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chair while Annie Dowton and Reese ducked behind the bar.

A shot rang out, and all movement ceased. Pete stepped down off the bridge, the gun in his hand still pointed skyward. “That’s enough.”

Luigi rolled away, holding a weapon in his hand. “I have her gun.”

Roxy’s chest heaved as she fought to catch her breath, keeping a wary eye on the captain of the ship.

“You have done enough damage for one evening. Not only have you insulted my friends and taunted others, but you struck Mercedes and have scared the children onboard this ship half to death.”

Pirate Pete angrily strode across the deck and glared down at the woman. “Two hundred years ago, I would have forced you to walk the plank and find your own way back to shore. Unfortunately, I can’t do that. Instead, I’m placing you in the pillory.”

“Mercedes took a swing at me first. I was only defending myself.” Roxy turned accusing eyes on Luigi. “You took my piece. I want it back.”

“You’ll get it back later,” Pete said. “For now, we’re going to put you somewhere far away from my guests until you cool off.”

Carlita thought Pete was joking until he motioned for Ricco and Luigi to help Roxy to her feet. She trailed behind as Pete led the trio to the back of the ship.

Anchored to the center of the deck was a wooden post. A thick slab of wood with one large center cutout and two smaller ones on each side was on top of the post.

He lifted the top half of the wooden slab, placing Roxy’s head in the center hole and one hand in each of the small holes. Pete lowered the top and then slid a lock through the slot, securing it.

“You can’t do this,” Roxy shrieked. “This is against the law. I’ll have you arrested.”

“You’re right. Although fitting and mighty tempting, this may be a bit extreme. I have a much better spot for you,” Pete calmly replied as he removed the lock and lifted the wooden slab, releasing Roxy from her confines.

They continued making their way across the deck, all the while Roxy struggled to escape Luigi and Ricco’s ironclad grip. They stopped when they reached a corner door. Pete held the door open while the men placed her inside.

From her vantage point, Carlita could see it was some sort of storage closet/half bath. Lockers lined the side and back walls. A square utility sink sat opposite the lockers. There was a metal folding chair beside the sink and on the other side, a toilet.

“Sit,” Pete commanded.

“You won’t get away with imprisoning me,” Roxy threatened.

“I am the captain of this ship. As such, you are under my direct supervision. I’m sure everyone on board can attest to the fact you attempted to pull a gun on innocent people. In fact, I should call the authorities and have them meet us at the dock to arrest you for aggravated assault.”

“I didn’t assault anyone.”

“You assaulted Dernice Cobb and Mercedes.”

“That witch,” Roxy turned to Ricco. “Get me out of here, or I’ll tell Vito what you did.”

“There they are,” Brittney’s voice echoed from the center of the ship. She wobbled across the deck in her high heels. When she saw Roxy inside the bathroom, she started to sway and reached for her husband’s arm. “You’re going to lock Roxy in that tiny room?”

“I am. She’ll be released once we reach shore, and the authorities have been contacted.”

“Daddy isn’t going to be happy,” Brittney clasped her hands. “He won’t like this at all.”

“Pete, I’ll take full responsibility for Roxy once we reach shore,” Vinnie promised. “I don’t think we should get the cops involved.”

A crowd gathered as Sam and Mercedes, followed by Dernice and Elvira, joined them. They formed a semi-circle around the doorway.

“What are you all staring at?” Roxy growled as she kicked at Luigi, who was closest.

He easily sidestepped her. “We’re staring at a real tool. Roxy the Tool.”

“You wait ‘til Vito hears about this,” Roxy threatened.

“Oh yeah?” Ricco said. “Wait until he finds out how much trouble you caused.”

“And you,” Roxy turned to Dernice. “This isn’t the end. I’ll hunt you down, and you’ll be sorry.”

“It’s time to let Roxy cool off,” Pete motioned for the others to leave.

Carlita hung back, waiting for Pete to search Roxy. He patted her pockets and removed a clip of bullets. “She’s clean. Luigi must still have her gun.”

Roxy released a string of obscenities capable of making a sailor blush.

Pete ignored her rant as he stepped out of the room. She was still going off as he calmly closed the door and set the metal bar in place, locking it. He gave it a quick tug to make sure it was secure. “As long as no one removes the bar, we should be good.”

“You can’t be serious about leaving me in here.” Roxy bounced onto her tiptoes and peered out the small porthole. “This is inhumane.”

“You have water, a restroom and ample room to move about freely, not to mention fresh air. I’ll return when the ship reaches port. In the meantime, enjoy your peace and quiet. I know we will.” Pete placed a light hand on Carlita’s back, guiding her away from the dark corner.

“You can’t leave me here!” Roxy yelled. “This is against the law. I’ll hunt you down.”

“Hunt me down?” A small smile played across Pete’s lips. “You are going to be one very busy woman if you follow through on half your threats. I suggest you spend some time contemplating your actions and the reason why you’re where you are.”

After returning, Carlita checked on Mercedes to make sure she was all right.

The party was much more subdued until The Flying Gunner circled around for the return trip. Off in the

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