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waddle over to the two of them and pull them both into the biggest hug I’ve ever given anyone. I can feel the tears blotting on my cheeks, but I don’t care. I love this woman more than any other friend, and my heart is fit to burst for the two of them.

I break away and kiss them both on their cheeks, still unable to put my emotions into coherent words. ‘You’ll have to tell me all about the proposal,’ I manage to blubber.

Rachel is tearing up too. ‘I knew you’d be as excited as us.’ A frown threatens to sully the atmosphere. ‘Oh shoot! I meant to pick up some champagne on our way over and I forg—’

‘I’ll go buy some,’ Daniella says forthrightly. ‘You two have a lot to catch up on. Emma, is there a shop nearby?’

‘There’s a grocery shop on the corner, but I’m not sure if they’ll do champagne. If you head into the town, there’s a Tesco Express a little way along. You might have better luck there.’

They kiss and Daniella takes her leave.

‘I can’t believe my best friend is getting married,’ I say when we’re alone.

‘I know, right? I always thought I’d become one of those cat-loving spinsters, but when she asked, I couldn’t think of anything I wanted more. When we broke up after that row with my parents… it was a really tough time for me and I don’t know if I would have got through it without you there to support me.’

‘I really didn’t do a lot,’ I counter.

‘Yes, you did, Em. You were there for me and you didn’t pass judgement when I was becoming obsessed with her social media feed, and on those nights when I probably should have laid off the wine. You were there to hear me sounding off, but you allowed me to mourn the most serious relationship in my life. And then when she came back and wanted to get back together, you didn’t discourage me. You’ve been so loyal while I’ve been coming to terms with my sexuality, and I’m a better person because you are in my life.’ She takes another deep breath. ‘Which is why I’m desperately hoping you’ll agree to be my maid of honour?’

Fresh tears erupt as I nod frantically. ‘Oh gosh, I’d be so honoured.’

‘You’ll do it?’

‘In a heartbeat, Rach. It means the world to me that you asked.’

We share another hug and my heart truly feels close to bursting. This was just the news I needed today, and having my best friend back is a bonus I wasn’t expecting.

‘There’s something else I need to tell you…’ she says conspiratorially. ‘Before Daniella gets back.’

‘If you tell me you’re also pregnant, I think my head will explode.’

She laughs awkwardly. ‘No, not that.’ She takes my hands in hers and fixes me with a hard stare. ‘Daniella isn’t the only reason I went to Barcelona.’

My brow furrows. ‘I don’t understand.’

She leads me to the table and makes me sit while she drags over a second chair to sit before me. ‘Before we went, I was doing some digging of my own. After what happened with Aurélie Lebrun, it got me thinking. She was abducted while on holiday in the UK and held here, but what about those British children who go missing abroad? Do they remain abroad, or are any of them trafficked back to the UK, and vice versa?’ She breaks off for a minute, summoning the strength to continue. ‘I heard a rumour about a British girl seen in Girona, a town about an hour north of Barcelona. My source saw a picture of Anna and claimed it was the same girl. This would have been a couple of years after her disappearance. I know I probably should have told you about it, but you’ve been through so much recently that I didn’t want to send you down another garden path.’

The breath catches in my throat.

‘So I decided I would go and do some digging on your behalf, but it didn’t lead to anything. I managed to find a kind of commune which was raided by the Spanish police a few years ago, in which a number of underage children – boys and girls – were discovered. I don’t know if you remember, but it was quite a coup at the time and all the children who had run away or been abducted were reunited with their families. I spoke to one of the detectives who worked on the case but he said he didn’t see anyone matching Anna’s description, and the lead has run cold. I’m so sorry.’

In the years since Anna disappeared, the prospect that she was sold to someone overseas has crossed my mind, but there’s never been any evidence to support such a theory, and so I haven’t pursued it with any gusto. I do recall the police raid in Spain that Rachel is referring to, though I didn’t realise what part of Spain it occurred in. This second revelation has certainly dampened the mood.

‘Please don’t tell Daniella that’s what I was doing; she says I’m a workaholic and I promised her I would relax when she was working so she doesn’t know I caught the bus to Girona and I’d prefer it stay that way.’

‘Of course.’ I nod. ‘Thank you for sacrificing your pool time to look for Anna… Sorry, I don’t know what else to say.’

‘You don’t have to say anything. I just wish it could have been better news.’ She releases my hands and sits back. ‘So, what’s been going on with you while I’ve been away? Seen much of Jack?’

I’m about to tell her about my date with Rick when my phone rings and I see Pam Ratchett’s name on the screen. A sense of dread claws its way across my torso.

‘Hi, Pam, is everything okay?’

‘Yes, Emma, I’m ringing with good news for a change. You said you wanted to be notified when your mum was next having a good

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