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Book online «Murder in the Mix Boxed Set 28-30: Cozy Mystery Addison Moore (the reading strategies book .txt) 📖». Author Addison Moore

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soon as next week. Although I’m not entirely sure he was telling the truth.”

“Wow, that means Carlotta could be out of our hair in a week. Is it bad that I’m kind of missing her already? But not too much. Carlotta doesn’t stray too far.”

His brow hikes as he nods in agreement. “He says he can have our house done by the date the others were quoting. But—”

“Here we go.”

“He said if I hired him he’d do all the repairs on the house for free for life.”

A dull moan comes from me.

“Everett, what kind of repairs is a new home going to need? Never mind. Don’t answer that. If Bear is building it, we’re looking at a repair a week.”

Everett sighs. “I can tell you’re not too keen on the idea of using him. Don’t worry. It’s not set in stone.” He exits the highway, and I can already see the tall white stately building we’re headed to. “There was one more thing Bear mentioned, but he did ask that I don’t share it with you.”

“Judge Baxter, I demand you tell me the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Fess up.”

“He said he and Keelie were tight right now, and they could really use the money. He says they’re looking to buy a house themselves, and they’re barely eking by. And a job like this doesn’t come along all that often in Honey Hollow.”

Another moan works its way up my throat. “I guess I could give Keelie a raise at the Honey Pot, but the place is barely making ends meet as it is. This winter has been really brutal. People want to stay in and curl up by the fire. No one is going out to eat anymore.” I sigh. “Fine. Give it to Bear. As long as I find you in my bed at the end of the day, all is right with the world.” The baby kicks in agreement.

Everett pulls into a secured lot and parks in the underground garage in the spot marked number seven, his very own private parking space.

He reaches over and brushes his thumb over my cheek.

“You’re going to do great in there, Lemon. Whether or not you’re chosen to participate, I want you to know I’m proud of you. Text me and let me know when it all shakes out. And let me know the name of the judge. I’ll tell him to go easy on you.” He gives a little wink.

“Hopefully, I’ll be out of here by noon. Noah promised me a pizza at Mangias to celebrate, and believe me, I’m already craving the anchovies.”

Everett helps me out of the car. “I take it the anchovies are a new craving?”

I give a little nod as I wrap my arms around my handsome husband. “I’ve also got a very serious hankering to get inside of your robe. Don’t think for a minute I came all the way down here without paying a visit to your chambers. This day ends well for both of us.”

“Now that’s something I’m going to hold you to.”

“Oh, I’ll keep my word, Judge Baxter.” I give his buns of steel a quick squeeze, and a dangerous smile curves on his lips. “I wouldn’t want to be found in contempt.” A thought hits me. “Hey, does the judge have the ability to dismiss me?”

He tips his head to the side. “Yes, but only if he found valid grounds.”

“Perfect. Send a picture of me to every judge you know inside that building. If you get me out of this, there’s something far more tempting I’m willing to give than anything Bear has to offer. What I have planned is outside the bounds of anything we’ve ever done before.” And that’s saying a lot, considering this is Essex Everett Baxter I’m speaking to.

“You’ve piqued my curiosity.” He frowns as he says it, and I can’t help but note he doesn’t look pleased.

Something tells me Everett isn’t going to mass text my picture to his cohorts. I’ll have to get out of this myself.

The Ashford County Courthouse is your iconic white marble wonder with thick Roman columns with a million tiny steps leading up to the wide glass doors. It’s warm inside, smells like glue, the floors are marble, the walls are covered with dark mahogany, and the entire front of the building is teeming with people. Once we get through the security checkpoint, Everett gives me a mouthwatering kiss before we part ways.

Before I know it, I’m shuffled into a long line of potential jurors as we’re marched into what looks like a tiny theater and given a fifteen-minute speech on the dos and don’ts of what will happen once we enter the courtroom.

I’m more than a little familiar with the courtroom setting. That’s actually how Everett and I met. My old landlords, a couple of mean old sisters, were suing me because their business wasn’t doing well. Anyway, Everett was subbing in small claims court for his buddy, and he wisely sided with me.

But the best part of that day was what happened before we officially met in the courtroom. We had already unofficially met outside on our way to the coffee shop next door to the courthouse. Let’s just say our worlds collided and things have never been the same for either one of us. After we bumped into one another in a rather dramatic fashion, and Everett’s briefcase and all of its contents went flying, I introduced myself, but Everett stubbornly wouldn’t give me his name.

I thought for sure when the barista wrote his name on his cup at the coffee shop I’d be in the know, but she scribbled out Mr. Sexy instead, as she should have. It wasn’t until later that we bumped into one another again that I learned not only his name, but that he was Noah’s once upon a stepbrother. And the rest, as they say, is history.

And how I wish this stint of mine at the courthouse

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