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Book online «The Dungeon Fairy: Two Choices: A Dungeon Core Escapade (The Hapless Dungeon Fairy Book 2) Jonathan Brooks (online e reader TXT) 📖». Author Jonathan Brooks

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wasn’t nearly enough to provide her with the required CIPs.  Tacca still tried to accumulate as many as she could before her countdown was up, but only managed to acquire a measly 1737; added to the 12 she had banked, that put her just over 550 away from the 2,300 she had needed.  She wasn’t too bothered by it, because she knew she could easily hit the necessary amount next month.

She was too involved with her project to care overly much, either.  Just after the start of the new month, she finally completed her main construction project.  So, Shale, what do you think?

“I think that you have a whole bunch of empty rooms, is what I think,” her Dungeon Assistant responded with a bit of snark, but his tone showed that he was joking.  “In all honesty, though, what you’ve created is much larger than even my Mentor’s dungeon – and that one was quite large if I remember it correctly.  Now you just need to fill it all in.”

True.  I won’t be able to complete it until I Level up again, but I can finish most of it.

Tacca looked through the 20 rooms she had constructed of various sizes, though the one closest to her Core Room was the only one that was jumbo-sized.  It was going to be her Boss Room, so that was expected.  The others, though, would play a part as a system of rooms that would act as her main dungeon – though not every room would be visited by the Raiders every time as they delved through it.  From the main “corridor” of four large rooms, she had already created an additional 3 rooms near the top that branched off from the first room: 2 that led directly to the left and right on each side, and another room that led down from the one closest to the “corridor” – which was also parallel with the “corridor”.  She kept the symmetry going by adding another room that led down from the furthest rooms to the left and right, which was about half as large as her Boss Room.

To the one that led down and was closest to the main “corridor”, she added another room of the same size on each side, so that she basically ended up with three smaller rooms parallel with the main “corridor” and ended just before they reached the main Boss Room.  She also added three rooms on each side that led down from the furthest rooms, turning around so that they connected to the Boss Room on the left and the right sides.  When that was done, she had added tunnels connecting quite a few of the rooms nearest each other together; as a result, there were 5 rooms that had 5 entrances/exits, 4 rooms that had 4 entrances/exits, and most of the rest with either 3 or 2 tunnels linking them up.

“Won’t that be a little…confusing to anyone coming in?  And what will prevent the Raiders from just going straight down the corridor to your Boss Room?”

She realized that she hadn’t solved the problem with longer creature restocking times.  For all he knew, the entire section was supposed to be used every single time, but that wasn’t necessarily how it was going to be.

Well, that’s what I’m doing next.  You see, I was originally going to just block off some of these main corridor tunnels so that the Raiders would be forced to go through every single room to get to the Boss.  After realizing that I would need a lot more time to restock all of these stronger creatures, I developed another plan: Creating different routes and closing already cleared rooms. 

“How are you going to do that?”  He seemed a little worried, but he didn’t have anything to worry about.  Tacca had thought long and hard about the process while she worked on constructing the large rooms, and she was pretty sure it would work.  Well, it would work; whether the Raiders had been “trained” enough with changing dungeons was something else.

Well, I want to utilize the Rotating Stone Bridges that I developed for my exit staircase for that.  My idea is to place them in every single tunnel connected in this entire section, though instead of opening them up, I will be able to close them when and where I want them to be closed.  I’m going to place them so that they are always open, and by activating them, the Bridges will effectively shut down a tunnel of my choosing.  By creating a simple stone block fused to the floor in front of them to keep them in their activated position, I can control what routes are open to the Raiders.

“That seems dangerous.  You have to remember not to seal off all of the routes to where you are located, or seal any Raiders inside like you did the others.”

Not a problem.  There will always be a route for them to progress further, and I can’t physically close off all access to my Core – even using these traps.  I know – I’ve tried to seal off this Core Room completely, and even the thought of it just freezes up my mind.  You know from DAPS that it is basically impossible for me to seal myself off; even if I could, I would likely lose all connection to the rest of my dungeon.

“That’s true.  But what were you saying about shutting some rooms down?”

Oh, well, after the Raiders have progressed far enough, I can seal off some of the satellite rooms and restock them; they won’t be directly connected to either the main entrance, my Core Room, or any exits, so there won’t be any reason for those delving through to backtrack.  Plus, when you consider that each group will likely only visit two-thirds of these rooms on each delve, it gives me a head-start towards restocking for the next

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