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Book online «The Skull Warrior Yajat Sharma (best ereader for comics txt) 📖». Author Yajat Sharma

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a subduer of light. He would be impossible to defeat... unless...”

“Unless what?” the Scavenger asked.

“The scroll’s energy is harnessed,” Lynx explained.

“I do not understand,” Scavenger said, puzzled.

“Don’t worry. I will tell you how to harness the scroll’s energy but first, let us free the scroll from Urrax. I know a method, but that could be risky.”

“How risky?” Urrax asked tentatively.

“You might be badly hurt or may die. Best case scenario – you live, but unconscious for a few months. Worst case scenario – you die.”

“Excuse me?” Urrax squeaked out. “You have got to be joking.”

“This spell is no joke,” Lynx said, while perusing a dusty book. “The risk has to be taken.”

“There has to be another way,” Daniel said.

Lynx shook his head. “I don’t think so. Only a few people know this spell. Separating a scroll that has a lot of power requires too much energy. I will try my best to avoid an overflow of energy during the spell. It is the first time I am doing this.”

“I won’t allow you to do this,” Urrax said, backing away.

“No choice,” Lynx said. “There is no other way.”

“Wait!” James said. “I know what to do!”

He folded his sleeves. “I will use my Elemental Powers to blast the scroll off.”

Urrax nodded. “It’s better than a high risk of death.”

James closed his eyes and concentrated. He raised his hands and threw them forward.

Nothing happened.

“James, please let me!” Daniel said, stepping ahead. He too tried to summon some sharp branches but in vain.

“What is happening?” he said, starting to panic.

“Oh, please,” Matt said. “You all are useless.” He tried to call upon a gust of wind, but again, nothing happened.

“I think the scroll is providing some counter magic,” James said. “Yes, that must be it.”

“Then, if water doesn’t work,” Archer said, “fire has to. The scroll can’t block both at the same time.”

But his words proved in vain, as any fire refused to appear from Archer’s hands.

Before anyone could say anything, Lynx raised his hands, summoning the spell. Urrax realized what he was trying to do and quickly put his hand forward to block him.

Sparks flew from the scroll, and everyone ducked behind the tables.

There was a blast, and Urrax went flying. The scroll went in the opposite direction, falling on the table.

“I am sorry, I lost my patience,” Lynx said, getting up. He felt Urrax’s pulse. “He’s fine, just unconscious.” Then he said in a confused tone, “I don’t understand one thing. The spell was not even finished. I was only halfway through it. Maybe there was an overload of power or something due to my spell -”

The Scavenger frowned. “Urrax could have died.”

“Well, he didn’t,” Lynx shot back.

“Whatever, the risk was too high to be taken,” the Scavenger said.

“It’s no use crying over spilt milk.”

“What is happening?” Daniel broke into the conversation. “I was feeling somewhat empty not long ago, and now my Elemental Powers are not working? Are they somehow related?”

“Wait a minute,” Lynx said suddenly. “Did you meet the man who helped you discover your Elemental Powers?”

“Yes,” the Scavenger said. “We met Aronicle.”

“Did he place his hand on the children’s brains?” Lynx directed his question towards the Scavenger.

The Scavenger frowned. “No, the children’s skulls are unbroken.”

“Fool, I am talking about their heads!” Lynx said

“Oh, then yes, Aronicle did touch their heads. But then what?”

“By placing his hand on their heads, he took back their powers.” Lynx’s face wore an expression of pity. “I feel sorry, but their Elemental Powers are no more with them.”


Lynx closed his eyes and placed his hands, palms upturned, on Archer’s head. One by one, he did the same to James, Matt and Daniel.

As he touched Daniel’s head, his eyes opened, and he gasped. “I sense something in you.”

Daniel felt a spark of hope.

Lynx looked at the Scavenger, pointing towards Daniel. “Their Elemental Powers are gone. There is no easy way to say it. But this boy... I sense that there is a little left. A little... Can he use his Earth power to find some herbs or something that will cure his problem and that of the others? I think the arafflesia plant can help.”

“Daniel, you must try,” the Scavenger said. “Concentrate hard and see if you can find the arafflesia plant.”

“Okay.” Daniel closed his eyes and concentrated, but nothing came to his mind. He tried again, this time trying to locate the arafflesia plant.


He searched for a commonly available rose. But, to his frustration, nothing happened.

He opened his eyes and shook his head. “It’s of no use. I can’t find even a rose.”

The Scavenger turned to Lynx. “Could you be wrong about him?”

Lynx shook his head firmly. “No. I am sure that I felt a sense of power within Daniel. It must be very faint.”

Lynx moved towards a bookshelf. “Don’t worry. Let me find out if something can be done about the lost Elemental Powers of the children.”

Lynx started studying a parchment with a magnifying glass. Suddenly, he snapped his fingers and looked at the Scavenger. “Hmmm! I need to get some ingredients for my research. Archer and Matt, you need to go to the village of the Isle of the Beast. Here, take this list.” He handed a scrap of paper to them. “Get all the things mentioned here. And remember, if you see Aronicle, avoid him at all costs. Let me repeat myself. AVOID HIM AT ALL COSTS. Don’t let him touch you.”

“Don’t worry, I will go along with them and ensure that Aronicle doesn’t even come within a metre of them.” The Scavenger reached behind the chair he was sitting on and pulled out two swords, two bows and two quivers full of arrows. Matt and Archer quickly strapped themselves and waited.

Lynx raised his hand. “Please, sit back. You and James aren’t going anywhere.”

“You must be kidding,” the Scavenger said. “Three children out in the wild world alone? They will be killed.”

“Don’t assume things, Mr Scavenger. It’s two, not three. Daniel isn’t going with them

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