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Book online «The Vanishing at Loxby Manor Abigail Wilson (the red fox clan .TXT) 📖». Author Abigail Wilson

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us has found a way to move on, to find joy in what really matters.Piers gave Avery his cottage outside of Liverpool, the perfect place for Priscilla to start anew, a haven from the painfulmemories of her brother and the tragedy that happened so near. Mrs. Daunt decided to stay at Rushridge.

Tony still visits quite frequently, particularly when his pockets are to let, and I always look forward to those days of loveand laughter. Some friends are friends forever.

Piers and I spend a great deal of time hosting and visiting Lord and Lady Kendal as well. I never could have dreamed a bondwould develop among us, but after Mr. Cavanagh’s death, nothing was ever the same, not for anyone. After all, there are onlya few people who know what really happened that terrible summer.

Piers turned over the Gormogon’s ledger to the authorities at Whitehall, and every facet of the group has been snuffed out, hopefully never to be heard from again. Baker was taken to prison to await transportation, and Arthur remains safely in America, continuing his work as a chemist. I do hope my parents will visit East Whitloe soon. I have so much to show them.

There are days now when I don’t think of Seline, but they are few and far between. Her joyous laughter and zest for life stillcling to the halls of Loxby Manor as well as our hearts, and I am glad to say she will never really leave us.

Mrs. Cavanagh still instructs me on the fine art of needlepoint, but there are no more suggestions for how I might interesta man. No, these days she says she can see Piers’s love for me written across his face, and I feel the same about my husband.Piers and I both know what it felt like to be apart, and we don’t want to waste one single second of our life together.

This past week Piers received a letter granting him a chance to study with Lord Hereford and the Royal Society with hopesof applying at some point for a fellowship. We shall soon be happily forced to divide our time between London and Loxby Manor.But we won’t stay away for long periods of time, not now. Piers is determined to have his child grow up in the country, toget the chance to race over the hills like we did as children, to feel the love of family, to find his or her passion andnever ever let it go.

Discussion Questions

Charity decides to return to Britain to a time in her childhood where she remembers feeling safe and happy. Have you ever longed for moments from the past? Do you think she found what she was looking for?

After Piers missed the duel with Lord Kendal, he believed that removing himself from Loxby Manor would help everyone in his family, but what did his abandonment inadvertently cause?

Charity takes an emotional journey over the course of the novel where she finally learns to accept herself and her past. Is there something in your own life you have yet to make peace with?

In what other ways did Charity grow over the book?

What specific characteristics does Charity possess that will continue to help her heal after all she’s been through?

Did you suspect Mr. Cavanagh’s involvement in the secret society or the murders?

Do you think Mrs. Cavanagh had just cause for how she reacted to her husband’s infamy?

Secret societies have played a significant role in both British and American history. Would you ever consider joining a secret group if you were convinced they worked for the greater good of society? Would you be willing to give anything up to join?

Do you think the constraints of the Regency period had any bearing on how Charity reacted to the assault?

Who was your favorite character and why?


Travis, my husband and best friend, after nineteen years of marriage, I still fall more in love with you each day. My writingwould not be the same without your constant support, encouragement, and inspiration. Thank you for our silly late night chats,my forced brain-storming sessions in the car, and for loving my mysteries as much as I do.

Megan Besing, where do I even begin? Your thoughts and critiques made this story what it is. Nor could I possibly surviveas a writer without your encouragement and friendship. #iheartyou #wemesh

Mom, you passed on to me a love of fiction and the determination to see a project through to the end. Thank you for sharingmy passion for traditional gothic romances and everything Regency. At all the stages of our lives our already deep friendshiphas only grown. I thank God for you every day.

Audrey and Luke, Bess and Angi, thank you for sharing my joy.

The entire Wilson clan, thank you for loving and supporting me.

Tony Smith, I had such a blast bringing you to life in this story. Though I did take a few liberties with the character of Tony Shaw, Charity’s regard for him mirrors my own. Thank you for your friendship and encouragement in my writing. And, you never know when Tony may pop up again.

My awesome agent, Nicole Resciniti, your support and wisdom elevates my writing at every step.

Becky Monds and Jodi Hughes, my fantastic editors, you took this story and molded it into one I’m so proud of. I’m blessedbeyond belief to have you both working alongside of me. And to the entire team at Thomas Nelson, Paul Fisher, Kerri Potts,Laura Wheeler, Margaret Kercher, you guys have given me such phenomenal support. I am thankful every day I get to work withsuch a brilliant group of people.

And to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To you alone be the glory.

About the Author

Abigail Wilson combines her passion for Regency England with intrigue and adventure to pen historical mysteries with a heart. A registered nurse, chai tea addict, and mother of two crazy kids, Abigail fills her spare time

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