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Book online Ā«The Wings of the Dove Henry James (android based ebook reader TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author Henry James

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saw more things than her fine face in the dull glass of her fatherā€™s lodgings, she might have seen that, after all, she was not herself a fact in the collapse. She didnā€™t judge herself cheap, she didnā€™t make for misery. Personally, at least, she was not chalk-marked for the auction. She hadnā€™t given up yet, and the broken sentence, if she was the last word, would end with a sort of meaning. There was a minute during which, though her eyes were fixed, she quite visibly lost herself in the thought of the way she might still pull things round had she only been a man. It was the name, above all, she would take in handā ā€”the precious name she so liked and that, in spite of the harm her wretched father had done it, was not yet past praying for. She loved it in fact the more tenderly for that bleeding wound. But what could a penniless girl do with it but let it go?

When her father at last appeared she became, as usual, instantly aware of the futility of any effort to hold him to anything. He had written her that he was ill, too ill to leave his room, and that he must see her without delay; and if this had been, as was probable, the sketch of a design, he was indifferent even to the moderate finish required for deception. He had clearly wanted, for perversities that he called reasons, to see her, just as she herself had sharpened for a talk; but she now again felt, in the inevitability of the freedom he used with her, all the old ache, her poor motherā€™s very own, that he couldnā€™t touch you ever so lightly without setting up. No relation with him could be so short or so superficial as not to be somehow to your hurt; and this, in the strangest way in the world, not because he desired it to beā ā€”feeling often, as he surely must, the profit for him of its not beingā ā€”but because there was never a mistake for you that he could leave unmade or a conviction of his impossibility in you that he could approach you without strengthening. He might have awaited her on the sofa in his sitting-room, or might have stayed in bed and received her in that situation. She was glad to be spared the sight of such penetralia, but it would have reminded her a little less that there was no truth in him. This was the weariness of every fresh meeting; he dealt out lies as he might the cards from the greasy old pack for the game of diplomacy to which you were to sit down with him. The inconvenienceā ā€”as always happens in such casesā ā€”was not that you minded what was false, but that you missed what was true. He might be ill, and it might suit you to know it, but no contact with him, for this, could ever be straight enough. Just so he even might die, but Kate fairly wondered on what evidence of his own she would some day have to believe it.

He had not at present come down from his room, which she knew to be above the one they were in: he had already been out of the house, though he would either, should she challenge him, deny it or present it as a proof of his extremity. She had, however, by this time, quite ceased to challenge him; not only, face to face with him, vain irritation dropped, but he breathed upon the tragic consciousness in such a way that after a moment nothing of it was left. The difficulty was not less that he breathed in the same way upon the comic: she almost believed that with this latter she might still have found a foothold for clinging to him. He had ceased to be amusingā ā€”he was really too inhuman. His perfect look, which had floated him so long, was practically perfect still; but one had long since for every occasion taken it for granted. Nothing could have better shown than the actual how right one had been. He looked exactly as much as usualā ā€”all pink and silver as to skin and hair, all straitness and starch as to figure and dressā ā€”the man in the world least connected with anything unpleasant. He was so particularly the English gentleman and the fortunate, settled, normal person. Seen at a foreign table dā€™hĆ“te, he suggested but one thing: ā€œIn what perfection England produces them!ā€ He had kind, safe eyes, and a voice which, for all its clean fullness, told, in a manner, the happy history of its having never had once to raise itself. Life had met him so, halfway, and had turned round so to walk with him, placing a hand in his arm and fondly leaving him to choose the pace. Those who knew him a little said, ā€œHow he does dress!ā€ā ā€”those who knew him better said, ā€œHow does he?ā€ The one stray gleam of comedy just now in his daughterā€™s eyes was the funny feeling he momentarily made her have of being herself ā€œlooked upā€ by him in sordid lodgings. For a minute after he came in it was as if the place were her own and he the visitor with susceptibilities. He gave you funny feelings, he had indescribable arts, that quite turned the tables: that had been always how he came to see her mother so long as her mother would see him. He came from places they had often not known about, but he patronised Lexham Gardens. Kateā€™s only actual expression of impatience, however, was ā€œIā€™m glad youā€™re so much better!ā€

ā€œIā€™m not so much better, my dearā ā€”Iā€™m exceedingly unwell; the proof of which is, precisely, that Iā€™ve been out to the chemistā€™sā ā€”that beastly fellow at the corner.ā€ So Mr. Croy showed he could qualify the humble hand that assuaged him. ā€œIā€™m taking something he has made up for me. Itā€™s just why

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