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Book online «Toe to Toe (On Pointe Book 1) Penelope Freed (funny books to read .TXT) 📖». Author Penelope Freed

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a few of them, I just don’t care that much about them either way.

“Oh, yeah. Uh, hi,” I stammer. Jesus Hannah, get it together. “Yeah, I’m Hannah, nice to meet you. So how come we’re having to go on this date with them?” Oh god, that sounds awful, I cough, stumbling over my words. “Sorry! I meant, not that I don’t want to go, I just, uh, wondered, uh…why.” Way to be cool Hannah. I can feel my cheeks turning bright red, my ears on fire. Curse my fair Irish coloring. Luck of the Irish my butt.

Trevor grins. “My family and I are going home tomorrow morning, and Tyler had to spend all day at practice. It was either cancel the date and hang out with our parents and my little sister tonight, or bring me along. I guess Olivia wasn’t interested in having me along as a third wheel.” When he smiles his eyes sort of crinkle up, it’s cute. “So I guess your friend took matters into her own hands.”

“Didn’t you have to go back to school this week? We did.”

“Na, I go back on Monday.” I see Olivia beckoning us over to Tyler’s car and I walk over to see what she wants.

“Ready? The movie starts pretty soon,” Tyler says. “We can all ride in my car.” Tyler’s black BMW is spotless, the envy of pretty much every guy, and girl, at school. The little red Mitsubishi Lancer I share with my mom? Not so much.

“I think I’d rather drive my own car. I can’t stay out super late,” I hear myself say.

“It’s cool, I’ll ride with Hannah,” Trevor says, and starts walking back to my car. Olivia looks ecstatic, this is obviously going even better than she imagined. I hurry to catch up, Trevor is easily six feet tall and my 5'4" legs have to jog to keep up. Sliding into the driver’s seat, I hurriedly shove everything back into my purse off the passenger seat. A pointe shoe tumbles to the floor and I dive for it just as Trevor starts to sit down. My arm slams into his thigh and my forehead lands with a thunk against his shoulder. That is a solid shoulder.

“Ow! Oh god are you—”

“Are you okay?” Trevor asks, concern written all over his face. His dirty Vans are currently crushing my shoe and my head is spinning. I sit back against my own seat, eyes closed, and wait for the world to stop.

“Yeah, I’m okay,” I say, pinching the bridge of my nose. “Can you get my pointe shoe please? You’re squishing it.” My shoe. I pray he hasn’t crushed it. My old shoes were too dead to wear anymore and I haven’t saved up enough money to buy another new pair, buying this pair cleaned out all my Christmas money. “I’m okay, really,” I add, opening one eye.

Trevor is busy rubbing his shoulder and examining his thigh. I hadn’t noticed that he was wearing shorts. Who wears shorts in January? “Do you have a Band-Aid?” he asks, turning his head to look at me. That’s when I notice the bright red line running down his thigh. “I don’t think it’s too deep,” Trevor hurriedly says. I am so mortified, my nails must have cut his leg as I was reaching to save my shoe. If my cheeks weren’t scarlet before, they are now.

But Band-Aids I know I have. I grab my purse and start rummaging through it. “Yeah, I do, somewhere,” I say, head buried in the bag. I keep my head down while I look, willing my face to go back to its normal ghost-like white. Something flies over my head and lands on the backseat with a thump. It must be my shoe. “Here, I found one.” I hand it over, still embarrassed.

“Thanks,” Trevor says, taking it from me. He carefully peels it open and puts it over the deepest part of the scratch. It’s pretty long, about 3 inches really, but only one section is deep enough to be bleeding. My head feels better so I start the engine and buckle my seatbelt. As I start to pull away from the curb Trevor chuckles and says, “I mean, if you really didn’t want to go on the date you could have said something, you didn’t have to stab me.”

I blush again. “No no, that’s not it. I just didn’t know. Um.” One day, one day I’ll speak in actual sentences. “I, uh, thought you were younger.” I fizzle, hoping Trevor won’t guess the truth.

“Younger? Like, fifteen? That’s not that bad is it?” Trevor asks.

I swallow. “Um, a little younger than that.” This is so embarrassing. I’m gonna kill Olivia when I see her.

“Younger? Why would Tyler and Olivia go on a double date with…Oh!” Trevor starts laughing, getting louder and louder. Okay, it’s not that funny. My ears are burning again and my cheeks are on fire. “You thought you were babysitting me?” Trevor keeps laughing as my shoulders creep up to my ears, embarrassment coursing through me. “Disappointed?” he asks.

Honestly, I kind of am. I was looking forward to sewing my shoes for tomorrow and earning some money. I can’t tell Trevor that, he already thinks I’m a clumsy idiot. “Not really.” I say, checking for cars at the stop sign. Tyler and Olivia are way ahead of us, not having to bandage each other up before they left the house.

“Not really? Geez, I’m flattered.” Trevor chuckles, but I think he might be a little mad. His laugh sounds a little fake. Not that I blame him, I would be mad.

“Sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that!” I say quickly. “I just meant, I was planning to sew my shoes and I’m really tired from dance today.” I must sound like such a dork to Trevor. “I mean, this is fine, I just wasn’t expecting it. That’s all,” I finish lamely.

“Hey,” Trevor’s voice is quiet, “it’s cool Hannah. I wasn’t exactly planning to

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