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Book online «The Crusader's Crown (Tales of the Brotherhood Series Book 1) James Mercer (ebook reader that looks like a book .TXT) 📖». Author James Mercer

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parapet Robert withdrew a scrap of parchment from a small pouch on his belt. Drawn upon it was a rough sketch of the town.

   “Where did ya’ get that?” asked Jimmy.

   “That priest Father Anzac gave it to me,” answered Robert.

  Holding the parchment up so it caught the moonlight he surveyed the rough outline of the town.

   “I reckon we stick to the wall for the meantime, what say you?” he asked.

   “A good choice. But we’ll likely have to descend as we near the gates,” replied Athaelstan.

   “So do we split up?”

   “No, we stay together,” said Robert.

   “What’s that over there?” whispered Ridley.

  Apart from the faint light from the odd candle behind window shutters, the small streets and old buildings were completely dark. Even the moonlight couldn’t catch the terracotta roof tiles due to the shadow of the wall. However there was one position within the town which shone brightly. It was an open courtyard of some sort surrounded by torches.

   “What the hell are they doing?” asked Cherik.

   “I don’t know but look at the shadows,” answered Jimmy.

  Robert’s eyes strained to define the shadows which moved against the surrounding buildings.

   “They look as though they’re digging.” said Jurgen.

  Robert had a strong feeling he knew exactly what they were digging for, which meant it was even more paramount to get the gates open as soon as possible.

   “I don’t know. But we’ll find out soon enough. Come on we need to get those gates open,” he replied.

  The small band had covered over half of the town’s perimeter, jogging along the ancient walls undetected. Their first obstacle was a lone sentry who Robert had spotted from the reflection of the moonlight on his helmet. Knowing Jurgen to be one of the stealthiest of killers, he motioned him to approach and dispatch the sentry.

  At the time the sentry had his back to them and Robert suspected he was dozing off. Within seconds there was a moan, followed by a gurgle, as the assassin appeared out of nowhere, covered the man’s mouth and slit his throat.

  As they caught up with Jurgen, the mercenary was cleaning his blade on the dead man’s surcoat. The sentry had been holding a shield and spear but there was a loaded crossbow nearby.

   “The next sentry will be close,” he whispered.

   “Aye. And they’ll likely be more than one,” added Athaelstan.

   “Then we make for the ground,” said Robert.

  A little further along they found what they were looking for. An old ladder leaning up against the wall. One by one they descended into the darkened streets below. Hugging the wall and keeping in its shadow, they crept silently towards the far end of the town. They had been able to pass by one sentry unnoticed but were well aware that their luck would only last so long.

   “Horses coming this way,” hissed Cherik.

   “Quickly through there,” whispered Robert, running across the street towards a small alley. The others followed and hid themselves amongst the collection of old crates and some decaying rolled up carpets. From his hiding place Robert watched as the street they had been following was suddenly lit up with bright light of torches and the clatter of shoed horse hooves on stone slabs. The two riders were wearing the surcoats of the Templars. They had discarded their helmets and pulled their mail coifs back. Their swords hung from the cantles of their saddles, they carried a torch apiece in one hand and held the reins with the other.

   “We could take them,” whispered Jimmy, after they passed.

   “No,” answered Robert. “We need to get to that gate.”

   “Rob’s right. Did you see they weren’t carrying their shields? They may not have found their dead sentry yet, but they’re keeping watch for something,” said Ridley.

   “If they’ve got sentries on the wall and mounted patrols on the outer street, we’re better off going down this alley and finding a way to the gates by way of another route,” said Jurgen.

  It was soon apparent that the alleyway had been neglected for some time and become more of a dumping ground than a use of access. Even without the burden of their armour they had to tread carefully so as not to disturb the multitude of discarded items which would quickly give away their presence.

  Coming to the end of the alleyway they came across a small street which was clearly still in use. Following it north, Robert was confident they were nearing their goal. Then he saw it. At first he thought the mounted patrol was coming up another of the streets that adjoined to their own. But this light remained the same and as he listened, he could hear the sound of digging much more clearly. Slowly walking towards the street that led into the circular courtyard, Robert peered round the wall. The walkway was maybe twenty feet long at most, then it met with the public courtyard.

  Robert felt a hand grip his arm.

   “We need to keep going,” Athaelstan whispered. “It’ll be light soon and they’ll be waiting at the bottom of the slope.”

  Robert was desperate to stay and discover more about what they were doing. But what use would that be if the rest of his comrades could not get through the gates? With one last glance he spotted a fresh mound of rubble and earth piled up next to a shallow pit where three men were digging.

  Leaving the mysterious excavation behind, their journey to the gate was relatively uneventful, bar the dispatch and concealment of a Templar man-at-arms. The kill had been silent and Jimmy had relieved him of what he judged as a fine looking blade.

   “We’ve no time for your scavenging among

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