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Book online «Gallant Waif Anne Gracie (easy to read books for adults list txt) 📖». Author Anne Gracie

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and spit blue fire at me across crowded dance floors—”

“What do you mean, blue fire?”

Kate ignored that. If he didn’t know the power of his beautiful blue eyes, then she wasn’t going to enlighten him. She thumped him again, this time on the chest.

“And then you must drag me up on to your poor, smelly…”

“Smelly?” One arm went around her.

“Smelly, exhausted horse in front of men who I’ve known since I was a child, and then, with not a shred of shame about you, you must kiss me in front of—”

“It seemed to me you were doing a bit of kissing of your own,” he said, catching one small fist as it sailed perilously close to his jaw.

“And then, you great lout, as if that isn’t enough, you must bounce me over miles and miles of countryside—”

“And very beautifully you bounce, too,” he interjected wickedly.

“And then you decide I don’t even deserve the courtesy of a proposal! When I’d already told you I loved you!” She collapsed furiously against his chest with a final thump.

He snatched her away from him and stared into her face.

“You what? You did no such thing!”

She blushed. “I did too.”


She blushed a deeper, rosy pink. “When I told you I had everything here I wanted.”

He stared at her, dumbfounded. Then his eyes started to twinkle. “And I was supposed to understand from that that you love me?”

She nodded, embarrassed.

Suddenly he laughed, a joyous ringing laugh. “Oh, what a clod I am indeed! So clear you made it, and, stupid great lout that I am, I didn’t understand!”

“I did kiss you back,” she mumbled, aggrieved.

He stopped laughing and she could feel the warmth of his smile as he leaned close and gathered her back in his arms. Kate wouldn’t look at him. “Yes, you did, didn’t you? And very nice it was too.” He bent his head towards her, seeking her lips.

Kate pouted. “I’m not kissing any horrid kidnapper.”

He laughed and rolled back on to the grass, pulling her down on top of him. “Then, my little spitfire, will you kindly consent to kiss a man who is utterly mad for love of you? A man who has nothing but his heart and a run-down but very clean house to offer you. And, though he does not deserve you, he asks you most humbly and desperately to be his wife.”

She stared down at him for a moment and Jack was horrified to see tears welling in her beautiful eyes again. “Oh, no, my love, I’m sorry. Whatever I said or did wrong, I’m sorry. Oh, God, I’m such a clumsy fool, but I love you so much. Oh, Kate, darling, please don’t cry.”

The tears dripped harder, landing on his face. He kissed her wet cheeks, her wet eyes, her wet mouth. “Don’t cry, my little love. I can’t bear it.”

She looked at him through the shimmering veil of tears. “I’m sorry…”

His heart contracted unbearably.

“Sorry, Jack, darling… It’s just that I’m so happy…” she wailed.

It was so wonderful to be held like this, safe and warm in his arms, her cheek resting against his heart, her head tucked beneath his chin. She rubbed her cheek softly against the rough bristles along his jawline, and sighed with pleasure. She looked up and met his eyes, and the tenderness she saw in them warmed her clear down to her toes. After some time Kate forced herself to push him away. Reluctantly he allowed it. She sat up and straightened her dress. He lay there watching her, a tender, proud smile on his face.

“I’ve just thought of another reason for you to marry me,” he drawled.


“Valet service. I never knew a woman who was so good at getting into a mess,” he chuckled, picking pieces of grass out of her hair. She slapped his hands away and pushed him back on to the ground. Her hands rested on his chest, partly to ensure he kept his distance, partly so she would not lose the contact with his body.

Her face grew serious and her eyes darkened with anxiety. “I have to ask this, Jack. Do you truly not mind about what happened to me, in Spain?”

His eyes softened. “On the contrary, I mind it a great deal…but not for the reasons you’re worrying about, my love.” He pulled her down into the curve of his body. “I mind that you were hurt, that you were frightened and abused, that you were hungry and in danger and that you were alone with no one to protect you. I mind that you did not get the support and assistance you needed, that you were subjected to gossip, cruel impertinence and worse. I mind that you came home to nothing and no one, facing destitution, and I mind that to earn a living you had to scrub my floors and put up with my vile temper…”

His voice came to a shaky halt and he held her tight, trembling with emotion. After a time, he stopped shaking, his grip altered and his mouth came down over hers, infinitely gentle, infinitely loving. “I give you my word, Kate, that you will never again suffer hunger, fear, pain or loneliness, not while I am alive to prevent it. And I vow to dedicate the rest of my life to loving and protecting you.”

She was weak with relief and joy. “And I to you, my love,” she whispered. It was all she had time to say before his mouth came down over hers again.

After a long, tender interval, he added, “Besides which, it is my firm belief—” he moved against her in an unmistakably erotic fashion, his face coming alive with wicked humour “—my very firm belief, that virginity has absolutely no place in marriage.”

Distracted by the feelings engendered by his movement, Kate was a little slow in realising his meaning, but gradually she became aware of his wickedly quizzing look, the laughter, and deep, passionate love and acceptance in his eyes. In relief she began to giggle,

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