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since for not interfering the night he took you to the Hotel Galvez.”

“I’m an adult. I can make my own decisions.”

“And I’m your oldest male relative. If he wants to marry you, which he damned well better, he has to go through me.”

Her mouth gaped. “You can’t be serious. No one does that anymore.”

“Believe me, Alli. Men appreciate something more if they have to work for it. So, I’m going to make him work a bit, because you’re my sister, and you deserve to be appreciated.”

“Aunt Viv, help me.” She turned to her aunt, who was standing by the sofa, taking it all in with avid interest. “Talk some sense into him.”

“Sorry, but I agree with Adrian. You make this too easy, and that man will spend your whole marriage holding back, while you keep waiting for him to leave you. Make him work for it, and you’ll both be a lot more secure in the long run.” Vivian smiled. “Besides, it’s so much fun to watch men squirm.”

Alli held her hands out, pleading for reason. “You’ve both been drinking champagne for most of the morning. I’m not going to trust you to make a decision that will affect the rest of my life. I love this man, do you hear? I love him.”

“Then why aren’t you with him?” Vivian asked.

“I don’t know.” Her head ached with confusion. “A lot of reasons.”

“Allison,” Adrian said quietly. “If you won’t do this for your own peace of mind, do it for mine.”

She gave him a questioning look.

“Think about it,” he said. “If Peter had had to jump through a few hard hoops to get to you, he never would have gotten close enough to hurt you. Don’t ask me to stand by and wonder if I’m giving another user free access to my sister.”

She struggled with what to do, but realized they were right. Scott needed to know she accepted all of him, the good and bad. Just as she needed to know he honestly loved her, loved her enough to fight for her. With a silent prayer, she nodded.

Adrian picked up the phone and punched in the number. “Hello, Scott.” He smiled into the phone and Alli’s heart nearly stopped. “This is Adrian St. Claire. Nice interview.”

Alli buried her face in the bouquet, imagining Scott’s reaction. Had he been waiting by the phone, hoping she’d call?

“Yes, Allison’s here. She’d like to talk to you, but I think you and I have a few things to settle first, if you’d care to come over... Yes, now would be fine ... I’ll be waiting.” He turned off the phone and grinned. “He’s on his way.”

Alli lifted her head. “How did he sound? Was he angry, embarrassed, what?”

“I think ... ‘wary’ would be a more accurate description.”

“I’ve changed my mind. I can’t do this to him. As soon as he gets here, I’ll talk to him privately.”

“You will not. I’ll meet him on the veranda.” Adrian pinched her chin. “But don’t worry. I’ll only make him suffer a little before I let him in to see you.” He winked at their aunt. “Too bad we don’t own a shotgun.”

The blood drained from Alli’s face as Adrian headed up the stairs. She turned and found her aunt smothering a laugh. “He was joking, right?”

“I don’t think so. In fact, I do believe he inherited your father’s flare for the dramatic. Speaking of drama, where’s the best place to watch this act unfold?”

Allison’s mind raced as she tried to think of a place where she could call out to Scott if things got out of hand. “Marguerite’s sitting room, in the tower. It has access to the balcony over the veranda.”

“A turret with a balcony?” Vivian grinned. “Oh, that’s perfect.”

Chapter 28

If a man ever needed luck, Scott needed it now. He stopped the car and looked up at the inn. The gargoyles snarled back at him, zealously guarding their domain. This was such a mistake, he told himself. He should put the car in reverse and head back. Not just for the beach house, but all the way back to New Orleans. He needed to stop fooling himself that Allison would still want to get back together.

He hadn’t even been able to watch the interview, but had sat before the blank screen of the TV watching the clock and picturing her reaction. With every minute that ticked by, nausea had grown.

He had to see her one last time, though, and Adrian did say she was willing to talk to him.

He looked at the porch and saw something move in the shadows, reminding him of six months ago when he thought he saw Marguerite’s ghost. When the figure stepped forward, though, it didn’t transform into the ethereal Allison. It turned into her brother. Adrian moved to the top of the stairs and took up a stance with his feet braced shoulder-width apart, arms crossed over his well-muscled chest.

Resigned, Scott got out of the car and headed for the porch. A few dozen sparrows pecked at something in the grass. As he crossed the lawn, they took flight with a noisy flutter and settled in the hanging baskets. At least no guests were around to witness whatever would happen next.

He stopped at the bottom of the stairs, looking up at Allison’s brother. “So how do we do this? Do I suffer through a few insults first, or do we go right to the part where you try to break my face?”

“Nothing quite that barbaric.” Adrian grinned. “I just want to know your intentions.”

“My ‘intentions’?” Scott stared at him, wondering if he’d stumbled onto the set of some antebellum melodrama. “Are you joking?”

“Not at all.”

“All right.” He took a deep breath. “I intend to ask Allison to forget common sense and marry me, but if you think I’m going to ask your permission, you’re nuts. This isn’t the Old South, and you’re not her father, so I don’t need your permission for anything.”


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