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Book online Ā«Captain Blood Rafael Sabatini (story books for 5 year olds .TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author Rafael Sabatini

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hands, they were themselves in the main a little confused as to what really had happened, the crew of the Arabella practised reticence with their brethren in Tortuga during those two days before Wolverstoneā€™s arrival. But they were not reticent enough to prevent the circulation of certain uneasy rumours and extravagant stories of discreditable adventuresā ā€”discreditable, that is, from the buccaneering point of viewā ā€”of which Captain Blood had been guilty.

But that Wolverstone came when he did, it is possible that there would have been an explosion. When, however, the Old Wolf cast anchor in the bay two days later, it was to him all turned for the explanation they were about to demand of Blood.

Now Wolverstone had only one eye; but he saw a deal more with that one eye than do most men with two; and despite his grizzled headā ā€”so picturesquely swathed in a green and scarlet turbanā ā€”he had the sound heart of a boy, and in that heart much love for Peter Blood.

The sight of the Arabella at anchor in the bay had at first amazed him as he sailed round the rocky headland that bore the fort. He rubbed his single eye clear of any deceiving film and looked again. Still he could not believe what it saw. And then a voice at his elbowā ā€”the voice of Dyke, who had elected to sail with himā ā€”assured him that he was not singular in his bewilderment.

ā€œIn the name of Heaven, is that the Arabella or is it the ghost of her?ā€

The Old Wolf rolled his single eye over Dyke, and opened his mouth to speak. Then he closed it again without having spoken; closed it tightly. He had a great gift of caution, especially in matters that he did not understand. That this was the Arabella he could no longer doubt. That being so, he must think before he spoke. What the devil should the Arabella be doing here, when he had left her in Jamaica? And was Captain Blood aboard and in command, or had the remainder of her hands made off with her, leaving the Captain in Port Royal?

Dyke repeated his question. This time Wolverstone answered him.

ā€œYeā€™ve two eyes to see with, and ye ask me, whoā€™s only got one, what it is ye see!ā€

ā€œBut I see the Arabella.ā€

ā€œOf course, since there she rides. What else was you expecting?ā€

ā€œExpecting?ā€ Dyke stared at him, open-mouthed. ā€œWas you expecting to find the Arabella here?ā€

Wolverstone looked him over in contempt, then laughed and spoke loud enough to be heard by all around him. ā€œOf course. What else?ā€ And he laughed again, a laugh that seemed to Dyke to be calling him a fool. On that Wolverstone turned to give his attention to the operation of anchoring.

Anon when ashore he was beset by questioning buccaneers, it was from their very questions that he gathered exactly how matters stood, and perceived that either from lack of courage or other motive Blood, himself, had refused to render any account of his doings since the Arabella had separated from her sister ships. Wolverstone congratulated himself upon the discretion he had used with Dyke.

ā€œThe Captain was ever a modest man,ā€ he explained to Hagthorpe and those others who came crowding round him. ā€œItā€™s not his way to be sounding his own praises. Why, it was like this. We fell in with old Don Miguel, and when weā€™d scuttled him we took aboard a London pimp sent out by the Secretary of State to offer the Captain the Kingā€™s commission if so be himā€™d quit piracy and be oā€™ good behaviour. The Captain damned his soul to hell for answer. And then we fell in wiā€™ the Jamaica fleet and that grey old devil Bishop in command, and there was a sure end to Captain Blood and to every motherā€™s son of us all. So I goes to him, and ā€˜accept this poxy commission,ā€™ says I; ā€˜turn Kingā€™s man and save your neck and ours.ā€™ He took me at my word, and the London pimp gave him the Kingā€™s commission on the spot, and Bishop all but choked hisself with rage when he was told of it. But happened it had, and he was forced to swallow it. We were Kingā€™s men all, and so into Port Royal we sailed along oā€™ Bishop. But Bishop didnā€™t trust us. He knew too much. But for his lordship, the fellow from London, heā€™d haā€™ hanged the Captain, Kingā€™s commission and all. Blood would haā€™ slipped out oā€™ Port Royal again that same night. But that hound Bishop had passed the word, and the fort kept a sharp lookout. In the end, though it took a fortnight, Blood bubbled him. He sent me and most oā€™ the men off in a frigate that I bought for the voyage. His gameā ā€”as heā€™d secretly told meā ā€”was to follow and give chase. Whether thatā€™s the game he played or not I canā€™t tell ye; but here he is afore me as Iā€™d expected he would be.ā€

There was a great historian lost in Wolverstone. He had the right imagination that knows just how far it is safe to stray from the truth and just how far to colour it so as to change its shape for his own purposes.

Having delivered himself of his decoction of fact and falsehood, and thereby added one more to the exploits of Peter Blood, he enquired where the Captain might be found. Being informed that he kept his ship, Wolverstone stepped into a boat and went aboard, to report himself, as he put it.

In the great cabin of the Arabella he found Peter Blood alone and very far gone in drinkā ā€”a condition in which no man ever before remembered to have seen him. As Wolverstone came in, the Captain raised bloodshot eyes to consider him. A moment they sharpened in their gaze as he brought his visitor into focus. Then he laughed, a loose, idiot laugh, that yet somehow was

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