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Book online «In Over Her Head: An Anchor Island Novel Terri Osburn (good books to read in english txt) 📖». Author Terri Osburn

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to earn at least that. Just like I told Jackson.”

Not an answer to his question, but Nick let her slide. “Either way, thanks for giving them a chance.”

“I’m back,” Roxie said as she joined them. “Hey, Nick. How’s it going?”

“It’s good, Roxie. You ladies need a table?”

“We’re waiting for the others, but we could sit and wait. Table for seven.”

He turned back to the bar. “Georgette, bring seven menus over to table nine.”

“On my way,” the waitress replied as Nick led the customers to a large round booth in the center of the room. “Here you go. Georgette will take care of you.”

“Thanks,” Roxie said, plopping onto the red vinyl seat as Lauren sat down on the opposite side.

Before leaving them, Nick bent to whisper something only she could hear. “I’m around if you have any questions.”

Lauren scooted farther into the booth. “Thanks, but no thanks.”

He’d extended the branch. That was all he could do.

Georgette arrived and spread the menus around the table. “Can I get you ladies some drinks or do you want to wait?”

“I’ll take an iced tea,” Roxie replied, flipping a menu open.

“Okay, and you, hun?” she said to Lauren, who ignored the menu in front of her.

“Water, please.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Nick left the table with Georgette and once they were far enough away, the waitress whispered, “Isn’t that the new chef Will hired?”

“That’s her.”

“She seems so meek,” the waitress observed.

“She isn’t,” Nick said.

Georgette scoffed. “If you say so.”

They parted ways at the bar and Nick took a left toward the entrance to the kitchen. In the doorway, he glanced back to find Roxie talking up a storm and Lauren nodding along silently. As if sensing his gaze, her eyes cut his way. He couldn’t read her expression, but he got the sense she was asking for something. What, he didn’t know. His help? His silence? His early demise?

She looked away first and Nick stepped into the kitchen with one thought in mind. If she went down, so did Will and Randy, and whatever kitchen crew she brought on board. He’d be an ass to let that happen when he could do something about it.

Lauren Riley may not want his help, but she sure as hell needed it. For her sake, and for everyone else’s.

“You don’t need to worry about Nick,” Roxie said, causing Lauren to nearly stick the paper straw up her nose.

She lowered her water glass back to the table. “Excuse me?”

“He hits on everyone.”

“He does what?”

Roxie shook her head. “He hits on every woman he meets. It’s his thing.” When Lauren stared blankly, she added, “Unless you’re interested. I mean, I wouldn’t blame you. He’s gorgeous as hell and that bad boy vibe is tough for any red-blooded female to resist. If I hadn’t broken that habit when meeting Alex, I might have taken a ride on the Nick train myself, but I’m immune to him now.”

Lauren felt as if she were the one taking a ride. “I’m sorry. What are you talking about?”

Heavily lashed brown eyes cut to the bar and back. “Whatever he just whispered in your ear.”

“That wasn’t—”

“You don’t have to tell me what he said.” She focused on her menu. “I mean, I can imagine. If you’re game, then I say go for it.”

“Who’s going for what?” Will asked as she scooted into the booth opposite Lauren.

“The newbie is into Nick.”

“Really?” said a woman with a head full of curly hair.

“No, I—”

“Don’t forget the parachute,” muttered a tiny woman wearing oversized clothes who was quite possibly the most beautiful human Lauren had ever seen. She dropped down onto the seat and forced Lauren to scoot in. “That man has got to be carrying something.”

“That’s mean,” scolded the blonde who slid in next. “Nick is a nice guy. Mia says he doesn’t deserve that reputation.”

Another blonde who looked very similar to the first sat down on the other side of the table. “She’s his sister. She has to say that.”

Squeezed in next to Roxie, Lauren felt both overwhelmed and claustrophobic. When invited to a Sunday brunch with the girls, she’d accepted only because Roxie had refused to take no for an answer. She’d even tried backing out once learning the location, but the bossy brunette wouldn’t hear of it.

“You’re scaring our new friend,” Roxie said, silencing the chatter. “Time for introductions. You know Will,” she said, starting on her right. “Then we have Beth Chandler, my cousin and the nicest person you’ll ever meet. Next to her is Henri Bloom, who writes steamy books and is Callie’s cousin.” A slender black-tipped finger pointed to the person two down from Lauren. “That’s Callie Edwards, mother of three, including brand-new twins, and a total super woman. Sid is the one next to you,” she finished.

“Are you not going to say anything else about Sid?” Beth asked.

“Relax, curly,” the woman in question mumbled into her menu. “Rox is still pissed that my truck is faster than her car.”

“I had to slow down to avoid the cat,” Roxie argued.

“You shouldn’t have been racing in the first place,” Will pointed out.

“Weren’t we talking about Nick?” Sid said, reaching for the bucket of peanuts in the center of the table. When her arm proved too short to touch the rim, Callie moved the bucket closer. “Thanks,” the smaller woman said.

“He is attractive,” Beth pointed out. “Joe says he’s against commitment, though, so I’d be careful if you’re looking for more than a good time.”

All eyes turned to Lauren, who took several seconds to realize they were waiting for her to weigh in. “I’m not looking for anything. From Nick or anyone else.” A collective groan echoed around the table. “Did I say something wrong?”

Henri chuckled. “These ladies are all married and were hoping to live vicariously through you.”

“I’m not married,” Roxie corrected.

“You might as well be,” Beth said. “It’s nice to meet you, Lauren. Welcome to Anchor Island.”


Georgette returned to the table to take the newcomers’ drink orders, and everyone gave their food order as well since

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