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Book online «The Crafter's Dilemma: A Dungeon Core Novel (Dungeon Crafting Book 3) Jonathan Brooks (me reader TXT) 📖». Author Jonathan Brooks

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have potential.

Dungeon Monster Selection (Base)

Unicorns (Holy)

Glowing Lemur

Mirrored Lynx

Bright Unicorn

Radiant Pegasus

Lustrous Bicorn*

Translucent Quadricorn*

Sparkling Pegacorn**

Resplendent Septicorn***

Angels (Holy/Spirit)

Innocent Angeling

Devoted Cherubling

Transcendent Angel

Pure Cherub

Celestial Authority*

Revered Virtue*

Sacred Archangel**

Immaculate Seraph***

Divine Beasts (Holy/Air)

Soaring Serpent

Climbing Cockatrice

Gliding Griffin*

Tenacious Thunderbird*

Hovering Hippogriff**

Kiting Kitsune**

Meandering Manticore***

Aetherial Dragon***

Phoenix (Holy/Fire)

 Charred Salamander

Smoldering Firebird

Burning Sundog

Flaring Phoenix

Rising Phoenix*

Scorching Behemoth*

Searing Phoenix Elder**

Fiery Phoenoc***

*Requires Advanced Classification Level 1 (Complete)

** Requires larger Core Size and Advanced Classification Level 2

*** Requires larger Core Size and Advanced Classification Level 3

There was an interesting multi-element selection of Divine Beasts, which included Griffins, Cockatrices, and even a flying Serpent. If she was looking for something that could fly and could tear up anything else in the air, then those would probably be the way to go.  Unfortunately, they would likely suffer even more from the attack by the Undead in comparison to her constructs, as they all seemed like creatures – at least from what she could tell from her limited knowledge of them from myths and legends – that were more about brute force than anything…which was pretty much covered by some of her current Dungeon Monsters.

The Thunderbird option in the Divine Beasts Classification, on the other hand, was something she could only imagine would be able to use elemental energy to toss out lightning bolts to strike its enemies.  Again, something that sounded neat, but would it be useful against undead?  She wasn’t quite sure, so she passed on that unless she couldn’t find anything else.

Sandra remembered when Felbar had mentioned using Fire to help defeat the Undead that he had fought against, and some of the choices would definitely contribute to that.  The Phoenix-type of Monsters, for example, were flying creatures that could start assaulting the Specters up in the air – they were vulnerable to Fire from what he had said.  Having an aerial force that could destroy the ever-growing numbers of Specters floating above the forest would be highly beneficial; at the moment, all she had that could attack them were her Shears, and those would perhaps take a hundred or more to kill a single mist-like Undead – not a good exchange on Sandra’s part.

As for the two Classifications that seemed uniquely suited to combating the Undead, there were two: Unicorns and Angels.  The Unicorns list also included some Monsters on the list that weren’t unicorns – like the Glowing Lemur and Mirrored Lynx – as well as what she would classify as unicorn-adjacent options – like the Radiant Pegasus.  She knew from stories that unicorns were reportedly supposed to have some sort of natural protection against elemental spells because of their horn on the top of their head, though she wasn’t exactly sure how it worked.  The Pegasus, being basically a flying horse, was something that drew her attention; if it had some sort of natural protection as well, then it would be ideal.

“I can actually help you out there; I helped what I thought was a decent Holy-based Core once…which eventually tried to consume me, but that’s a different story entirely,” Winxa said abruptly as Sandra was mentally thinking about her choices.  “Anyway, the horn on a Unicorn can provide a measure of protection to the Monster that negates nearly any elemental energy directed towards it, even going so far as to eliminate area-of-effect spells and effects.  A Pegasus, however, is a bit more limited; they exude a Holy-based aura that does the same for those surrounding it up to a certain range – but it only works against Nether-based spells and effects.  Essentially, Unicorns are protected against all elemental attacks themselves, while Pegasi protect themselves and others against only Nether-elemental attacks.”

Thank you, Winxa – that helps make my decision much easier.

With the valuable information that the Dungeon Fairy had provided, Sandra knew what she would choose from that list: Radiant Pegasus.  While having a Dungeon Monster that was basically immune to elemental-based spells and effects would be helpful, having one that could help the other members of her planned Dungeon Core-destroying army stay safe against attacks was more valuable.  She might eventually get a Unicorn as well, but for the moment the Pegasus was the more important of the two.

Lastly, there were the Angels, which was a multi-element Classification of Holy and Spirit. Neither Sandra nor Winxa had any information about them, though the Dungeon Core had heard stories of them when she was still Human.  They were apparently beings made of pure Light that were the exact opposite of Demons – which she was glad she hadn’t met yet, because, apparently, they were quite scary. Of course, the Undead were bad enough, but at least they had a semblance of being something “normal” that had been alive at one time; Demons, on the other hand, were completely unworldly and unlike anything found in nature.

With no information about any of the other selections available, Sandra settled on three choices: Rising Phoenix, Radiant Pegasus, and Celestial Authority.  That last was entirely a “shot in the dark” entirely based on the name – it sounded powerful, which was exactly what she needed.  She still had more AP if she needed it to acquire more if her selections didn’t work out, but she’d rather save some for later if she had the option.

New Dungeon Monsters unlocked through Advancement!


Unicorns (Holy):

Radiant Pegasus now available!


Radiant Pegasus

Mana Cost: 10000 Mana

Angels (Holy/Spirit):

Celestial Authority now available!


Celestial Authority

Mana Cost: 18000 Mana

Phoenix (Holy/Fire)

Rising Phoenix now available!


Rising Phoenix

Mana Cost: 15000 Mana

Sandra now had 15 AP less to her total – still giving her 24 to use if she needed them.  She was briefly worried that her new Dungeon Monsters were quite expensive, but it turned out that the Mana

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