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Book online «Forever Hers Walters, Ednah (best novels for teenagers .TXT) 📖». Author Walters, Ednah

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nose. “What am I supposed to do in the meantime? Push paper?”


“That’s bull.”

“It is called due process and you are not exempt from it.” His father gave him a thin smile, his expression becoming less fatherly and more his commanding officer. “You wouldn’t be in this mess if you weren’t so damn hot-headed to begin with, Eddie. You can’t keep bending and disregarding rules just because you’re good at what you do. You are a good detective, but you’re not indispensable.”

Eddie sighed. He’d heard the speech before, but this time, he tried to see things from his father’s point of view. “Yes, sir.”

His father didn’t mask his surprise. Usually they knocked heads until one of them stormed out. Eddie often did the leaving.

“I’d like a week off, so I can take care of something first,” Eddie added.

His father frowned. “We have a backload of cases and need all hands on deck.”

“This is personal. You can take it out of my vacation time.”

His father studied him intently then nodded. “Okay, but if you are conducting another unauthorized investigation or doing something that will bring the wrath of IA on your head, I will not protect you.”

Internal Affairs agents were like hound dogs and one more disciplinary action against him and he could be out the door. That would put a crimp in his plans. He would get the bulk of his inheritance next year and planned to slowly ease into the next phase of his life, not jump in with both feet. Like his cousins, his trust fund was started at birth. He got a small percentage of it when he finished college, which he’d used to buy his condo, but the bulk of it would come to him when he turned thirty-five next year. He planned to start a new venture with his cousin Lex, custom building one-of-a-kind motorcycles.

Pushing the matter aside, he looked at his father and boldly lied. “It’s nothing like that, sir.” Guilt followed but he pushed it down.

“Does this involve the young lady I met last night?”


His father nodded. “Okay. You have your week, but I want you in here next week on Friday.”

Eddie jumped to his feet, partly to escape the guilt and partly because he was running late. “Thank you, Dad. Is it possible to have Mom’s phone number?”

Surprise flashed in his father’s eyes again. “Of course.” He recited the ten-digit number then smiled. “She tried to call you last night, but your phone went unanswered.”

“I’ll call her later today.” His phone started to ring before he left the station. It was Briggs.


Amy studied Eddie on the sly as they crossed the terminal at Van Nuys Airport. Something was off about him since he came back from seeing his father. She’d noticed his clenched jaw and tight grip on the steering wheel during their drive to the airport. She hadn’t told him about his mother’s surprise visit, so that couldn’t be it.

“Where are we going, Mommy?”

Amy smiled. It was the umpteenth time her daughter had asked the same question. She couldn’t tell her they were going to Charlottesville or she’d have a meltdown.

“On vacation somewhere special.”

“I like Uncle Eddie’s place. There’s a pool.”

“There will be a pool at our hotel.” I think. She hadn’t asked Eddie where they’d be staying. They walked towards the private jet, where a handsome blond man stood by the door, smiling and waiting patiently.

“Can we go swimming at the hotel?” Raelynn continued.

“Of course,” Lori said before Amy could answer. “The hotel has a swimming pool inside and outside. And do you know something else?”

“What?” Raelynn asked.

“Our hotel is right by the mall, so you and I can go shopping,” Lori added.

“Can I get more things for my dollhouse?”

Amy groaned.

Lori grinned. “Sure. We’ll charge it to Uncle Eddie’s credit card.”

“What’s a credit card?” Raelynn asked.

“It is this magical plastic that allows you to buy anything you want.”

The Fitzgeralds, Amy was learning fast, had zero monetary concerns. Lori’s suitcase alone was worth more than what Amy made in a month. She also talked about spending Eddie’s money as though it grew on trees in his backyard. Amy had tried not to worry about how much she’d owe him by the time they were done with Nolan, but she couldn’t help herself. One day, she’d pay him back.

The flight attendant flashed a smile. “Welcome aboard, Ms. Kincaid, Miss Raelynn, Ms. Fitzgerald. My name is Carlen and I will be your cabin attendant. This way please.”

“How did he know my name, Mommy?” Raelynn whispered.

“Carlen is a magician,” Lori whispered back and winked at the man, who flushed.

He stammered a bit before finding his composure as he showed them around the Boeing 737 jet then he introduce them to the pilot and the copilot. From the cherry-wood paneling, tan leather seats and couches in the living area, a fully-stocked galley, pop up TV consoles to a stateroom which was basically a master bedroom with a double bed and a private bathroom, the jet was pure luxury and elegance. A home away from home.

Lori disappeared into the galley to continue flirting with the flight attendant, while Raelynn looked around with a sense of wonder. Eddie entered the stateroom to finish making his call and closed the door, but not before Amy heard him say, “Mother” several times. From his expression, it was hard to tell whether the conversation was good or bad.

Iona Fitzgerald’s surprise visit this morning had been brief, but the woman had appeared contrite. She’d even apologized for missing dinner the previous night and had brought Raelynn a birthday gift—a book on bunnies.

He finished the call just before takeoff and joined them, tension still shooting off him. He took the couch across from her chair. Raelynn was in a chair, her nose pressed against the window.

“Is everything okay?” she asked.

“I just spoke with my mother.”

Amy studied his expression. He didn’t look happy. “She stopped by the house earlier today.”

“I know. She just told me.”


A thoughtful expression crossed his face. “I don’t

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