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help us make that happen than you.”

Tears pricked Ashley’s eyes. She leaned her head against Bella’s. Though she couldn’t think of any free spots in her schedule offhand, she’d just have to create some. “Of course I’ll help. We may have to call in some reinforcements, but there’s nothing I’d like more than to help you have a beautiful day.”


“Yes, really.”

“You’re the best.” Bella shot Ben a thumbs-up, and he grinned and mouthed “Thank you” to Ashley.

Warmth traveled up her spine. She mouthed back, “You’re welcome.”

Ashley didn’t know how she was going to manage it all, but she’d do anything for those who needed her—especially those she loved.

Even if the effort killed her in the process.

Chapter 3

Why would anyone want pearls on a wedding cake?

Derek tried to maintain a neutral face at Claire’s declaration. “That sounds … nice.”

His fiancée pouted her lips. “I can tell you are not pleased by that idea.” She turned to Ashley. “What do you think?”

“It doesn’t matter what I think.” Ashley sat across from them at a small table situated toward the back of Whimsical Weddings’ showroom. She scrunched her nose as she absently tapped the end of her pen against the clipboard in front of her.

“Oui, I want to know your opinion.”

“It looks really elegant if done right. You just don’t want to overdo them.”

“Of course not.” Claire opened her binder—how she’d pulled all of that together in the five days since they’d arrived in town was a mystery to Derek—and flipped to a page featuring a picture of a tall, white monstrosity slathered in froufrou beading and frills. She slid the binder toward Ashley and pointed. “This is what I had in mind.”

“I’m sure the local bakery that handles all of our custom cake orders will be able to do that, no problem.”


They moved on to basic decor, and Derek tuned out the conversation. If it were up to him, they’d get married on the beach with their immediate family and have a barbecue afterward. But that would never suit a sophisticated woman like Claire. And if she wasn’t going to marry for love, she could at least have the wedding she’d always dreamed of before that jerk of an ex-fiancé had pulverized her heart.

Derek checked his watch. He should be back at the vineyard, helping his dad, assessing the things that needed to change once his company partnered with Claire’s. They’d have to wait until her grandfather officially turned over the reins of the company to her, and there was no telling how long that would take. Campbell Wines just had to stay afloat till then.

“Derek? Are you listening?” Claire’s voice broke through his thoughts.

He glanced up at both of the women, but his gaze was drawn to Ashley. Much as he tried, he couldn’t help the searing in his gut at the sight of her effortless beauty. Today her hair was tucked up in a sort of high bun, and long earrings dangled from her lobes, showing off the curve of her long neck.

Clearing his throat, Derek moved his eyes to Claire, who studied him with reserve. “Sorry. What did you say?”

Claire had the good grace to laugh, turning toward Ashley, who’d plastered a tight smile on her face. “This man is constantly thinking about work. Have you ever met such a … how do you say it?”


“Oui, that’s it. Workaholic.” Claire nudged Derek. “But surely you know this about him since you are friends.”

He hadn’t come completely clean with Claire about Ashley and just what she’d meant to him. Derek grimaced. She deserved his full honesty, but he had no desire to plunge into the past. Besides, it didn’t matter. It was ancient history.

“Derek has always been really good at his job. Passionate.” Ashley’s fingers clenched around her pen. “But I don’t know if I’d call him a workaholic. Or at least, not the Derek I knew.” Her words had an edge to them.

“I guess people change, right?” Derek covered Claire’s hand that rested on the table. She looked up at him, eyebrows knit together. “But speaking of work, I should probably be getting back. Are we almost done here?”

Ashley snorted, and her hand flew to her mouth. “Sorry. It’s just …” She looked at Claire. “Do you want to tell him or should I?”

Claire moved her thumb along the edge of Derek’s, mirth in her expression. “I am sorry, Derek, but we have hours of planning left. Weddings don’t just materialize out of thin air.”

“They should.” He’d muttered the words under his breath but straightened when he saw he had Ashley’s attention. Claire, thankfully, was busy looking through her binder again.

Ashley fiddled with an earring. “It’s not unusual for a bride and groom to have different views of what they each want in a wedding, but it helps to talk through those. I have a questionnaire here that might be useful.”

“Whatever Claire wants is fine.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, mon cher. This is your wedding too.”

He knew Claire meant it, but come on. He’d wear a clown costume and eat oysters for their wedding feast if she wanted him to—anything to secure the future of Campbell Wines.

He squeezed her hand. “Really.”

But Claire could be just as stubborn as he was. She looked back at Ashley. “I’d like to go through the questionnaire, please. That way, we can both make sure we are getting out of this what we want.”

He drew in a sharp breath at her phrasing. At times, he almost felt guilty for using Claire. But then he remembered this was what she wanted too. And they’d be happy together. Comfortable. She was gorgeous and business savvy and kind. What else could he really want in a life partner?

“Okay, then.” Flipping to a new page on her clipboard, Ashley studied it. A grimace passed over her face, but she quickly recovered. “What is the moment you knew you loved your fiancé?”

“That one is quite deep to begin, isn’t it?” Claire’s voice remained strong.

“Yes, sorry,” Ashley said. “Guess

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