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Book online «Dreamer (The Dream World Chronicles Book 1) Camille Peters (books to improve english txt) 📖». Author Camille Peters

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aren’t stories, they’re worlds.”

I gaped at her. “Worlds?”

“It’s impossible for anyone to enter a mere story, but if dreams are separate worlds, not only can they be entered, they can be explored.” Her eyes glistened even as her fingers dug into my arm. “You have access to places no one else does. That’s a power you could use to win every Weaving you ever perform, and the key to remaining in our world forever.”

For a moment, hope warmed me at her incredible suggestion…until it was crushed when a warning niggled me for my attention: despite my wanting to believe her, Nightmares weren’t to be trusted—Darius had singlehandedly destroyed any hope of that.

But I wanted to believe her. My time in the Dream World had taught me that Weaving wasn’t the glorious profession I’d previously envisioned; it was grueling and merciless. I was tired of being a magical pauper forced to ration my magic, the constant drought of ideas, my sore fingers after hours of weaving a week, and the painstakingly long hours it took to plan and construct a dream, only for it to be crushed by another of Darius’s nightmares.

I leaned closer, eager for the secret that would ensure my place here. “How would I do that?”

Blaze smirked, which should have been a warning to me, but Trinity’s smile was less triumphant, as if she truly had my best interests at heart; my unease slipped away.

“I don’t have an answer to that. You’re the dream explorer; you tell me.”

I nibbled my lip, considering. “I’m not sure it’s possible to explore a dream; whenever I enter a dream, it unfolds just like a story, my own agency eclipsed by the Mortal’s. It’s impossible to break away.”

“Just because you’ve never done it doesn’t mean it’s impossible,” Trinity said. “You have more magic than you realize. Dreams are unique places created entirely from the Weaver’s imagination. As such, they undoubtedly contain fascinating locations with unusual objects that would yield unspeakable powers should you be able to capture them.”

Although it almost seemed too good to be true, the possibilities tantalized my thoughts. And yet everything else I’d tried with my captured dreams had failed. Why would this be any different?

Trinity’s elated expression darkened as she read my unwelcome doubt. “I’ve searched your heart. I know how much you yearn for a place in this world, but you want more than to prove yourself—you want to be someone.”

It was as if my heart was laid before her as she explored every bit of its contents like a book she perused. If she was right about my desires, could she also be right about the extent of my power? Did the key I’d been searching for ever since arriving in the Dream World exist within dreams?

I yearned to linger and further explore this fantastic idea, but our time had come to a close. “Eden!”

Angel, Iris, and our clouds had finally found us. Stardust immediately morphed into ropes and wrapped herself securely around me. “I was so worried; I was certain they’d done something awful to you.” She tugged me away from the Nightmares, who made no motion to retain me.

“It was simply a friendly conversation,” Trinity said. “Nothing to be alarmed over. We’ll see you later, Eden.” With that, she and Blaze disappeared into the crowd.

Chapter 26

“What in flying comets was that all about?” Angel asked as she dragged me away from the Nightmares, her grip so tight I was sure it'd leave a bruise. I followed numbly, still stunned by what Darius had done. “You can’t believe anything they told you; Nightmares can’t be trusted, particularly Blaze. Did he try to get you to tell him my weaving strategies so he can beat me more?”

Why did Angel immediately assume that any Nightmare who talked to me was only using me? “He didn’t even ask about you,” I said curtly.

“Then what did you talk about?”

I fidgeted beneath her piercing stare. “They wanted to see how I was doing and offer me additional weaving advice.”

Angel gaped at me. “But they’re Nightmares. Why would they care whether or not you win Weavings?”

My voice wavered as I spun my lie. “Trinity harbors a grudge against Darius.” My heart lurched just to mention his name. “Apparently he got them in trouble with the Nightmare Council, and now they want him to lose in order to weaken his power.”

Iris’s brow puckered thoughtfully. “It’s unusual, but their motive seems solid.”

Angel frowned, clearly unconvinced. “Despite their claims, they obviously have a more sinister motive. I don’t care how much they hate Eden’s partner—no Nightmare offers to assist a Dreamer to beat one of their own kind unless they want something in exchange.” Angel’s glare sharpened. “Did they ask for anything?”

“No.” But I bit my lip. Had I been too quick to accept Trinity’s theories? Was her interest only because she wanted to use my abilities for herself?

Both Angel and Iris seemed like they wanted to say more—Angel’s expression in particular suggested an upcoming rant—but thankfully I was spared any further interrogation when she spotted someone in the crowd. She lit up. “Caspian.”

I’d never better appreciated the perfect timing of her Pair than now. He approached on his foamy blue cloud. Angel’s grumpiness vanished in an instant as she rushed over to embrace him.

Caspian leapt gracefully off his cloud. “Hi, Sugarplum.” His arms looped around Angel’s waist to nestle her against him. He sobered when he noticed the lingering anger in her pink eyes. “You’re a bit tense. Are you alright?”

“Just an unpleasant encounter with Blaze.”

Caspian’s entire manner was immediately protective. “What did he do?”

She sighed and snuggled closer. “I just hate being around him.”

“I know.” He stroked Angel’s magenta hair. “I have just the place to take you in order to cheer you up.”

Angel tilted her head so her gaze met his. Although they exchanged no words, an entire symphony of conversation seemed to pass between them.

As I watched the couple, a group of Dreamers shuffled by, munching on candy

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