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Book online «Protecting His Windflower (A Spirit Hunters Series Novel Book 1) Temperance Dawn (readict books .txt) 📖». Author Temperance Dawn

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himself a drink. As much as he wanted to, he quickly decided against the idea as it was just too early. He would wait until he saw his friends later that day.

Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he sent a group text message to his teammates.

Liam: Trey, I need a favor. Remember I told you about the woman who moved in downstairs? There’s been some weird shit happening. Something’s going on here in the house.

Trey: What’s up?

Liam: Too much to type. I need you to see if you can come up with anything on the history of this house. You’re better at this shit than I am. And the sooner, the better if you can swing it.

Trey was Liam’s right-hand man. He wasn’t only his friend but also his teammate and fellow co-founder of their paranormal investigation company. He’d always been able to rely on Trey for anything. They’d known each other since elementary school, and they were as close as brothers.

And then there was Luke, who Liam and Trey had met during high school. He was their tech guy and maintained all of the equipment for the team. The three of them started investigating together during their senior year of high school. Trey was a history buff and was in charge of all the research when they did an investigation. Liam was a paranormal enthusiast, and he’d been infatuated with anything that had to do with ghosts and hauntings since he was a boy. Luke kept up to date on all of the latest investigation technology and even worked closely with a friend, who was a scientist and help develop new ghost hunting tools.

One day, while watching a ghost investigation show on TV together, they came up with the idea of starting their own investigation business. They called themselves The Spirit Hunters and traveled together after graduating high school, investigating the paranormal in different locations throughout the country.

They mostly dealt with large locations that had historical significance, like old hotels, abandoned hospitals, and prisons. Every now and then, they would receive a call from a residential location. Those were the calls that were always made the team’s number one priority.

As he was scrolling through his contacts to pull up Phil’s number, a text came through with Trey’s response.

Trey: No problem. I’ll get right on it. Off the top of my head, because I know you’re wondering, I can’t think of any crazy stuff that ever happened in that neck of the woods. But I’ll see if I can pull up any public records on the place. Maybe something happened that never hit the news. Has anything significant happened since you talked to us last night?

Not wanting to go into too much detail through text, Liam responded with:

Liam: Thanks. Appreciate it. I’d really rather sit down and talk to you two in person. What are you doing today? Can you meet me at the Cliff House in an hour?

His phone chimed.

Luke: I’ll be there, brother.

Trey: See you in a bit.

Closing the text app and going back into his contacts, Liam found Phil’s number and pressed the call button. It rang with no answer, only sending him to voicemail. Of course, when he needed information, the old man didn’t answer. After cursing, he composed himself and left Phil a message saying that he needed him to call him back as soon as possible. It had to do with the house, and he needed information.

In the bathroom, he picked up his electric beard trimmer and ran it along his facial hair. He preferred the mustache and beard but kept them closely shaved. He caught his reflection in the mirror and was taken back to the night before. When he had first seen Emily, his breath caught in his chest. At first, he chalked it all up to her beauty. Her golden-brown eyes were captivating. He wanted to reach out and caress her ivory skin. A part of him knew how silky it would feel under his fingertips. The thought of running his fingers through her dark brown locks of hair swept through his mind. There had been an overwhelming feeling that he was seeing a long lost friend and not just meeting someone for the first time.

As busy as he had been traveling, he had not really noticed women lately. In fact, the concept of dating hadn’t entered his mind in quite some time. He had convinced himself the night before that was the reason he felt drawn to her.

But after seeing Emily this morning, there was no doubt in his mind as to who she was. It wasn’t just her beauty. Though she was absolutely breathtaking. It was her presence, her energy. Her soft, sultry voice…

Shaking his head, Liam jumped in the shower and continued to get ready. Before leaving his flat, he checked his phone again, but there was still no response from Phil, so he sent a text to the team, letting them know he was leaving. Once on the main level of the house, he knocked on Emily’s door softly so as not to startle her. He worried he’d woken her because she looked groggy when she answered the door. “Hey,” Liam said. “I have to head out and talk to my team. I called Phil, but he didn’t pick up, so I left him a message to call me back.”


“Will you be alright alone? I can have the guys meet me here, so you’re not alone in the building.”

Emily smiled and let out a sexy giggle. “Yes. I’ll be fine. Go, see your friends. Don’t worry. I can take care of myself.” Emily’s smile turned into a grin, revealing a dimple on her cheek, just below her left eye.

“I’m positive you can. I just wanted to be sure.” Liam reached in his back pocket, pulled out a business card from his wallet, and handed it to Emily. “Here. My cell number is on there. If anything happens, anything at all, you call me. Okay?”

Emily’s hand lightly

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