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a fish for telling me how to run my business.” Billy took one intimidating step forward.

Jeff grinned, looked down at Genghis, and said, “He’s got a pointy knife.” Genghis responded by making a ‘Hm’ sound through his nose. Jeff unholstered his PK30A and pointed it at Billy, which made him stop in his tracks.

“What the hell kind of gun is that?” Billy said, starting to laugh. “Didn’t I see that in Star Wars? You get that at . . .”  He waved the knife around, trying to think of the event. “At, at . . .Comic Con?” He took another step forward.

Trent flipped the thumb indicator switch on the weapon to suppression and fired one shot. With a muffled burp the round struck the hilt of the knife exactly where Trent was aiming. The knife Billy was holding disengaged into three hot pieces with a loud crack.

“Ow! What the fuck, man! Alright, alright, relax. We cool!” Jeff and Genghis walked up to Billy. “Alright, alright! I’ll leave her be. I was just messin' with her and giving her a hard time. I don’t really want anything to do with that uppity bitch anyway.”

With a snarl Genghis clamped down on Billy’s right calf. “OW, man! Get ‘em off!”

“You see Billy . . .” Jeff paused. “It was Billy, wasn’t it? You see, Billy, my human canine likes Twinkie.”

“Your what? OWWW!” Genghis applied pressure. “Is this really necessary man?”

“Like I said, Genghis really hates it when people say bad things about Twinkie.” Jeff reached up and placed the barrel of his PK30A hand gun against Billy’s forehead. Billy felt the warmth of the barrel. “From here on out, you will have no contact whatsoever with Twinkie. So, let me reiterate. You don’t talk to her, you don’t go into Dave's and bother her. You see her on the sidewalk, you cross the street. And she does not owe you any money. Nothing! Do we understand each other?” Genghis asserted more pressure to make their point clear.

“Ahh, for shit sake man, Okay! Okay!”

“Okay, what?”

“Okay, I’ll leave her be and have nothing to do with her anymore.”

Genghis released Billy. “Good.” Trent lowered the PK. “I’m glad we were able to come to an agreement.” Jeff holstered his gun as he and Genghis turned from Billy and were about to walk away until Trent turned back and said, “Oh, Billy, one more thing.”

“Yeah, what?” Billy said, rubbing his leg.

Trent swung a right hook that connected with Billy’s face below his left eye that brought Billy to his knees. “And that, Mister Bourbon, is for calling Twinkie a bitch!”

Chapter Sixty

After his encounter with Jeff and Genghis, Billy got back into his apartment. He pulled a bag of frozen peas from the freezer and placed it on his swollen face. He stood there for a few seconds, then slammed the freezer door shut. He walked over to the counter where the radio sat and picked it up, keying the mic. “Bollar?” He angrily said into it. “Bollar, you there? Pick up!” He heard the mic key open on the other end.

“Go ahead, Mr. Bourbon,” Bollar replied. “What seems to be the problem?”

“Oh, I’ll tell you what the damn problem is. Why the hell didn’t you tell me that guy you wanted me to follow was a cop!”

“And what makes you think he’s in law enforcement?”

“I can smell a cop a mile out, man. And this one has a serious attitude problem.”

“What did you do, Billy?” Bollar asked. “I told you not to confront him. Just watch.”

“OH! The asshole confronted me,” Billy said. “He put a damn gun to my head!”

“And did he ask you about me?”

“Man! Get off your damn high horse, he didn’t even mention you. He was more concerned with that bitch Twinkie.”

“But you didn’t mention me and he didn’t ask?”

“No man! But you know, now that you be on the mend, I think our business together is done.”

“Well of course, Billy I agree, but I still owe you for your time. I need to get out of this apartment anyway. Why don’t we meet this Friday by that big tree in the park? That way we can conclude our business.”

Later that evening, Genghis and Jeff were watching the local news. Genghis was also monitoring the Westberry Police Department's computers for anything of interest when he heard a car pull into the drive.

“Twinkie just pulled up.”

“What, what do you mean?”

Genghis turned toward Jeff. “Monica was going to drop Twink off after work, remember? They just pulled up.”

Jeff got up and walked to the living room window and looked out. “Yeah that’s them, and Monica is coming up the side stairs with Twinkie. Quick, Genghis, put your dog face on!”

“Sure I can do . . . my what?”

“You know? Like on that sporting event we watched last Sunday with Twinkie.”

Genghis thought back. “You mean the one where all those guys facing one another stood up from a crouching position and started punching each other?”

“Yes, that one. Remember that little angry fellow who was yelling at the group that had less points and shouted ‘Get your game faces on!’ Meaning to act like performers and possibly win.”

“But they didn’t!”

“Yes, I know. But that’s not the point!”

“So, why can’t I putmy game face on?”

“Because we’re not playing a game!”

A key was inserted into the front door’s deadbolt and unlocked.

“Act like a human canine!” Jeff quickly said, as the door started to open.

“Hi guys,” Jennifer said, as she held the door open for Monica.

Genghis produced a high-pitched unnatural bark as they entered, knowing that it wasn’t a convincing sounding bark for a humane canine. He looked up at Trent, who just rolled his eyes.

“Well, hello, Monica and welcome to our home,” Jeff said. “So, Twinkie, how was your first day on the job?”

“It went great!” Jennifer said.

Monica knelt down and started petting Genghis, “Hey big guy, how are you?” She giggled brightly, “Have you had any coffee today?” Genghis and Jeff both liked Monica,

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