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Book online «Bleeding Edge: Elliot Security (Elliot Security Series Book 2) Evie Mitchell (romantic novels in english .txt) 📖». Author Evie Mitchell

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breathing through the pain.

His hand brushed across my forehead, stroking my hair as he murmured comfortingly. The pain subsiding, I looked up meeting his warm, brown gaze.


I nodded.

“Do you have family?”


“Where are they?”

I squeezed his hand. “You’re right here.”

He blinked rapidly, his eyes watery. He sniffed twice, abruptly standing and shifting around the bed. He fussed with my blankets, pulling them about to tuck me in tighter.

“That’s right, baby girl. We’re right here.” He finished with the blanket, returning to the seat by the bed. He reached over, pulling my hand into his, a thumb gently stroking my palm. “We’ll be right here while you get better.”

Something inside me loosened. A little part of me warmed.

“I love you, Jarrett.”

“Love you too. Sleep now. We’ve got you.”

The nightmares closed in.

“Time to prove your worth, daughter of God.”

* * *


“She has an infection.”

I rubbed a hand over my face. Emmie had spent the last three hours vomiting. Her cheeks were flushed with fever, and her blood pressure had dropped. I felt like a useless prick as I held her vomit bag and rubbed her back while she retched painfully.

Three days. Three fucking days and she’d been through two surgeries, had pins holding her bones together, and now this?

Emmie slumped back, eyes closed, swallowing rapidly as she tried breathing through her nose.

“The last surgery was a success, but we did warn infection was a risk.” I didn’t trust this doctor. For one, he looked like a hipster. He should be serving lattes down at the café, not looking after a human being.

“What are our options?” I asked, handing the used vomit bag to a nurse. She handed me a new one, whisking it off to God knew where.

“We’ve already removed all the debris. This is just one of those pump the antibiotics, then wait and see moments.”

“Is it dangerous?” I asked, brushing a hand over Emmie’s clammy face, tucking loose hair behind her ears. She didn’t move, just lay there, eyes closed, breathing shallow pants.

“The infection doesn’t present an unreasonable risk at this time.”

“Then why the fuck is she so sick?” I couldn’t keep the frustration from my voice.

“Antibiotics need time to work.”

“Can’t you do something?”

“We’ve already given her anti-nausea medication. Until that works or the antibiotics kick in, we just have to ride it out.”

“Fuck.” I resumed rubbing circles across Emmie’s back

Dr. CJ checked his watch. “I have a surgery I need to prep for. Did you have any other questions or concerns?”

“Emmie?” I brushed a hand over her cheek. She shook her head, eyes still closed.

“We’re good,” I told him, pushing down the frustration. “Thanks.”

“My nurses will check on Ms Franklin. See you shortly, Emmie.” He patted her good leg, then turned, leaving the room.

I shook my head. “Kids shouldn’t be allowed to–”

Emmie let out a strangled choke, hands frantically reaching for the vomit bag. I thrust it in her face and she clutched the bag, retching painfully.

“The anti-nausea should kick in shortly,” the nurse told me, moving around the bed to assist. “She didn’t respond to our normal medication, but this one is stronger.”

Emmie slumped back, tears running down her face.

“I want to go home,” she whispered, sobs silently shaking her shoulders.

“I know.” I couldn’t do anything. I had nothing to offer. Impotent rage boiled in my veins.

“I’m just going to swap this bag out.” The nurse interrupted our moment. I stepped back, letting her work.

Emmie’s nausea appeared to subside as she flushed her IV.

“You’ll stay?” Emmie asked, her fingers clinging weakly to my wrist. I placed a hand over hers, soothing the tight muscles.

“Of course.”

She relaxed, letting go of my hand. “Thank you.”

It took an hour, but slowly she drifted, eventually falling into a restless sleep.


I lifted a finger to my lips, hushing Jarrett.

He made a sorry face, nodding as he stepped quietly into the room.

“She’s a fighter,” he whispered, squeezing my shoulder as he dropped into the chair beside mine. I slumped back, rubbing tired eyes. I’d spent the last hour hunched over a laptop attempting to get some work done while she slept.

“No question,” I agreed, frowning at my emails. I’d typed the same sentence three times. I sighed, hitting the delete button marginally harder than required.

“The case is ramping up,” Jarrett offered.

“Mm?” I gave up, closing the screen. “Tell me.”

“It’s definitely related to Jetta.”

“It’s been confirmed?”

“Not outright. But one of the bullets has the exact markings of one found at a drug shootout. The shootout was likened to Esso’s operation.”

“What’s Pax think?”

“Nothing yet. He’s not holding his breath.”

“But you think it’s the missing link.”

“It’s awfully coincidental.”

I rubbed my chin, beard catching on the rough skin of my thumb.

“This may be related to Jetta, but I’m not chancing it. We keep up the protection for Emmie.” When I wasn’t in the room, Jack or Jarrett were. There was no way in hell I’d leave her vulnerable.

“Agreed. Has she clued in yet?”

“No. Let’s keep it that way.”

Jarrett nodded. He rolled a paper coffee cup between his big hands, staring at it for a long moment.

“Her family…” he started.

“I’m on it.” I nodded, meeting his questioning look. “After we get her settled and Jetta safe. First priority.”

Jarrett nodded. “Good.”

Chapter Seven


My arse was at work, trying to get on top of emails. As much as I wanted to be there for Emmie, our work didn’t stop.

Pax knocked on my open office door. “Hey, can you take Jetta to the hospital?”

I tensed, immediately on alert. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Jetta just wants to see Emmie. I’d take her, but I got an emergency meeting with the people from White Dog Pictures. Ben’s covering Jetta, but White Dog is his client, so I want him back in the office to field the new bullshit these people are bound to throw up.” Pax frowned. “Why would you assume…?”

“The infection.”

“Jack’s with her now.”

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. “Dude, just because someone’s there doesn’t mean my responsibility ends.”

Pax’s mouth twisted down. “You’re not her keeper.”

I stood, reaching for my phone

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