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make me one. Or whatever a seggurach is. I’ve got no illusion that it’s something I’d want to become. “He’s very alternative. More than I’m comfortable with.”

“Wait a minute, you’re not going on about him switch-hitting again, are you? So he likes men, too. So what? He’s clearly very into you. The way he was looking at you the other day. Whew, it gave me shivers.” She fakes a shiver and I roll my eyes.

“That’s not the issue.” She clearly hasn’t been speaking with her brother. Or maybe Wen-Long is keeping his brush with the infernal to himself. I’ll have to call him later and ask him to keep it that way.

“Then what is?”

“It’s hard to explain.”

It’s Lin’s turn to roll her eyes. “Too complicated?”

“Lin, honestly, how would you feel if a guy asked you to give up everything you know . . .”

“He doesn’t want you to move back home with him, does he?”

Close enough. “Something like that.”

“Wow, he got serious fast. How long have you known him?”

“A few days.” Although it feels like much, much longer.

“Well, he must feel it’s right. Where does he come from anyway?”

“Somewhere warm,” I mutter. “It doesn’t matter. I’m not going to give up everything and go off with some guy I just met—”

“Why? Because you’ve got such deep roots here? What do you have, a second cousin once removed out in Andover or something? Don’t be stupid. There’s nothing holding you here. Okay, fine, maybe he’s jumping the gun a little to ask when you’ve only known each other a few days. But maybe he knows it’s right. Haven’t you ever felt that way? Haven’t you ever met someone and just known it was right?”

I take a deep breath, inhaling the wonderful smell of brewing coffee. No, I never have. I’ve been in love, or thought I was, but I’ve never met someone and immediately known it was right. “Have you?”

“Yes.” Her mouth tightens and I flinch, because she must mean her ex and I didn’t mean to bring that subject back up. “Once. When I was still in med school. I met him in Fort Lauderdale. We had one of those Spring Break things. Best week of my life. Then I went back to school and he got assigned overseas. He was in the Air Force. You know, like Top Gun? He asked me to marry him long-distance, from Azerbaijan or somewhere. I could barely hear him the line was so crackly. He had to ask me three times before I understood what he was saying. I sent him a care package of socks and underwear as an engagement present. He sent me a ring that he must have bought on a bazaar. I swear it was tin. Two months later, he was killed. They said it was a training accident. And I’ve been settling for second best ever since.”

“Oh, Linnie—” I say, aghast.

She flips her ponytail over her shoulder, putting it behind her. “If he’s sure this soon, well, maybe he’s right. Give it a chance.”

I rub my forehead uncertainly. Could she be right? Could he? “I don’t know. It’s such a big change.”

“Coffee’s ready,” she says, signaling an end to our heart-to-heart. I pour, stir in sugar and milk. I hand Lin her cup and pick up Evonne’s and Ruth’s cups to take out to them.

As I back out of the door, Lin says, “Carpe diem, Zee.”

Seize the day. I nod, but I don’t know if I can. And what if what I seize ends up destroying me?

I take a break from brewing to sneak an apple off my desk and discover that Evonne has left me the mid-month invoices to review. Biting into a fabulously crisp Granny Smith, I sit down and begin working through them, ticking them off against my appointment calendar. I pull the invoice for Michelle Palladino, because I’d rather she have the blood work before I charge her, but I sign off on the rest of them and return the thick stack to Evonne. Thirty-two invoices, without Mrs. Palladino’s. Even if a few don’t pay right away, it will still be our best month to date.

On the way back to my office, I poke my head into Lin’s. “Hey, good month, huh?”

She glances up from writing a note on the bright yellow paper she likes to use. “Not bad. And we both managed to get laid. A banner month, all things considered.”

I shake my head and retreat. “The apples are really good, thanks.”

“Friday night,” Lin calls after me. “Foursome.”

“Not a chance,” I call back. Not because what she’s suggesting is as lewd as it sounds, but because I can well imagine what dinner with Lin, her boyfriend and Jou would be like. Pick on Tsara-time. No thanks. Being one-on-one with the demon is challenging enough.

When I return to my hearth-room, the smell hits me immediately. Green grass. Growing things. The richness of the fertile earth. Moisture and blood and lymph. New life. Whew, I’ve been trying to improve the potion, but that smells like a major improvement.

Fuck, that’s tasty, sweet meat.

I jump at the demon’s thought. I’m brewing.

I know what you’re doing. It’s making me hard all the way over here.

What are you doing?


That sounds innocuous. Suspiciously so. What are you reading?

Shibari, the Art of Japanese Rope Bondage. Thought I’d brush up. Lots of other ways I can tie you up.

I should have known. I roll my eyes even though I know he can’t see it. I hope he’ll be able to taste my disgust.

Nope, disgust’s got no taste. Not to me. I heard that thought loud and clear, though. You can’t shield for shit.

I wasn’t trying.

Mmm. Whaddo you think goes with a little light bondage reading? Café Estima or Colombia Narino Supremo?

I recognize the Starbucks blends, even though I don’t generally drink either. I don’t have those at home.

Yeah, maybe somethin’ more exotic. The Ipanema Bourbon sounds kinda tempting. Probably doesn’t have real bourbon in it, though. Just like that duck tour. Your world’s full

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