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Book online «Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8) Nicole Edwards (classic english novels TXT) 📖». Author Nicole Edwards

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rarity for me. I spend most of my time in my office.”

“What do your possessions do while you’re working?”

“They’ve got chores to tend to, among other things.”

I imagined maintaining this place did take quite a bit of effort. And though I hadn’t ventured out much, I had seen them moving about when I had. Never did I see any of them casually reclining on a sofa or sitting at a table. They were always working or standing sentry over Talon, like the two keeping an eye on us now.

“Can I ask you something personal?” I prompted when Talon didn’t elaborate.


Based on the sparkle in his eyes, I saw Talon was serious. He would likely answer any question I had. There were definitely plenty on my mind, all related to how he’d come to have seven men dedicated solely to taking care of him.

“How old were you when you first realized you wanted to … own someone?”

He didn’t miss a beat, didn’t appear at all fazed by the inquiry. “Mid-twenties.”

“How old are you now?”

“Thirty-six.” He took a sip of wine. “I’ve owned Auberon for six years, if that tells you anything.”

“Did you own any others before him?”

“I attempted, but they didn’t work out.”

“Did you train them?” I motioned to the two possessions who were standing near the wall, waiting for something to do.

“Of course. It takes time to develop a structure and routine that works. No different than if you hired someone to work for you. They need to know what it is you want, what you like and don’t like.”

“So you consider them staff members?”

“I consider them possessions, Braelyn. Because that’s what they are.”

There was a defensiveness in his tone that warned me to tread lightly.

It was awkward to talk about the men while they were in the room, but I asked the question, anyway. “Do they ever argue with you?”


“What if they don’t want to do something?”

“It’s not an option for them. They’ve relinquished all rights to make decisions.”

I considered what that meant, thought back to when I was dating Jake. There were times when he would get extremely bossy, ordering me around. Sometimes it turned me on, and I would do as he instructed; other times I would shrug him off because it didn’t suit me. No doubt it was a point of contention between us, because Jake had considered himself a Dominant, yet he hadn’t had a firm hand when it came to dealing with me.

“Let me ask you a question,” Talon prompted.

I set down my fork, picked up my wine. “Sure.”

“You’ve claimed to be quite knowledgeable about BDSM because of your brother.”

“I am, yes.”

His eyes were harder now, no more glimmer in them. “I believe you do believe that.”

I frowned, offended. “What do you mean?”

“Your brother’s entertained submissives over the years. I’ve witnessed it firsthand,” he explained. “At Dichotomy. All have been temporary.”

“He’s never been interested in permanent.” Or so he’d told me numerous times.

“I doubt that, but he hasn’t found what he’s looking for.”

“I know the feeling,” I admitted. “I tried at one point.”

“Tried what?”

“To be submissive.” I nodded toward Auberon. “Not to this extent, but I understand the concept.”

I thought for sure he would comment on that. He didn’t; however he did ask, “Have you given any real thought to what it means to be owned? For someone else to make every single decision for you?”

“Sure. I’ve read TJ’s books. And I’ve heard Ransom’s stories.”

“Not fictional or part-time. And certainly not romanticized,” Talon stated, continuing to eat as though this was an everyday topic. “I’m referring to ultimate control. Not merely in the bedroom. Because there’s a significant difference.”

I did meet his eyes then. “Yes. I’ve thought about it. At one time, I even wanted that.”

“I doubt that.”

Feeling my ire rise at his accusation, I glared at him. It almost sounded as though he was purposely poking at me. “And what makes you an expert on what I’m thinking?”

“In my world, the ultimate Dominant—or Owner as we refer to them—doesn’t make suggestions. He makes demands, and a possession follows regardless of their feelings on the matter.”

“I understand that. Like I said, I grasp the concept, Talon.”

His eyes pierced me and I could see the doubt. “If I told you to strip right now, right here, what would you say?”

“I haven’t given you that control,” I countered hotly.

“For a minute, pretend you did.”

I looked down at my plate, thought about it for a second. If he asked me to strip right here, while we were eating…

“I guess I’d hope you’d have the decency to wait until after I’m finished eating.”

“Decency?” He huffed a laugh. “It’s not about decency or timing of any kind. It’s about desire. Mine. What I want, I get. And there are no arguments.”

His words were so harsh, so … angry.

“But you wouldn’t do that, interrupt a nice dinner to insist I strip.”

His black eyebrows popped. “Oh, I would. And I’d get enjoyment out of it. I don’t demand things I don’t want.”

I didn’t like the direction this was going. Talon seemed agitated. With me? Had I done something wrong?

Talon nodded, picked up his glass. “You haven’t considered it at all, Braelyn.”

“That’s not tr—”

His eyes narrowed, effectively cutting me off when he called out for Auberon.

The man stepped away from the wall. He didn’t say a word, simply stood with his hands behind his back, waiting.

“On the table,” Talon commanded. “On your back.”

Without question, Auberon got onto the table, careful not to disturb the dishes set out, lying flat on his back as though he’d done this before.


The door to the kitchen opened; Ari appeared.

“Suck him.”

My breath hitched as soon as the words registered. I didn’t think my lungs were working when Ari stepped over to the table, deftly unbuttoned the fly of Auberon’s jeans, freed his cock before leaning down and taking Auberon into his mouth. No hands, only his mouth. He hadn’t asked how or why, he simply performed on command.

I knew I should’ve looked away, but I was riveted

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