the price of the legendaries, but the rest was worth at least three hundred thousand, combined. Not bad for an eight hours’ job.

The commanders decided to make a temporary camp right there, inside the rikhar’s nest. It stank like hell, but it was a hard-to-reach area with only one entrance. We quickly set up tents and pavilions and lit fires. Upon leaving Sphere, players disappeared, but getting killed by a crowd of waiting enemies upon relogin wasn’t exactly great. Guard shifts were a must.

* * *


Illith: I’m tired. You guys are dialing up frags, and I spy across the corner like an idiot.


Tao: Only “like” an idiot? Ha-ha! Calm down. The PROJECT won’t forget you. It’s not so fun here either, just running around all the time.


Illith: Have you kicked the asses of those Unity?


Tao: Well, how shall I say... We would have, if we caught them. Those guys are real elusive. Mostly, they get on our nerves.


Tao: What about the Watchers? Are you keeping an eye on them?


Illith: They’ve passed the Crossroads, bumped into a wandering rikhar, and farmed it. Then they set up camp.


Tao: A rikhar? I always knew those Watchers were natural born carebears. Continue watching. I’ll try to find a replacement for you tomorrow.


* * *


“Now we need to decide what to do with Cat. Show the crown again.”

As I pulled out a thin jagged band from my backpack, it gave my fingers a sharp sting. I showed it to everyone, making Komtur whistle and Abel swear. Olaf’s face was still inscrutable.

The Crown of the Mistress of the Wandering Succubate


Quality: legendary. Material: gold, demonite, ellurite. Personal.


Increases resistance to all types of magical and elemental damage by 70%.


The Crown of the Queen: Wandering Succubate obeys all your commands without question.


The Succubus Queen: increases reputation with all demonic factions to Respect.


The Enemy of Light: decreases reputation with all factions of light to Hostile.


Slots: 1 (Transformation Gem)


Requirements: supreme demon, female, Leadership 800/1000, Strategy 500/1000, unlocked Faction Management 0/1000, Admired by Wandering Succubate.


True owner: undefined


100% chance of drop upon the death of the true owner.


Yep, that crown was fun. The developers, or whoever it was instead of them, adapted the requirements in such a way that...

“Bottom line is, this can only be worn by a female demon with high-level strategy skills,” Komtur expressed the mutual opinion. “And their reputation, too... Basically, this is Daine’s successor.”

“We’re screwed,” Olaf said quietly. “HotCat, why did you kill her, anyway? Do you know that she’s the youngest daughter of Baalor, the demon lord and the ruler of the Fifth Pit of Hell?”

“Who, Daine? How were you going to defeat her then?”

“It’s simple. We are not the first to encounter the Wandering Succubate. The guides say that when you kill fifty percent of them, the others flee into the Abyss together with their mistress.”

“What’s so bad about that, actually?” Abel asked. “So he killed her. Great!”

“No. You don’t get it. This is the crown of an NPC faction. They cannot exist without it. They cannot exist without a ruler.”


“In less than a day, when the Succubate revives at their home spot, they will direct all their efforts to reclaiming the crown. Do you understand me? All their efforts. They will chase the player with their crown, and seeing as these demons can open their own portals, you cannot hide from them. Basically, I don’t envy HotCat.”

“We could hide in the clan warehouse or put it up for sale at the auction,” Komtur offered.

“Are you joking? Those enemies are really nasty. Do you want to wake up the clan in the middle of the night to defend Condor from a demon army? Keep in mind that the Succubate will do anything to retrieve the crown, including deals with more powerful creatures. I’ve read about such cases. It’s better to avoid risks.”

“So what are you offering?”

“I don’t know, really. Maybe return it to them as soon as possible? Items like that are no laughing matter. Those gameplay mechanics are seriously ruthless.”

“What if we just throw it away, leaving it somewhere in the Paths?” Abel asked. “If it draws them near, they will find it.”

“They will, and then they’ll follow our steps to take their revenge,” Olaf nodded. “I don’t think farming Helt Akor with a demonic faction on our tail will be a walk in the park.”

“What about the scourge and the blood of a supreme demon?”

“The scourge as well. And why’d we need it anyway? It could only be wielded by the faction leader. We can’t use it or sell it. As for the blood...it’s none of your business.”

“I don’t think they’ll get to the crown if we, say, put it inside a safety deposit box at the Golden Hamster at the Bazaar,” I said. “Or auction it off.”

Olaf considered my words, then slowly shook his head.

“That’s true, they won’t. But they’ll go out of their way to try — they don’t have a choice! Still, pitting two different scripts against each other...I wouldn’t do it. The results could be unpredictable. I don’t think the Golden Hamster will be grateful for such a “gift.” If nothing else, you’ll lose reputation.”

“Maybe we could

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