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Book online «Forever Hers Walters, Ednah (best novels for teenagers .TXT) 📖». Author Walters, Ednah

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read the address then showed it to Rod.

“I know where it is. Come on, Hailey. We’re not losing sight of Reither or that box. Call me if you need me at the meeting, detective.”

“No, I got it covered.” Eddie opened the door for Amy, waited until she was seated then walked around the hood and slipped behind the wheel. He didn’t start the engine. He reached out and caressed her cheek. “You okay?”

“She pulled a gun on me, Eddie. I thought I was helping her, opening her eyes to who Nolan really was.”

Anger slammed through him. He was going to make that meeting just to rip Agent Ross a new one. No one pulled a gun on Amy. Then the last thing she had said registered. “Helping her? How?”

By the time she finished explaining what she had tried to do, he was laughing. It was either that or throttle her. He had no idea how she managed to stay so tenderhearted after all the crap she’d been through.

He kissed her then started the engine. “Let’s go back to the hotel.”

“Then we go to Agent Ross’s hotel?”

“No, sweetheart. I will go and meet with Agent Ross.”

He was surprised when Amy didn’t argue, which was telling. The agent must have really scared her. Her silence continued until they reached the hotel.

“Let’s check on the girls,” she said.

They peeked through the glass panel of the door leading to the indoor pool and watched Raelynn, Lori and about four guys having a good time. Wherever his sister was, guys tended to flock like scavengers. He didn’t get it. She was so bratty.

“Do you want me to tell them to head upstairs?” he asked.

Amy shook her head. “No. Raelynn can stay up late this once. Look at her. She’s having so much fun. Come on, we need to talk.”

That didn’t sound good. Upstairs in their room, she turned and faced him, her expression serious but calm. But the way she played with the strap of her purse told a different story.

“Tell the FBI everything you know and let them take over this case,” Amy said.

“Why? We’re close to getting Nolan.”

“I know, but I also know he’s cold and calculating. He’s murdered two people and he’s still a free man, Eddie. What if he decides to kill again, go down taking as many people as he can? You could get hurt.” She blinked rapidly. “When I thought he’d loved Penelope so much and tried to replace her with me, I felt a little sorry for him. Now, I think he killed her because she rejected him. He’s crazy and I’m scared of what he’ll do when cornered.”

Eddie gripped her arms and looked into her eyes. “First, I made you and Raelynn a promise, which I mean to keep. I must see this through. Second, I have too much to live for to let him take me out. I plan to be a devoted husband to you and a father to Raelynn and her brothers and sisters.”

She laughed, her eyes shining with unshed tears. “Brothers and sisters?”

“Twins run in our family.”

“You haven’t asked me to marry you yet, and I haven’t said yes,” she reminded him.

“I plan to once this mess is behind us and after I meet your parents and talk to your father. We Fitzgeralds have traditions we hold dear and one of them is meeting the parents and having the talk. Oh, and I will need a ring too, so do you think you can wait?”

“For as long as it takes,” she whispered.

He felt calmer than he’d ever felt in his entire adult life. Amy was home. Loving her was what he was meant to do.

“I love you, Amy.”

She reached up and touched his face, her hand so gentle, her gaze so intense as though she was seeing him for the first time. “I love you, Eddie.”

He moved from her hand and went to place the DO NOT DISTURB sign outside the door. If Lori came upstairs, she would understand. Then he turned and walked to his woman, the love of his life, and kissed her, slowly. Her lips parted to welcome him.

Carefully, he lifted her and carried her to the bed and removed her clothes, pausing to taste every inch of skin. He pulled off her boots and removed her garter belt then slowly rolled off the stockings, kissing her skin until he got to her toes. The lushness of her body never failed to take his breath away, but tonight, the love shining in her eyes held him captive as he stripped.

There were no more barriers between them, no more fears. Just love between a man and a woman meant to be together. There was something different about their joining. With every thrust, he gave her a piece of his soul. When her movement grew frantic, he was there with her, giving, taking. With their hands joined and their eyes locked, they exploded at the same time, two parts of a whole.

He gathered her in his arms, kissed her forehead and moved lower to claim her lips in a languid affirmation of their feelings. He didn’t want to leave and the way her arms tightened when he moved said she felt the same way. It was a while before he stirred.

“I have to make the meeting with Agent Ross.”

“I know.”  She cupped his face and gave him a sweet, gentle kiss. “Come back to me.”


The door to the motel room opened before Eddie knocked. A dark-haired man glared at him. “Yes?”

“I’m here about Nolan Reither,” Eddie said. He held the note Agent Ross had given Amy.

“Where’s Ms. Kincaid?”

“Where’s Agent Ross?

“Let him in,” a female voice called from inside the room. The male agent stepped aside and held the door open for Eddie.

Agent Ross was on the phone. “Leave them alone for now. I’ll call you in a few minutes.” She hung up and studied Eddie with piercing brown eyes. The blue contacts and wig she’d worn

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