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Book online «Mountain Secrets Elizabeth Goddard (life changing books to read .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Goddard

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The window looked out on the base of the ski hill. A car rolled into place in an area where there was no road or parking space. A man got out and walked toward the concert hall.

“Now we can go.”

“What? I thought we were meeting the guy up here.” Something felt really wrong. Why the constant changing of plans? Clearly, Nick had been waiting for the man with the car to show up.

“Don’t argue with me, Isabel. This is how it works.” He leaned close to her, his eyes like piercing daggers. “Are you all in or not?”

Sweat trickled down the back of her neck. She struggled to keep the tone of her voice even. “Course I am.”

Something about the look in his eyes was darker and more threatening than she had ever seen before with him.

He led her back down the stairs and out to where the car was parked. She hesitated in her step. “Where’s the buyer?”

He yanked her along. “We’ll meet him.”

She planted her feet, unable to move, yet knowing that she needed to go through with this to win Nick’s loyalty.

He turned to face her. “Having second thoughts?”

“This just seems a little crazy.” Maybe he was testing her.

“Get in the car.” He grinned at her and alarm bells went off in her head. The look on his face told her everything she needed to know.

Nick knew. He knew that she was undercover. Somehow he’d figured it out. He’d been upset after the phone call. Maybe that was it. She turned to run, but he grabbed her and tackled her.

He sat on her stomach, held her hands down and put his face very close to hers. “Do you think I’m dumb? Is that it, Isabel?”

She shook her head. “Please... I...” What could she say? How could she get out of this?

“I was going to let you in on this. It could have been like old times.” He put his face so close to hers their noses almost touched. “Traitor. No one betrays Nick Solomon and lives to tell about it.”

His words were a knife in her chest.

“You are dumb,” he said. “I took you through that concert hall so we could lose your tail.” He got off her. “Yeah, that’s what the phone call was about. One of my guys spotted the tail on me.”

She flipped over, intending to get to her feet and run. But he grabbed her by the back of her collar and swung her around. “Do you see how important I am? I arranged for this car to be dropped off by the organization I work for. No one crosses me.”

Her fear ramped up a notch. “I’m so sorry.” The words fell flat. Nothing she could say at this point would stop the volcano from erupting.

“Get over to the car.” His rage was out of control. He pulled out his gun.

“We’re driving somewhere secluded. Now move.”

Isabel stepped toward the car, knowing that it was just a matter of time before she was dead.

When he’d seen a car park off by itself and a man walk away from it, Jason had grown suspicious. He’d decided to circle the building after losing Isabel in the concert hall. Sure enough, the car was unlocked and the keys were in the ignition. Hiding in the back seat, he’d slipped inside to wait and observe. A moment later, Nick and Isabel came out of the back of the concert hall. He’d watched as Nick pulled a gun on Isabel. They’d struggled. Rage rose up in him, but he remained still. He couldn’t hear their conversation. If he showed himself, their cover would be blown.

Isabel got into the driver’s side of the car. Still pointing the gun at her, Nick slipped into the front passenger seat. Jason pressed even lower in the back seat.

“Nick, you don’t want to do this.” Isabel’s voice vibrated with intense terror.

“Start the car.”

She turned the key in the ignition and shifted into gear.

“To think that I pledged my undying love to you.” Nick’s voice filled with rage.

Jason tried to assess what was going on. Nick seemed especially agitated. Were they still going to meet the buyer or had something changed?

She pressed the gas pedal and eased toward the road, driving slow. “This is rough going. It’ll take a minute to get to the road.”

“Quit making excuses, Isabel.” Nick’s voice dripped with sarcasm when he said Isabel’s name. “You’re going to die. No one betrays me.”

So their cover was blown. Jason leaped up from behind the seat and reached to get the gun from Nick.

“Jump out.”

While the car was still rolling, Isabel pushed the door open. She disappeared. He prayed she’d been able to roll clear of the tires.

Nick and Jason continued to struggle. The gun went off, and Nick held on to it.

The car hit something and shuddered to a stop. Both Jason and Nick were jolted by the crash. Jason pushed the door open and crawled out. He was still wobbly on his feet from the impact. Up ahead, he saw the dark figure of Isabel lying on the ground.

Nick stepped out and leaped on Jason. The two men wrestled. Nick must have dropped the gun when the car hit the curb.

Nick got on top of Jason and landed a blow to his face that sent stinging pain all through his skull. Jason’s vision blurred. He struggled to get some leverage.

“Get off him.” Isabel’s voice sliced through the darkness as she wrapped her arm around Nick’s neck and tried to pull him off.

Nick turned on her, trying to take her to the ground. Jason scrambled to his feet, grabbed Nick, spun him around and hit him once in the face and once in the stomach. Nick doubled over.

Jason grabbed Isabel’s hand, but Nick blocked their way back to the concert hall. They’d have to double back to get to where people and help were. He’d lost his cell phone in the struggle with Nick.

They took off running. Nick sprinted back toward the

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