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to take this into the bedroom.”

“I think that’s a wonderful idea.”

Chapter 75

Sergeant Wilson called the next morning at precisely seven AM, Pacific Standard Time. Now Evarts knew what O’Brian considered first thing in the morning. Evarts groggily rolled out of bed but managed to give her a brief while he made coffee.

At the end, Wilson said, “I’ll catch the first flight out.”

“I’m not sure you need to be physically here,” Evarts said.

“If I remain in D.C., I’ll get pulled into the aftermath of this aborted attack. Other people can handle that. This is my specialty, and I believe the government owes you big time. Besides, your investigative team has made great progress. I can help best by sitting at the next desk.” She paused only momentarily. “Just to be clear, my help comes at a price.”

“Understood. Feel free to share anything you learn with O’Brian,” Evarts said. “I’ll arrange a private jet … and don’t argue. Eliminating airport security and a connection through LAX will cut five hours or more off the trip.”

“What made you think I’d argue?”

Evarts laughed. “Okay, I’ll text you the details. When you arrive, take a taxi to the police station and asked for Commander Standish.”

“I assume you’ll arrange lodging.”

“No problem.” He had a thought. “Wait a minute. Are you okay with undercover work?”

“What do you have in mind?”

“Four Egyptians nationals are staying at a Holiday Inn Express at the far end of town. If we book you there, you might spot something. No active surveillance; just keep an eye open. We’ve got an eye on them and their rooms are wired for sight and sound.”

“Sure. I’ll bring civvies.”

“One more thing. Do not tell Commander Standish that we’re in Santa Barbara. We want to keep our presence a secret until at least Monday. Possibly later.”


Evarts ended the call just as the coffee maker beeped that it was done. He poured a cup and thought. Standish was undoubtedly sleeping. Did she intend to work this Saturday? His guess was yes, but that she’d arrive at a leisurely hour. He would call her at nine. He sipped coffee as he made calls to arrange a private plane and lodging for Wilson. Instead of charging her room against the police account, he used his fake credit card so the curious wouldn’t know she was in town on official business. He then texted Wilson the information she would need.

As he finished, Baldwin padded into the kitchen wearing a thin robe.

“Good morning,” Evarts said.

She yawned. “It was a better night. What are you doing?”

He told her.

“Will Wilson be armed?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Arabs believe women dressed in western clothing are open game.”

Evarts remembered her shooting skills. “I’m sure she can handle herself.”

“She better. I wouldn’t want to face the ire of General O’Brian.”

“Crap!” Evarts exclaimed. “I forgot.”

“We have two bedrooms. Board her here.”

Evarts smiled. “That might make our evenings less fun.”

She brushed close as she reached for a coffee cup. “Then we better make the most of the next few hours.”

Chapter 76

Evarts didn’t call Standish until half past ten. He pretended to be in D.C. and told her General O’Brian had dispatched a financial forensics specialist to assist her. She sounded genuinely pleased to get the help until she discovered that Wilson would arrive today. Then she couldn’t hide a little displeasure in her voice.

After the call, Evarts texted Wilson that she would be quartered at Vandenberg Air Force Base. His text explained that the police already had undercover operatives at the motel so her staying there might interfere with surveillance already in place. When she was done for the day, he instructed her to call his burner cell number and he’d organize transport to the base. It was a fib. She would stay with them, but he didn’t want to communicate that information on an unsecure phone.

After a shower, Evarts went into the kitchen to find Baldwin in shorts and a tank top reading a newspaper.

“Where’d you get the newspaper?” Evarts asked.

“I stepped out onto the terrace for fresh air and noticed a pile of them by the mailboxes.”

“Now, you’re a thief. That paper belonged to the subscriber.”

“After ten o’clock, unclaimed newspapers become public domain.”

Evarts laughed. “Okay, anything in there of interest?”

“A raucous council meeting. Evidently, the natives are still restless. If you had been in attendance, there would’ve been a hardware store run on tar and feathers.”

“After all I’ve done for my hometown, I expected better.” Evarts smiled to show he was kidding.

“Someone suggested you seek employment in Los Angeles, where shootings are a daily event.”

“Ouch, that hurts.”

“Megan handled them well. She explained that you were the victim of a gangland vendetta and she had requested assistance from the state police special operations unit. In the meantime, she has put you on administrative leave.”

“Meaning I won’t be welcome if I waltz into the station on Monday.”

“That would be my read.”


She stood. “I’ll take a shower and then let’s drive to Oxnard to get groceries and something to eat. Not in that order.”

“And a disguise.”


“One that will at least work if I drive around town. Your looks have already been altered. Unless you walked right up to someone you know, few would recognize you.”

“Are you thinking a sombrero or a Nixon mask?”

“Funny. No, I was thinking a dark hair dye, fake mustache, and maybe one of those Uber placards.” He smiled. “I drive, you sit in back seat.”

“Okay but forget the hair dye. We’ll find you a shaggy wig. One that looks like you should have had a haircut weeks ago. Uber drivers don’t really make that much, you know. Also ditch the fake mustache. Besides being a pain, they don’t alter people’s perception as much as a pair of glasses. We’ll get you a heavy frame job with clear glass.”

“I knew I brought you along for a reason. Okay, take your shower and let’s get out of here.”

After she left to get ready for the day, he perused the newspaper and found nothing else of

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