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be the equivalent of “baby” or “honey,” although their surprised expressions told her differently.

“No.” Ziri laughed. “It’s a legalese term. I’ve never heard it used like that before. No wonder you found it strange.” She raised her delicate brows high, creating deep lines in her normally perfect forehead. “And after you learned about me? Ooh, that translation must’ve been infuriating, especially if he didn’t take the time to explain it.”

Fejo shot them both an odd look. “I know why he used it.”

“You do?” Ziri said, puzzled.

“You remember Yerew and Vik?” he asked Ziri, making Lily’s irritation spike. I’m the one who needs to hear about it. Focus!

Ziri shrugged noncommittally. “I remember stories about them. Did you know them?”

“I met them once or twice when—”

“I don’t mean to be rude,” Lily interrupted rudely, “but who are they?”

Fejo grinned at her brusque tone. “They were his aunts. Great aunts, I think.”

Ziri peered up to the pale fabric of their tent ceiling thoughtfully. “People used to tell stories about them; I don’t really remember them, though. Only that they were mated. The last couple to get marks in Mithrandir, right?”

“Yes.” Fejo nodded. “Yerew was Verakko’s father’s aunt. She was a clothier in the garment district. One day she met Vik, and they recognized each other. They knew immediately that they were mates, but their marks didn’t appear, and Vik was in the middle of her marriage. She pored over her contract for days, looking for a loophole, until finally she found the old mivassi clause.”

“Usually marks don’t take long to appear after the initial recognition, you see,” Ziri added. “So the mivassi clause was really just a relic. Thrown in for the rarest of scenarios.”

“Good thing it was.” Fejo grinned. “Vik took Yerew to the Queen at that time and claimed her as her mivassi. The Queen agreed and voided her contract, but even after that their marks didn’t appear for a full year after the initial recognition. I only met them twice near the end of their lives—they were ancient at that point, hundreds of years old. But I remember it. As a loving joke, Vik always called Yerew her pesky mivassi.”

Lily’s throat constricted, and tears welled. “Why wouldn’t he tell me that?” she choked out.

“I don’t know.”

Lily thought about it, and her heart pinched. She knew why. If he’d explained the name in the woods, he would’ve had to admit he was engaged. How else would he have been able to explain the application of such a specific word to her?

Although it seemed like ages ago, it’d been less than a day since he’d taken her back to his home. He’d had so many other things to explain. When would he have had the time to explain the nickname?

 â€śCouldn’t he claim me as his mivassi now to get out of his contract?” Lily asked, glancing between Ziri and Fejo.

“Not without evidence. That’s why I said it’s too bad his eyes haven’t changed.” Giving her a sympathetic grin, Ziri shrugged. “If that happened, you’d be considered mates, and this would all be resolved.”

Lily’s shoulders slumped. Not a loophole for her. She still needed to give Verakko an answer. She sipped her drink in silence.

“Well, I hope he recognizes you soon.” Fejo winked. “It’s clear how much you love him.”

Lily froze, mouthing at Fejo like a fish. Love?

“That’s crazy. I’ve only known him for a few days. I don’t… I mean, I can’t already… I don’t love him.” Lily’s voice rose progressively higher as she babbled.

Do I?

Chapter 24

“Twenty-eight b.h. That was clearly what I said.” Verakko examined the clock near his door again and frowned. Twenty-seven. An hour late.

Verakko had spent the day building what he hoped would be a meaningful gift for Lily. If it had been any other female, he would’ve thought the gesture too personal, but he gathered from his time in Tremanta and his knowledge of the other Earthling named Alice that humans were generally eager to feel close to their partners. If he could just remind Lily of their time together before doubts had settled in, maybe she’d decide to accept his marks.

If Lily continued to be torn, would he really have the strength to keep his marks a secret and allow her to venture off on her own? He let out a shaky breath. I have to be willing to.

It wasn’t as if either of them would be getting married tomorrow. Verakko was confident Lily wouldn’t be interested in being courted by any other males. Even if she went to live on her own, he’d still have time before his marriage began to try to win her over. The deadline his mother had given him was merely a chance to avoid competition. Still, the idea of her being so far away from him, even if it was just a few floors, was literally sickening. Verakko absently ran a hand over his stomach. Must be a symptom of the mating bond.

He squared his shoulders and continued pacing near the front door, pausing at every small sound. This was ridiculous, he decided after quelling the instinct to begin a search of the hallway. Retrieving a mott, he leaned back against the cool wall and tried to calm himself. When the doors finally swooshed open, he turned away and painfully swallowed the overlarge gulp he’d taken.

“Sorry we’re late.”

Verakko shot his head around, trying to bite his tongue to keep from scolding Ziritha, but his words died in his throat.

Lily was there, looking more beautiful than ever. The pale-gold dress she wore was simple yet somehow more impactful than the intricate designs of normal Mithrandir attire. The unadorned fabric shined faintly and flowed over her curves like water. A delicate collection of chains weaved through her glittering hair, once again highlighted with gold the way it had

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